But in fact, even if they want to break their heads, they don't know what to do. Although this emergency channel is still free and strong and can be used, the conditions for use are very harsh. No one knows what results it will bring. It can only be said that this is the last resort. If we can avoid this step, it will be the best. If we can't avoid it, we can only go forward on this channel. The only advantage is that due to the narrow passage, even if the number of enemies is large, at the lowest time, they only need to find a way to deal with the first few. This is the only advantage. At that time, they can also use the explosives in their hands to block the advance of the enemy, although this behavior may lead to continuous collapse, But at least at the critical moment, it may play a life-saving role.

In the process of returning, Ye Feng looked as they walked and looked for several places where fixed-point blasting can be carried out. If these places are used properly, they may be able to cause collapse and ensure that other parts of the whole channel will not be affected at the same time. DiCaprio was an expert in this regard. It negotiated with the iron and identified several suitable sites for detonation, which were marked. After returning, it will further communicate with professionals on this matter to determine the explosive equivalent of the detonator.

Ye Feng can't help in this regard. He just listens to a few people talking. It once again realized that if things really came to an imminent juncture, perhaps escape was not the only choice, and how to die with the enemy was also a way. The big deal is that everyone dies together.

When I returned to the dungeon, I found that the situation did not develop in a worse way. Although every Orc looked nervous, the emergency still did not happen. The mutant orcs waiting at the entrance to the dungeon did not find the alarm of the enemy. In short, everything is still under control. The group of alien soldiers may rush here at any time, but if they are lucky, they may not find the entrance to the dungeon until a long time later. Even so, everyone still feels the sense of oppression of danger and approaching themselves. Everyone is almost out of breath. No one forbids loud noise, but almost no orcs - whether at work, walking or resting - don't make too much noise, as if they are afraid of frightening others and themselves.

When the situation develops to this extent, no one can keep calm. Even Ye Feng lives in anxiety at this time. The news that the passage could pass through was a little uplifting. However, after listening to the unbiased narration, the group of old orcs realized that they were likely to lag behind in the retreat, so almost no one appealed. All the old orcs almost reached an agreement at the same time, that is, when retreating, Ye Feng was very surprised that they left last and let the young orcs go first. Although he had seen this spirit of dedication several times before, he had a similar idea without audit mobilization, which made Ye Feng admire very much. These old orcs have understood the meaning of life after the baptism of time, In their view, their own life and death are no longer important. How to continue the reproduction of the race is the top priority. In the face of natural and man-made disasters, they have lived for so many years, so they hardly have any emotional fluctuations, but calmly accept all this.

Now that it has been determined that the escape route can still be used, it is necessary to discuss the specific details of the escape. In order to prevent the failure of escape due to panic when the crisis occurs. In short, in order to quickly organize the escape formation when escaping. At the same time, the mutant orcs in the dungeon gave up their busy work and gathered together. According to the age division, the division simulates first. What should we do if escape occurs? Ye Feng looked at the busy but not flustered mutant beasts and felt a great shock. Perhaps only with such unity can we survive in such a harsh environment for hundreds of years. The ideological consciousness of these mutant orcs is far higher than Maple Ye's imagination. If the orcs on the ground can also take similar actions in critical times, perhaps the war will not evolve to this point, but it's too late to say anything now, The orcs on the ground have been used to the life of no one's control and no one's restraint. When they are suddenly subjected to this change, they will show their weak side, and the mutant orcs in front of them have been. Accustomed to living on the brink of racial destruction, they can not suppress fear when dealing with this state, but they are not directly broken through reason by fear. At the critical moment, they still show amazing unity and cohesion.

Perhaps things will turn for the better. Ye Feng murmured in his heart and watched the group of mutant beasts. People quickly lined up in line. Ye Feng couldn't help feeling tears in his eyes. This is the charm of life. This is the noble brilliance shown by the cohesion of people united in the face of major disasters.

