He did not expect that dick would study such a strange thing. Does it have any meaning? He couldn't figure it out. In short, this grab that could turn any object into a crab finally escaped the fate of being crushed by Ye Feng's foot. Ye Feng thought, maybe this kind of thing is really very important. If a terrible weapon aims at aliens and turns them into a crab, it may play an absolute role at some time.

It's just that the design range of this gun is too wide. After the coconut wind test, it was only two or three meters away. Once it exceeded this distance, the gun would not work at all. In short, Ye Feng had a headache one after another for things that were unreliable. He crushed those that didn't work at all, and classified those that could work a little according to their tested uses. Scattered in. He and the other two orcs don't know what these things can do except increase the load? But nothing is better than nothing. For them, they must grasp everything, and they must strive for anything.

Their biggest enemy is not alien soldiers, but lack of self-confidence. Fear is solved with them all the time, but self-confidence has been reduced day by day. Every minute is getting smaller. Ye Feng doesn't know what the way out is. Will he die with these alien soldiers? Can you do that? He felt very confused. In his current state with DiCaprio and Tucker, even if they met a single alien soldier, could they really kill him? The big question in Ye Feng's heart, he doesn't know.

At present, outside the forest, he doesn't know what has become on the whole planet? Has the alien fleet broken through Dick's defense system and came to the surface of the planet? Are there more alien soldiers cleaning up all the orcs on the planet? He didn't know what had happened, but he knew that the situation would be worse than he thought.

Tucker was almost silent, DiCaprio was always frowning, and Ye Feng didn't have the desire to talk to them. Now he just wanted to go back to his home to take a hot bath, eat pizza, and finally sleep, but such a plain request seemed so far away at the moment. Can he ever go home? Can you get out of this crisis? He didn't know, and even stopped asking. The fate of the planet has been firmly linked with him. Because of his skin, those aliens will not hesitate to hunt him. If he was a human, perhaps the other party will want to get something from him or conduct human experiments on him, but at this time, he is just one of thousands of ordinary orcs, The alien soldier won't even explain the time to him. He will only blow his head off the moment he sees him.

This dilemma of no support, no help and no guidance lies in front of Ye Feng. They can continue to take steps, which is the greatest courage at present. They can't stop and accept the fate of death and failure, so they can only move forward. Although they have no goal, they must move forward step by step, Maybe there will be a way out ahead, but such beliefs are slowly weakening. At the moment, they are just mechanically moving their legs, trying to go where, but they don't know where it is and where it is.

Confusion, helplessness, despair and other negative emotions are shrouded in the hearts of the three people. They can only keep walking and refuse to think. Otherwise, they are worried that they will end their lives with their weapons. Similar ideas have flashed in Ye Feng's mind for countless times from time to time, but in the end, he shook his head and clenched his teeth, because he knows, Death can bring temporary relief, but it will not play any role. It is not a coward, so he has to face the bleakness of life.

Fortunately, not all the things they encountered were disappointed. They finally found a group of orcs who still had fighting spirit, perhaps a group of angry orcs. In fact, there are still such orcs. Although there are few, they gradually unite together. When Ye Feng leads DiCaprio and tucker to find them. A group of people get together and talk to each other. There is no dialogue. They understand the stubbornness in their eyes. Because of this stubbornness, they don't intend to give up. There are not many orcs, less than 100 in total. They hide in deep mountains and forests in an attempt to do something that can kill the enemy.

They tried to set traps, but with little success. The individual combat ability of those alien soldiers was far beyond their imagination. Perhaps they were not Orc opponents one-on-one without equipment blessing, but with that height of scientific and technological equipment, even one of ten was difficult to cause fatal damage to them, With the weapons and in his hand like a burning stick. They fight each other, and they can't even break their defense. Moreover, alien soldiers know very well that they are memory martyrs of outsiders. They never enter areas that have not been detected alone. They are at least a four person team. Generally speaking, such teams will not act alone, but several teams will explore in the same area together. Generally speaking, they encounter similar situations, Even if they are angry, these beasts can only retreat. Before they found it, they quickly left the area, but the other party's investigation scope was obviously much larger than them. According to their own words, at the beginning, they had nearly 400 orcs, but before long, only these were left. The rest were either captured alive or shot dead on the spot by aliens. In fact, their results are nothing more than a dead word.

Ye Feng and DiCaprio accidentally found several familiar faces among these acquaintances. These orcs have a deep friendship with DiCaprio, so when they see them, DiCaprio is overjoyed. He almost cries, smiles and hugs with these acquaintances. When he sees this scene, other orcs feel happy and sad. Ye Feng knows the reason for their sadness, Most of the friends these orcs know have died in the past catastrophe. They can survive, not because they are the best, but just because of good luck. In the face of this disaster, no Orc can face it calmly, even if they are a group of heartless and heartless big heads, However, when they face too many life and death, it is inevitable that sadness will spread in their hearts. It is precisely because of these things that they refuse to give up, refuse to wait to die, and dream of a desperate fight with the enemy

。 Ye Feng looked at these beasts, and the people looked at the anger buried in their eyes. He knew very well that these orcs would die one after another in the next period of time. They might die meaninglessly, or they might die miserably, but it didn't matter that most of these people ended up just dying. Maybe the case was meaningless and was one of them? Ye Feng didn't know. He only knew that since he was dead, why not fight with the enemy? Even if they only cause a little pain to the enemy, even if they can only slap in the face, those must be done, because they are soldiers, they are fighting races, and they will never surrender without fighting.

After becoming an orc, we explored our way of thinking together, and there were some slight changes. At ordinary times, he can't detect it, but at this moment, he can still detect the change in his state of mind with his former self. In the face of such a situation, he must not think about how to resist the enemy, but how to preserve himself. But at this time, he still had similar ideas, but the idea of seriously injuring the enemy was extremely powerful, which ran through his mind and made him unwilling to give up.

Just what should I do? He could not imagine that the bag carrying the items made by dick on his back was already 1 / 3 smaller, and the lost 1 / 3 was the items he determined to be meaningless, which had been trampled by her. Losing these things could not play any role except carrying weight. Therefore, Ye Feng also felt that despair was rising day by day. He did not know that he had spent so much twists and turns, Will these things get a little effect? If they are all broken, what should they do?

DiCaprio walked over and interrupted Ye Feng's meditation. He said to Ye Feng, "brother Ye Feng, we have come up with a good idea. Listen to it."

"Say it." although Ye Feng was not interested, he still looked up at DiCaprio. Now, any suggestions are worth listening to, because they are desperate.

"Well, brother Ye Feng, we remember one thing, but it has been decades since now, so it's still unknown whether it can eventually become our next destination, but I think it's good to have at least one goal."

"It's been decades. What are you talking about?"

"It's the alien ship that dick took when he came to this planet."

"Alien spacecraft? Didn't Dick find the planet himself?"

"It shouldn't be." DiCaprio shook his head and said, "I've heard some legends that he had already died. It's said that when Dick came, he was an extremely huge alien ship, but when Dick came out of the ship, everyone in the ship had died. Listen to the older generation, It seems that Dick was captured by that group of aliens, and then he made something that forced the ship to land on the planet. Since then, Dick knew the existence of the planet. "

"You mean Dick didn't find it by himself, but because of an accidental discovery. Is this the case with this planet? Dicabrio, if so, things will be a little interesting. If we can find the wreckage of the ship at that time, we may be able to find something we can use from it, even if decades have passed However, for spaceships traveling in space, these times are only a small matter, and the system inside may still work normally. "

"Brother Ye Feng, that's what we mean, so we want to discuss with you. Shall we go there directly next?"

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