Thinking of this, Ye Feng hurried with the help of DiCaprio. Start to touch the floor inch by inch. Although the floor is not as smooth as the wall, it is also very shiny like ceramic tiles. This is an extremely physical action. Bend over and touch the floor with your hands. Ye Feng is tired all the way down, but he still doesn't find anything. Although the floor has textures, these textures haven't changed no matter how Ye Feng touches them. This not only made him doubt whether there was no exit on the floor.

When things got here, tie couldn't see it anymore. He went to Ye Feng and pulled it up from the ground. "Don't do such useless work. If you can touch it, it's better to open the exit directly where the naked eye can see it."

"I know you're right, but what should Hong do now?" said Ye Feng, "you can't wait to die here. If you return the same way, it will come to the same end."

"Maybe your way is wrong."

"The way is wrong. What way can you say? Do you want me to say sesame open the door?"

Although tie didn't understand the stem, he shook his head. "It shouldn't be like this. If it's sound, you've said a lot. This room should have responded long ago, so sound should not be a medium, it should be something else."

"Other things, what can that be? I can't say my life." Ye Feng said casually.

Iron nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe it's something similar, not life, but blood."

"Blood? It's Lao Tzu's blood again. Lao Tzu's blood is valuable and used repeatedly by Dick, an asshole." Ye Feng roared. Although he didn't know how reasonable the iron idea is, it has been completely provoked by Dick. Such a result is completely unacceptable. Why must he make so many twists and turns? Can't you just go straight? This is a life-saving channel, not a channel to kill others. Why can't we make it easier? Why do you have to make these unnecessary moths. Ye Feng has suffered so much that he almost angrily wants to crush Dick lion city. If dick appears in front of him at this time, he will rush over regardless. He would rather put on his life than bite hard.

But even so, Ye Feng knows that he must calm down now. He can't control his reason by this unspeakable rage. He took several deep breaths to keep himself calm. Now the most important thing is how to deal with the crisis in front of him, rather than trying to find a hated Dick.

If iron is true, its blood may really be a key to open the current dilemma. But when he got up, Ye Feng didn't know what to do. He squeezed his hand hard on the wound and covered it with his own blood. Although he showed his teeth in pain, Ye Feng knew that this was not the time to discuss these things. He staggered and raised his bloody hand. Ye Feng didn't know what to do next. Tie noticed Ye Feng's dazed expression, walked to him and held him to the wall with DiCaprio left and right. Ye Feng stood in front of the wall and wiped it on the wall with his bloody hand. There seemed to be some changes on the wall. It seemed that the reflective feeling was a little different. Ye Feng was shocked immediately. He squeezed out more blood and painted it on his hands, Then he drew a square door on the wall with his hand. This made it shed a lot of blood, and its face immediately turned pale. It could hardly stand on its own strength. Fortunately, tie and dicabrio tightly clamped it, it didn't fall down and endured a strong sense of dizziness. Ye Feng smeared his blood on the wall again and again, making the door more and more obvious.

There is no doubt that its blood does play a role that it cannot understand, because with its painting action, the people on the wall are more and more obvious and realistic. Ye Feng forced out the little blood left in his body and smeared the door. On the other hand, he silently cursed Dick at the bottom of his heart.

It can't imagine why someone came up with such a vicious idea. This way makes people who are already in a desperate situation worse again. This was supposed to be a timely move, but it turned into a prank to make things worse in Dick's hands. This behavior is terrible. Ye Feng endured the torture of fainting and tried his best to paint his blood on the wall. Finally, the door seemed to live. Under this dazzling light, a door suddenly appeared on the wall, which rose slowly, revealing the scene behind. It's a passage.

When he saw this passage, Ye Feng was almost unconscious. He leaned awkwardly against DiCaprio and didn't even have the strength to speak. Iron greeted the other two mutant orcs, and several people helped each other into the channel. When they looked back, they found that the back had become a smooth wall again. It seemed that the intersection when they came had completely disappeared after they passed.

