They are just a group of people teased by fate and have to get together, which makes them very vulnerable. Maybe just a little thing can completely destroy their psychological defense. The future is unknown. We can only explore

After a few hours of rest, mianqiang recovered some of the beasts of the original gods and embarked on the journey again. This time, because there was no tension like before, the forward speed was much faster than before. Moreover, due to the previous experience, when facing unknown animals and plants along the way, Leaf maple, they seem more handy. Moreover, with the progress, the things in their backpacks are not reduced, but many usable objects are added. Although some of them have not been developed for use, some things have found ways to use them. Because the handheld terminal in Ye Feng's hand has records of this function, it has played a great role, Using these instructions, maple leaf can. Share the knowledge he found with the rest of the orcs. Although they are all clumsy, they can still understand Ye Feng's introduction to these objects at such a tense and focused moment. These tools can play a role. Very practical role, some cutting devices, some. In brief, with the help of these small things, the journey is not so difficult. Of course, it is only relatively speaking. Every step forward has to pay a price. This is the dilemma they are facing at the moment. Although there has not been a staff reduction, Ye Feng knows that this situation will happen sooner or later. He doesn't take any chances. He wants to do it now. It is an impossible challenge to bring everyone to the end safely. Ye Feng can only try his best to keep more people in good condition. If there is serious damage, Ye Feng can only ruthlessly discard the ORC. After all, taking him may cause more disasters.

Ye Feng told the orcs what he thought to keep them focused and don't suffer from uncontrollable injuries. After all, if you lose your arms and legs, such injuries may not be a big thing in other environments, but in the current environment, they are life-threatening.

Dozens of orcs can't stop and wait for a person to recover, but with an orc who can't act by himself, it undoubtedly increases unnecessary risks in this dangerous ruins. Therefore, Ye Feng spoke out his ideas and warned his orcs that once someone encounters a similar situation, he will never have any exceptions. Make it clear in advance, at least when things happen, everyone will be prepared, and it won't look too ugly, and such words can make the orcs them. Pay more attention to prevent yourself from encountering similar situations.

This is a last resort. The critical moment can only be handled in an unusual way. This is Ye Feng's helpless choice, his firm determination and his strong will. If he shows any timidity or weakness, he will put everyone in danger. At this time, he can't help considering his own life and the lives of other orcs. Between the big evil and the small evil, Ye Feng didn't want to choose, but at this time, he had no choice but to make his own judgment.

Many times, having a choice is far more painful than not having a choice. It is because of all kinds of hesitation when faced with a choice that people are at a standstill and dare not take steps. This is the root of human inferiority. Few people can get rid of it, and those who get rid of it, without exception, have finally achieved success.

Ye Feng knows his character and sometimes appears weak, so he has to force himself to play a strong look, which is far from himself, but at this moment, this mask can play a greater role, and the real him is of no help.

Fortunately, the orcs are a single-minded race, and the hospital's words are also in line with their values, so they didn't react too much. Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He worried that once the orcs united against themselves, the situation would be out of control. Everyone is on the verge of collapse, and once they choose to take it as an outlet, Ye Feng will die without a burial place at the first time. DiCaprio and tucker are absolutely unable to deal with the riots of dozens of orcs, and Ye Feng knows that these orcs. Always on the edge of riots. This violent gene is engraved in their blood and cannot be cured. It can't be cured.

Orcs are orcs, simple and pure, with one mind and violent nature. For them, thinking is not a necessity of life, but fighting is. They have a resistance gene in their bones, so that Ye Feng is always worried that he will become a thorn in the eye and flesh of these orcs. Once this happens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At the thought of this, Ye Feng felt a headache. He not only had to worry about the possible danger, but also worried about whether the people under his hand would rebel. At the thought of this, he felt extremely tired and nervous. He had almost no time to take care of other things. He had forgotten how to recapture his human body, Maybe he shouldn't have thought about it. His life is always on the verge of danger. Whether the human body is heavy or not is not important to him, at least not in the first place.

