After several twists and turns, it took an hour for the people to finally come to the warehouse. Ye Feng unlocked the door of the warehouse with a handheld terminal, and then ordered the orcs to go in immediately. After making sure that everyone entered the warehouse, Ye Feng closed the door of the warehouse tightly with a handheld terminal. It was impossible to open it with brute force from the outside.

Entering this relatively safe place, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They fell to the ground one after another and began the high-intensity trek before rest. Moreover, they were still in a state of mental tension and consumed their physical strength. Almost all orcs looked exhausted, including Ye Feng.

DiCaprio and tucker appeased the orcs around and immediately came to Ye Feng. They began to discuss a series of abnormal situations that had happened before. Ye Feng ordered people to bring the strange Orc body all the way, so the three people came to the body and began to discuss with each other.

"Brother Ye Feng, what do you think is going on?" DiCaprio asked first. Ye Feng stared at the body in front of him. Meditate for a moment and say: "Maybe some orcs got lost after entering the area of the spaceship, and then had to survive in the area of the spaceship. Over time, they evolved their own set of action rules and became a small group independent of the whole planet. This is possible. If this happens, it can explain why we met them And there is something strange about these orcs that obviously benefits you ordinary orcs, which may be caused by evolution. "

Tucker nodded and said, "if it's what brother Ye Feng said, the person may have been trapped in this area for hundreds of years. Otherwise, there won't be so many changes in his body."

Ye Feng nodded: "You're right. My idea is similar to yours. There is indeed such a situation. These orcs have changed in the direction of evolution because they have been confined here for a long time. It's very likely that they can't understand our language. They may have evolved their own language. It's possible that if it's the orc race, they can do it in the future After all, the small animals living in such a closed space can be called food sources. If they rely on them, they may be able to form a relatively fragile biological chain here. In this way, they can survive here for a long time. Moreover, the orc race is asexual reproduction after all, so they can reproduce here It's normal. "Ye Feng nodded. He agreed with his idea and thought it should be the truth.

"But before that, we should consider one thing," dicabrio said, "Brother Ye Feng, how should we deal with their discussion? Their sources are meaningless. We must find ways to prevent these damn bastards from attacking us again. If they kill several brothers every time, they will die soon. These dozens of orcs are definitely not as harmful as them."

Ye Feng shook his head. He knew that DiCaprio was telling the truth, but how to deal with the attack from this group of mutant orcs. There is no doubt that the mutant orcs have evolved their own set of things in a closed space. They regard these outsiders as enemies and harvest wantonly, so they should not hesitate to face them. If they can hurt, they must do it But the problem is that these orcs roam in their own back garden in this place, and they outsiders can't predict where they will rush out. These bloodthirsty killers fight with them at other people's home, which is undoubtedly born at a disadvantage.

It's just a fluke to kill an enemy. If their shooting skills just lost their accuracy, the mutant orcs may kill several people and escape smoothly. This area is simply their amusement park, and for Ye Feng, this is a hell full of death traps.

What to do? Ye Feng decides not to take action until he can figure out a solution to the current crisis. If he takes action rashly, his men will only face more danger. Ye Feng can't bear the consequences of all these orcs dying. If that happens, even if he really insists on reaching his destination, he can only accept the consequences of failure, Ye Feng I think. Doing something can prevent his men from being killed like this, but the problem is what can prevent the enemy from launching attacks from the dark.

Ye Feng thought and DiCaprio asked. "DiCaprio, you can use these things to make a detector. The detection range does not need to be too wide, as long as it covers a distance of about 500 meters. As long as we can ensure the movement around us, maybe we can be prepared in advance. In this way, with psychological preparation, we should be able to greatly reduce the number of accidents The possibility of an enemy attack. "

"It can be done." DiCaprio nodded. He was carrying a backpack with all kinds of his own inventions. DiCaprio picked out several things, smashed them with one punch, and began to pick out the parts that could be used, and then began to assemble them.