Once again, there was no way back. Although they were very nervous, they could only move on. Compared with the previous corridor, this corridor is much more spacious. Three people walk side by side without feeling crowded. Moreover, this corridor is not long. Looking at it, it is about 50 meters long. At the end of the corridor was another door. Ye Feng was almost afraid of the door now. Behind every door may be an ordeal. It can't imagine why there are so many doors. Did Dick build a huge maze underground? Perhaps this seems incomprehensible to others, but Ye Feng knows that Dick has nothing to reason with. Even if it builds a maze full of death traps, Ye Feng will never be surprised now. This is what this bastard can do.

Perhaps with the same idea, the others did not hurry to the end of the corridor, but stopped when they reached the middle of the corridor, and several people leaned against the wall of the corridor and began to rest. Ye Feng endured the pain and ate a few mouthfuls of emergency dry food. Only then did he know that he must ensure his abundant physical strength. Even if this thing is no longer bad and has no appetite, he must eat it. This is a task, not related to the happiness of eating.

Although he didn't want to open the door of the corridor, Ye Feng knew very well that it was no way to waste time here. He had to stand up and face the things behind the door. Although thinking so, this psychological construction still took several hours. On the one hand, Ye Feng didn't want to get up to face the next difficulties. On the other hand, the two seriously injured mutant orcs also needed time to alleviate their injuries.

There is only a team of five people in total. If two people are cumbersome, the other three people should not only take care of them, but also guard against the difficulties they may face in the future. The possibility of the total annihilation of the five of them is too great. Therefore, both emotion and reason must stay in this corridor for a few times.

It's just that the past few hours have not been easy. Although they are in a safe place, no one knows whether the time is on their side. After calculation, the sun should have lit up outside, and the morning has come. It's unclear how long the group of alien soldiers will find the entrance of the secret underground passage. If they are lucky, Maybe until they finish all this, maybe others won't find it, but if they're unlucky, maybe they've been found at a time when they don't know, and the eight mutant beasts guarding the cave may have suffered an accident.

Ye Feng tried his best not to let negative emotions interfere with his thinking. It knows that these additional pressures are completely unnecessary now. They themselves have no time to take care of others. What is the fate of the eight border earners guarding the entrance to the cave? They can't care about food to intervene. If something really happens, at least the first two traps may be able to block them. Even if the enemy enters this channel, they can't find them quickly. The three headed dog, the invisible enemy in that room, should make them suffer. Even they can only be trapped there and can't move forward in the end, but the problem is that even if they are trapped there, the other enemies will also notice the abnormal conditions in this area, Their target will look at the indestructible building: Dick's experimental building at the first time.

Even if they find something. If you don't find the delivery gun, you still can't leave the experimental building. They can only survive in the experimental building at most. Maybe they will live, but this way of living is not as good as dying. Similar thoughts filled Ye Feng's mind, which made him restless for a moment. He simply looked at the injuries of two mutant Orc companions and decided to continue on the road now.

When hearing the iron decision, Ye Feng's mood was very complex. On the one hand, he didn't want to move forward, on the other hand, he had to move forward. This contradictory emotion made him feel extremely heavy every time he moved, but he had to move forward. The corridor was finished in a few minutes. Standing in front of the humble iron door of the mountain, Ye Feng stared at the L-shaped door handle and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

He knew once he opened the door. The moment of peace now will no longer exist. But even this moment of peace can change anything. As soon as Ye Feng gritted his teeth and held the door handle, he turned the door and staggered into the space behind the door. Ye Feng immediately took out his weapons and carefully looked at the environment. The area was very dark. After his eyes fully adapted to the darkness, the wild wind could barely see the scene in the house.

Seeing the familiar scene, Ye Feng almost cried. This is Dick's experimental building. However, although the internal environment is not clear. It did not feel rising along the way, there is no doubt that they are now on the top floor of Dick's experimental building. This area is a very familiar place for Ye Feng. It has been idle here for several days and nights, or watching Dick talk about inventions that it may not understand in its life. It is indeed this place. Everything here is almost the same as what it remembers, except for more dust.

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