Will Dick's experimental building have turned into ruins? Ye Feng can't guarantee it. He still hoped that the place would stay. After all, there was his human body and his past memory. If all this was destroyed, he didn't know how to face it.

Dick, that bastard will be angry with them. Even though they may have turned into a handful of loess at that time, no matter how coconut wind, maybe at least something can be left on the planet that will not be completely destroyed by these aliens.

There is a long way to go. What will happen? No one can tell. Ye Feng only knows that now he must focus all his energy on achieving his current goal. He must lead the group of people behind him to finish the next journey. As for whether the result will be as he expected, he does not expect. He only knows that if he stops, he must meet death. It's better to die on the way forward.

As the next journey was much faster than before, Ye Feng and his team arrived at the planned journey ahead of time. When they arrived at the place he chose as the temporary rest place, the time was only a few hours longer than he expected. Ye Feng was relieved. At this time, they had passed about 1 / 3 of the journey, There are still two-thirds of the journey waiting for them, and one-third of the journey of Qian is very slow. Because there are too many dangers, they have not predicted, so they can only deal with them in embarrassment. However, after paying the cost of several people's lives, they finally adapt to all this, Ye Feng had to lament that people's ability to adapt to the limit in a crisis environment is really terrible.

At the rest place he chose, everyone relaxed. Ye Feng chose this place as the rest place after careful consideration. First of all, this place has enough space. What was it used for here? Ye Feng can't see it anymore. It seems to be a playground for some kind of sports. However, Ye Feng couldn't understand. The description of this movement on the handheld terminal seemed to be that 50 people on both sides cut each other with weapons they could find. When there was only one person left, it was judged as victory. As for the rules, there were no rules. It was such a simple game. However, Ye Feng thought about it. Indeed, this game was very interesting whether to participate or play, At least it can completely release the pressure in the heart. There is no doubt that everyone in the crew of this transport ship sailing in the universe must endure long-term emptiness and loneliness. Therefore, it is normal to often hold such extremely violent games. In short, they have enough places to rest in this space.

Moreover, the doors around the space can be controlled and closed by handheld terminals, that is to say, as long as one party wants, they can stay here without worrying about why people attack when they rest. And the most important thing is to stay here. The mood of roommates can be stabilized. They need this place that can keep absolutely safe. They need to eat and drink comfortably without guard. They need this to give them complete safety. Space for security. In fact, maple leaf also needs it.

Everyone relaxed temporarily. They were scattered around this huge site. Ye Feng sat in a corner and watched all this. He felt a little incredible. He didn't know why the aliens on this ship dedicated such a huge space to this sport. This may be the largest space on this ship. Except Cambridge.

Ye Feng thought that even the space in Cambridge was not as big as here. It was so empty that there were even few sundries. They just cleaned it up and almost emptied it. Ye Feng sits in the corner against the wall. He keeps a distance from the people around him. Now he doesn't want to say anything and don't want to think about anything.

These days' trek has completely overdrawn him. Both physically and mentally, he just wants to stay quietly for a while. That's it. Maybe the expression on his face showed his true thoughts, so the orcs didn't bother her, or maybe the orcs didn't know what to say to her. Even a little afraid of him. In short, no one came to talk to Ye Feng. They got together in groups and didn't know what they were talking about. However, from the behavior of Ye Feng's direction they secretly looked at from time to time, their topic center should still be around Ye Feng.

In this regard, although Ye Feng is quite helpless, he can only pretend not to see himself sitting quietly, and his eyes rest his hands behind his head. Just how long will this life last. Ye Feng murmured. Damn it, I can't stand it. But what? This is the damn life.

Ye Feng wants to figure out how long he has stayed on this damn planet, but what makes him quite helpless is that he seems to have no concept of time. That's it. How many days? There is no concept of how much has happened. He found himself thinking very slowly. Seems to have smelled a certain mental state, perhaps due to fatigue, Ye Feng, think about extreme fatigue, physical and mental fatigue.

This time, the rest was not as short as a few hours as before. This time, Ye Feng fully let the group rest for nearly a day.

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