Although he doesn't want to be separated from DiCaprio and Tucker, Ye Feng knows that if the three are concentrated together, it will be a great waste of resources. If they lead a team respectively, they may be able to deal with the crisis more calmly. Thinking of this, Ye Feng divides the team into four groups, he, DiCaprio Tucker led a group, and the other group was carried out by a group of orcs who knew each other.

After they made a simple plan, they confirmed the details of the plan, and then allocated enough emergency food. Then the four teams began to take action. They first determined the search direction, and then set foot on different corridors. The corridors in the waste area of the spaceship are like a maze, extending in all directions, with many forks, In order to find back to the original position, they marked symbols at each fork of the road, which has prevented them from entering the lost situation. If the spacecraft loses its direction this week, it may encounter more dangerous things.

In short, Ye Feng led less than ten orcs. On an unknown journey, the corridor is not very spacious, that is, the distance that can accommodate up to two orcs walking side by side, which is very common in spaceships. After all, every space of spaceships is very important. It is the best thing to leave more space for system equipment. For people, the storage space should be compressed as much as possible. There is no doubt, The area of these cabins is very small. Even if it may be difficult to turn over because the orcs lie flat, this is the rest of the crew. After observing the room, Ye Feng concluded that the surrounding area where they are located should be the residential area of low-level crew. The rooms here are next to each other, and all of them are the structure of upper, middle and lower parts. One room can accommodate three people for rest, but there is no space when they turn around.

Letting people with claustrophobia live in may be a more painful torture than death. During the search, Ye Feng always kept a high vigilance. She knew very well that since the orcs knew that other creatures might also use them as some kind of nest, it was true. In these rooms, Ye Feng found many alien creatures they had never seen before, Some of these things are as big as large canines, and some are only the size of a palm. In short, these creatures have formed their ecosystem here, which is not a good thing for maple leaf intruders.

The creatures who must have lived here for many years do not regard leaf maple as friendly guests. On the contrary, they deal with them in a very cruel way. At the beginning, after several encounters, several Orc soldiers under Ye Feng were attacked by these creatures, and some even lost half of their arms seriously. These creatures are extremely cruel, but Ye Feng has no weapons to kill them. He can only fight them with his bare hands.

These things have obviously evolved into another way of predation. They usually don't have eyes. Leaf maple can't find eye like organs on their heads, but their sense of smell is very sensitive. Their hearing is the same. Even if ye maple and his line of orcs move carefully, they will always be detected by these creatures.

They will ambush to the best hunting position and harass them, so that leaf maple will not tire of them. When searching a room, they found several laser weapons that can still be used. This weapon similar to a pistol can also be launched. Although it is not powerful, it can already be used for self-defense. In this way, Ye Feng was relieved that they had weapons in their hands and could at least deal with the enemy, rather than passively defend.

Ye Feng gave these pistols to the strongest only selling Union in the team, and she kept some of them herself, although she could not guarantee that everyone would be equipped. However, after having a few weapons in their hands, they can deal with those creatures more freely. When Ye Feng is late, they have the laser weapons in their hands. After that, these creatures seem to have reached a certain consensus. Instead of rashly attacking Ye Feng, they linger around them. Yes, even if they can't see the existence of these creatures, Ye Feng can still feel that there are creatures peeping at himself and ready to show their profits to erase himself. This feeling is very uncomfortable, Being regarded as prey is a very intolerable thing for Ye Feng, as are other orcs. If it was normal, even if they were alone, they could kill all these monsters, but at the moment they are not equipped and their spirit is not very good, so they can only bear it silently.

In addition to finding several weapons and equipment that can still be used, coconut wind also found some food that made them ecstatic. Of course, these things are not delicious, but at least they are much more delicious than the almost tasteless emergency food they have been using all this time. However, these foods may be in danger of deterioration. They immediately ate them and simply stored them directly in a similar toothpaste. The food in the container hasn't completely deteriorated. They haven't had diarrhea or food poisoning after eating. After returning to calm, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but when they saw the real object, everyone was like crazy. Even Ye Feng himself fell into a new round of madness. Later on, He realized that he was on the verge of mental collapse at any time, so he was so ecstatic about a little harvest.

