Dicabrio has been encouraging Ye Feng and others. His optimist finally returned to the ground, which seems to give him some confidence and make him begin to believe that there may be other opportunities. After all, he met more than 100 escaped orcs. In his opinion, there may be more orcs hiding on the surface of the planet. If they are gathered together, Maybe it can form a force.

Ye Feng was pessimistic about his idea. From the series of experiences he saw with his own eyes, these fleeing beasts could not form any powerful combat effectiveness. They were completely frightened and forgot how to fight the enemy head-on. They gave up the battle roar and chose to flee. At that moment, they were no longer pure soldiers, Therefore, in Ye Feng's opinion, it must be a big question mark whether it is necessary for this group of scattered soldiers to gather.

But at least it's not the kind of person who speaks wildly at such a moment. It knows the negative thoughts in its mind without saying them. In fact, everyone is extremely desperate. The iron face was indifferent to all these difficulties, even a little cold. Ye Feng knows that this is its protective color, and its inner purity is covered with great pain.

Seeing that his tribe has changed from thousands of people to more than a dozen people, no matter who it is, he will bear unspeakable pain in his heart. Even the iron man feels incomparable despair because of this matter. But maybe it's a habit, maybe it's its own character. No matter how big a blow it is, it looks indifferent. It seems that nothing can shake its heart. Ye Feng knows that when a person often leaves the crowd and sits alone in the corner looking at the motionless in the distance, it shows that he is thinking about something, And these things it can not sort out a clue, can only torture itself over and over again.

Stationing in this valley is not a long-term plan. Where did you just go next? What should I do? But even iron can't give a clear direction, which makes everyone feel very confused. What should we do next? What should I do? No one can stand up and guide a direction.

In fact, for Ye Feng, such a thing is so urgent, because if there is no goal to go on, they will soon be depressed and can no longer gather courage and take steps. But even so, tie and Ye Feng can't think of a reasonable plan, where to go next and how to deal with the enemy. They are thinking all the time, but unfortunately, they can't think of a reasonable direction.

At this time, it is self-evident whether the dozen of them can still produce a fatal blow to the other party. Although they have weapons that can kill the enemy at one blow, the dozen of them can only cause some damage to the enemy at most. They may reduce some of the other party's effective strength, But the limit is still too small. Just a drop in the bucket. Even if they fight guerrillas in the valley and harass the enemy's outsiders. However, even if they can kill hundreds of enemies, it will not help the front battlefield. With the passage of time, the reinforcements of large forces may have been on the way. After they arrive, the planet will be completely in their hands. Before that, it is still unknown whether they can stop their effective counterattack. At least in Ye Feng's view, All this has almost become a fantasy. It's a waste of time to imagine.

Iron, who knows nothing about life on the ground, is even more at a loss. Although it has super leadership and super command, for this world, it is like a brave person who crosses into a different world. It doesn't know how to act. Even if it has the ability, it's still a waste of effort if it can't think of a reasonable plan.

And even if they can ensure the current safety, it is unspeakable whether they will be found by the enemy, whether some accidents will occur, and even whether they will be robbed by other orcs. In fact, for them, the whole world is an enemy. The cruel environment and those fallen beasts may become poisonous hands that lead them to destruction.

In today's chaotic world without any logic, can they meet. Like minded people, this can be described as the probability of winning the lottery. In this world, there are full of frustrated stragglers. These beasts have been braved by fear. They fall into madness and become orcs of a bloodthirsty beast. You can hardly communicate with them. In their eyes, except food is the enemy, There is no such thing. Under the pressure of survival, they choose to abandon reason and embrace chaos.