Facing such a rough way, Ye Feng can only smile helplessly. He expects DiCaprio to really make such a small thing to ensure that they can predict the attack from the enemy in advance.

At the same time, Ye Feng is also thinking about other ways. If faced with an attack from a large-scale orc, will it have unpredictable effects. Moreover, at the beginning, Ye Feng thought about whether he could fight these highly effective orcs under his command next time. There is no doubt that it is unnecessary. Well, if he can win them, he may be able to add some chips in the next battle with aliens. Now Ye Feng must consider all the forces he can win, Even if this power comes from the enemy who has just killed several of his subordinates.

In Ye Feng's opinion, turning enemies into their own friends is the best move, and killing them is meaningless to their actions. Ye Feng talks with DiCaprio ostak about his ideas. The two orcs agree. They don't think these orcs will sit down and have a good talk. If there is such a possibility, they won't launch the previous two attacks, but Ye Feng still wants to. Fight for this opportunity, at least try.

Although dicabrio and tucker don't agree with Ye Feng's proposal to contact the orcs living in the ruins of the ship, Ye Feng didn't give up the idea. He knows that avoiding excessive killing is the most important thing to do now, even if they put everything in the ship. If all the mutant orcs are killed, it will not help them. On the contrary, Ye Feng believes that they may be the failed party in the mutual hunting between the two sides. The two sides have caused less casualties to each other. Although there are more deaths on Ye Feng's side, after all, they also killed a plain clothes ORC, So now it's time to deal with this matter rationally. Ye Feng is very tired of this meaningless killing between each other. He doesn't want to. Seeing the senseless bloodshed, the enemy of all of them should be the group of aliens who attacked the surface of the planet. Their goal is very simple. They should kill all other intelligent races on the planet. At the moment, they should still be together to resist the invasion of these aliens.

Ye Feng is thinking about how to communicate with these mutant orcs. If there are differences in language, what should be the way of communication? We can only hope in the language used by the orcs. Without realizing that he was completely unable to communicate, Ye Feng seriously thought about how to deal with the mutated Orc's body. Finally, he decided to properly manage and take the body before taking action again. In case of any emergency, this body may play an unexpected role.

As for what kind of chips can be exchanged with this corpse, Ye Feng doesn't know, but vaguely realizes that if he doesn't do so, he may face more difficulties next. Ye Feng always believes in his intuition. Although his hunch has always been good and bad, he finally decides to take this mutant Orc corpse. In this regard, the orcs who were responsible for carrying the mutant Orc corpse seemed very helpless, but in the face of Ye Feng's fierce eyes, they had to take the sick Orc corpse with them according to the order, and then set off again.

The next part of the journey was quite calm. They didn't encounter any major crisis. They went smoothly on the way. There is much less clutter in the corridor. There are more plants they don't know. These things also seem to have some aggression. At least one Shun's hand is swallowed up by a flower that seems to be harmless.

After discovering this situation, all the orcs became cautious and met unknown flowers. Their first idea was to kill him with the laser gun in their hands. Facts have proved that such a move is very necessary. Along the way, they destroyed many kinds of animal plants that can attack people.

In addition, there were no other dangers, and there was no staff reduction. In this way, Ye Feng's tight nerves relaxed a little. Of course, all the orcs in the team did not give up their vigilance. Coconut wind divided them into several groups to pay attention to the movements around, on their heads and even from different angles. Before, the orcs had been sneaking attacks on their heads, but Ye Feng didn't dare to determine whether they would suddenly jump out from other directions and kill them by surprise. The probability of this happening was still very high, so Ye Feng didn't dare to take it lightly.

Fortunately, such a thing didn't happen. It seems that a teammate died in the previous operation, so that this group of mutant orcs no longer attack Ye Feng as recklessly as before. This is the only good news at present. Ye Feng doesn't know whether the orcs are still around them and peeping at their every move, But Ye Feng's intuition tells him that this should happen.

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