This is a very dangerous situation. For Ye Feng, if he enters this mental state, it means that the current situation can't be worse. This situation usually means that Ye Feng may collapse at any time and produce unexpected results due to a small accident at any time.

At least for Ye Feng at the moment, he is really not suitable for any great sorrow and joy. But that's what happens. The more you fear, the more you will come.

After walking for nearly a day, Ye Feng began to think about returning for a while, but just now, when he was thinking carefully, an orc in his team suddenly made a startling cry, which attracted the attention of others. Although he was a little upset, after all, for more than a day, These beasts were like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden for the first time. Almost every once in a while, they would scream loudly, but he still had to stand up and try to cheer up to see what great things had happened.

Although it may only have found some personal belongings of the previous ship crew.

But the situation is not consistent with Ye Feng's imagination. In the place surrounded by the orcs, Ye Feng saw something unexpected: something similar to a log.

This thing, which looks like a palm sized display, is very light and thin. It doesn't look as thick as Ye Feng's fingernail. What's more, it's still shining slightly. There's no doubt that it can run and use.

"Brother Ye Feng, what do you think this is? Can you eat it?" an orc asked.

"You know how to eat!" another ORC with obviously more normal brain scolded, "this is obviously some kind of instrument, brother Ye Feng, am I right?" it flattered Ye Feng with a smile.

Ignoring the flattering smile of the orc who can make the child stop crying, Ye Feng stretched out his hand and carefully picked up the display screen from the ground. To his relief, this should not be a trap. At least nothing happened when he touched the little thing.

Ignoring the whispers of a group of orcs around him, Ye Feng put it in front of him and looked at it carefully. He was almost sure that this thing should be some kind of handheld terminal, which should store important information about the spacecraft. The current problem was that he didn't know how to start it.

"Damn it, how should this thing be opened?" Ye Feng muttered.

What shocked him happened. The handheld terminal in his hand responded to his whisper, and the light on the screen became dazzling. After a flash of something that should be the startup animation, the interface of the handheld terminal in his hand became something Ye Feng could not understand, but it was obviously an interactive interface.

Staring at the alien text on the screen, Ye Feng shook his head reluctantly and said to the handheld terminal, "can you change it into a text I can understand?"

From the reaction just now, Ye Feng determined that this little thing could at least understand the meaning of his words. Therefore, when he saw that all the words displayed on the screen were words he could understand, Ye Feng was not much surprised. Instead, he kept holding his breath and staring at his group of orcs, one by one making deafening cheers, which made Ye Feng very upset.

Yelled at the orcs who didn't look at the atmosphere. Ye Feng was satisfied and turned his attention back to the handheld terminal. In his opinion, this thing may be the most important treasure he has found so far. Although it wasn't discovered by him, it's not important. What's important is that he can get some valuable information inside.

To Ye Feng's great surprise, although the interactive interface is different from the technology he has used before, he has not encountered too many difficulties with the handheld terminal in his hand during his use. It seems that the other party's scientific and technological level is very high, so considering various conditions, at least in Ye Feng's view, this thing is priceless.

Through the log information on the handheld terminal, Ye Feng finally knew clearly that the ship had run aground on the orc Planet: 253 years.

In other words, Dick, that old bastard, made a big fuss on this ship 253 years ago. Ye Feng didn't feel much surprised at this message. He knew that Dick had lived for a long time and was an old monster, but as for his real age, Ye Feng didn't care, just as he didn't care about his age. He has always said that psychological age is the most important. If he thinks he is young, he will always be young.

Like Dick, an old bastard who is hundreds of years old is still unreliable. Therefore, age and maturity are not equal. Some people are still unreliable even when they die.

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