Ye Feng has no right to condemn these orcs, stuffy. But it really doesn't want to lose the most basic dignity of being an intelligent creature like them. But even if you maintain your dignity and die with dignity, what is the benefit to the current situation? Similar thoughts are constantly fermenting in Ye Feng's mind. It finds itself more and more contradictory. It doesn't know whether to give up or continue to move forward. If it gives up, where will they go? If they continue to move forward, what should they strive for? It was because of an unrealistic idea that it led the more than 50 orcs to the shipwreck, but when it finally escaped, DiCaprio was the only one to go with it. The rest of the people died and fled. They didn't know their whereabouts, and more than a dozen new companions were woven around them, They are also staring blankly at this completely strange world for them. Although their combat power is very strong, can these people really play any role for themselves? Maybe they just pull on a few cushions, but this situation is already an ideal state.

Ye Feng no longer wants any miracle to happen in front of him. There has always been a worse situation. All this has been verified countless times in the past period. Whenever it thinks that there has been a turn for the better, there will be a greater disaster. In this way, it does not even dare to expect the chance to turn again, because it is afraid that if it is lost, it may only have its own and DiCaprio's lives. It can't imagine, If dicajulio leaves himself, does he still have the courage to face all this? At that time, it will lose its reason and sink completely. This is because there are acquaintances always around, Ye Feng can cheer up from the blow again and again. This time, it sincerely lamented that it was great to live, and DiCaprio could live, that was a better thing.

On a daytime afternoon, Ye Feng's camp was surrounded by dozens of orcs, facing these bad orcs. Tie and Ye Feng didn't seem too shocked. They didn't even have any expression. They just looked at the strong men who surrounded them. One of the biggest and ugliest orcs stood out from the crowd, came to Ye Feng and tie and said proudly, "give me your things!"

"Why?" iron looked at it.

Ye Feng knew that his degenerated eyes could not see the ugly expression of the orc in front of him, but with other iron, he could accurately judge the position of the ORC. Ye Feng had noticed that a dagger was touched on his right hand. Maybe just in front of the next breath, the arrogant and domineering Orc will have a different head. It didn't realize all this when it entered the death world, but Ye Feng didn't want to see the discovery of this scene, so it came close to iron and gently pressed iron's hand holding the weapon.

Ye Feng said, "I'll give it to you. Tell me what you want and see if we have it here."

"What you want, what you have, what we want."

"But now we have nothing. We can't change anything to give you anything."

"You have nothing?"

"Of course not."

"No, what do you have? Give me everything in your hand."

"I really don't have anything in my hand. I can't change it for you out of thin air. Tell me what you want. I'll think of a way. Maybe I can meet your requirements, big man."

"I want, I want food."

"It's simple," said Ye Feng. "Give me a few days and I'll send you the beaten prey. What do you think of this? Deliver it to the door."


"Now it's gone. You can see that we're all hungry. Where can GADA find you the rest of the food? You're roughly the same. You can eat a lot."

"Yes, I can eat quite well," said the big ORC with a proud face.

"Normal, developed limbs, simple mind, full of shit, that's what you're talking about."

"Shit, what is shit?"

"This is a lovely nickname I use to describe wisdom. You can think so." Ye Feng said with a strong smile. "In short, we really don't have anything here. You can see that we only have more than a dozen people, and each one is still black and blue. If we give you the only thing, we will be dead."

"Whether you die or not, I don't care. Hand over the things."

"In that case?"

"Single to single, yes, me and you. Why are you afraid of single?" Ye Feng looked up at the orc who was one head taller and four or five circles stronger than himself. To tell the truth, he still had no bottom in his heart, but at this moment, his words have been spoken out, so he can only act according to his circumstances and can't retreat. To tell the truth, he can deal with this kind of roughly lattice ORC, He has a little experience and is confident that he will kill this man without effort.

"Fear? I never knew what fear meant!"

"Really, if you don't know, why did you hide here?"

In the face of Ye Feng's ridicule, the big man blushed as if he had written. He didn't say anything, but roared and rushed directly at Ye Feng. Seeing the other party's response, Ye Feng sneered and turned sideways to avoid the fat man. The bull collided.

Because of his heavy body, the big Orc rushed out for a long distance and barely stopped his body. He almost fell to the ground. He was embarrassed to look for Ye Feng's direction. It was Ye Feng who shouted an idiot at him that he noticed that Ye Feng was actually standing behind him.

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