Ye Feng knew that as long as all these people were not laid down, they still had the opportunity to fight and resist. This glory is so precious. Tie called Ye Feng's name. Ye Feng blinked, swallowed the tears in his eyes, and walked quickly to tie. When I got to tie's side, I knew that it was arranging the evacuation order of him and DiCaprio. Due to the importance of them, the evacuation position was relatively ahead. As for the three ordinary orcs they brought, they were arranged in the middle of the queue.

Ye Feng felt a little embarrassed and frightened about this arrangement. After all, he was an outsider, but he fled in such a priority order. After listening to his concerns, tie didn't say anything, just pointed to the old orcs standing quietly at the back of the queue. At this moment, there was no expression of jealousy and resentment on these orcs' faces. Their eyes looking at Ye Feng were very calm. As if all this should be taken for granted, they should stand behind, and Ye Feng, an outsider, can stand in front of them. Ye Feng still decided to stand in the middle of the team with DiCaprio, but tietie insisted that it stand in front of DiCaprio and follow behind him. The reason it gives is that in the world on the ground, only it and DiCaprio can give them the most precious help, and these are what they lack most. The process of obtaining direct information may be very long, but if it and DiCaprio exist, this gap will be greatly reduced, so they must ensure their two lives anyway, After all, this is about the fate of every mutant Orc who escapes the dungeon and comes to the ground.

Facing this reason of iron, Ye Feng can't refute it. He knows that iron doesn't arrange them in front of the queue to take care of them. It's not so, but for the sake of the safety of the whole mutant orc race. Indeed, even DiCaprio and Ye Feng don't know the surrounding situation after they hurt the sea of fire. They must make a judgment according to their own experience, These orcs who have lived underground for a long time are even less likely to know how to deal with emergencies. Therefore, both it and DiCaprio must ensure their own safety. Their purpose of living is not their own life, but the lives of all mutant animals that escape from the underground world.

It can be said that without them, even if they escape the pursuit of the enemy and come to the world on the ground, these mutant beasts are still struggling. How to find a safe place in the complex process is a matter of no concept for them. Therefore, instead of disturbing them, it is better to let Ye Feng and DiCaprio, The orcs who have lived on the natural surface for many years will lead them.

In fact, if you know that Ye Feng is not a complete orc, and has not lived on the surface for a long time, you don't know that tie will have a suitable expression. In short, it's all settled.

When the attack took place, it was when Ye Feng was resting. He was awakened by the heartbeat around him. He stood up vaguely and picked up his weapons. Ye Feng looked at the place where the commotion took place. Sure enough, it was a passage into the underground world. It was stunned for a moment and immediately reflected what had happened. It was the enemy, but it didn't expect that kind of panic to happen in front. In fact, although there were more noisy voices, there didn't seem to be anything big happening in the underground world here. Indeed, there was a sound of noise and fighting from a distance, but Ye Feng looked around the area where he was. The animals around him looked very calm. Although they all looked ready, there was no panic.

DiCaprio was also awakened. He pushed away. Everyone came to Ye Feng and asked him about the situation. Ye Feng knew that the first attack had occurred when he slept. There is no doubt that the group of alien soldiers who broke into the underground world were found here by accident, so they are not many, only three.

As soon as they arrived in the passage, two of them were killed by the orcs waiting in the passage. The remaining one responded and fired several shots, killing the two orcs. The roars made by the two orcs before they died awakened the attention of the orcs in the underground world. They immediately organized a team to rush towards the exit. When they arrived, The alien soldier wanted to step on his companion's body and leave the channel. He simply didn't let it succeed. After a fierce battle, four orcs came back. After that, the alien soldier who tried to escape was also killed. Although it is not clear whether the three alien soldiers transmitted the information that they are here, there is no doubt, It must be considered that the enemy already knows the possibility of their location, so tie is leading its subordinates to set traps at every exit that can enter the underground world, planning to destroy the enemy's effective forces while delaying the enemy, and then prepare for evacuation.

After hearing these things, Ye Feng immediately rushed to the area where tie was located. Although he didn't know if he could help, he still thought he had to stand up now. After arriving at the entrance of the passage, it found that iron was ordering some orcs to hide some simple devices on the wall of the passage.

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