It's just that Ye Feng can't believe a word of these things written in the machine operation manual. After all, it's dick who makes this set of equipment. This person's extremely unreliable character has made Ye Feng suffer. Therefore, in its view, the driving rate of that one million is no less than 50%, which is completely gambling.

Although Ye Feng didn't want 1 million, he was forced to gamble at this moment. Lying next to a very scientific and technological bed. When he saw the glass covering his body and completely wrapping himself, Ye Feng still involuntarily generated a strong sense of fear. He resisted the impulse to escape from there, closed his eyes, didn't think, and didn't worry about anything. At this moment, it has completely handed its life to DiCaprio, who is operating the instrument and calibrating various parameters. Lefeng's hometown is like DiCaprio. He uses his huge and flexible hands to hit various instrument buttons on various screens. Although he doesn't know whether this is his first operation or his previous experience, Ye Feng knows that the probability of this situation is very low. He can only force himself to trust his confidants, This life and death friend can handle these things properly.

When he heard DiCaprio say that the countdown was about to begin, Ye Feng closed his eyes. He strongly restrained his trembling and the impulse to open his eyes to see DiCaprio. He knew that he could only empty everything and accept this transformation. He had experienced it once before. After all, he was transferred from the rotten human body to the orc body, It has gone through this process once, and this time it is just to repeat it again. It's no big deal. It said to itself in its heart. But after all, the last time Dick manipulated it himself, and this time DiCaprio, who had almost no experience before, rushed the duck onto the shelf. No one can tell what the consequences will be. Ye Feng can feel that DiCaprio, who is only a few meters away from him, is nervous and busy without even looking. In fact, DiCaprio's face is full of sweat, and he nervously looks at the various parameters on the instrument and screen to prevent accidents. Although in his heart, he can't understand what those parameters mean, at least he knows that everything is still under control, Because the indicator light that symbolizes an abnormal situation has not been lit. As for how to deal with the indicator light when it really lights up, DiCaprio is actually unprepared. He can only pray that the situation will never happen. Otherwise, he can only black his eyes and stare at it.

With a slightly trembling finger, Ye Feng pressed the start switch. In an instant, he felt a sense of withdrawal. This feeling was a strange feeling he had never experienced before. He didn't even know how to describe this feeling in words, as if it had become two selves, two identical selves staring at the body from different directions, This feeling is so strange that it feels very fresh. This pain does not strengthen at all. It seems that suddenly, there are two you in the world. The two you seem to be thinking about the same thing. This wonderful sense of separation makes Ye Feng feel some strange happiness. This happiness is so special that it can not be described in words. In short, Before it, the imagined pain didn't happen at all. Instead, it enjoyed this process. Because the previous process of consciousness transmission was carried out without Ye Feng's consciousness, it didn't know what kind of result this process would cause to itself, but at present, this result seems to be acceptable, at least it didn't make it faint. Soon, the opportunity was in the blink of an eye, and the sense of separation suddenly disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, Ye Feng found himself in the culture medium, which was rich in oxygen and nutrition. He was very comfortable in it. He floated for a while. Ye Feng smashed the bulkhead of the culture cabin with his hand, and DiCaprio hurriedly emptied the liquid, Then he opened the bulkhead and Ye Feng stumbled out. DiCaprio hugged Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng turned to look at the body of the orc who was lying there. It seemed that he was not dead, but was breathing regularly, but it looked like he was sleeping.

"Damn it, is there my consciousness in this body?" Ye Feng suddenly thought of a crucial question. If the orc still has its consciousness in the body, there will be two selves in the world. Perhaps it was the fear in Ye Feng's words. DiCaprio hurriedly explained: "don't worry, brother Ye Feng, the consciousness in the orc's body has been closed. I will immediately turn off the orc's body function and turn it into a corpse. In this way, you won't have any worries."

"Hurry up." Ye Feng said eagerly, "I don't want to see this body still alive. It's terrible for me. If there are two me in the world, I can't imagine." Ye Feng struggled to walk out of the room. He doesn't want to see the body of his own ORC with his familiar face anymore, Although he had had a hard time with this body before, at this moment, he shuddered at the thought of his own consciousness sleeping in this body. Never let another me exist in this world, otherwise, it is extremely dangerous. Ye Feng knows his nature very well. If another self exists in this world, they will fight each other to be the only Ye Feng. The enemy who knows himself best must be himself. If you become an enemy, it will be an unimaginable horror picture. Even Ye Feng, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, who has been hit and has lost almost all his sense of fear, shudders because of this matter.

In the face of Ye Feng, who has returned to his original appearance, tie and the other two mutant orcs seem a little surprised. They didn't know the original identity of Ye Feng before. Everything had been too hasty before. Ye Feng had never found a chance to share his little secret with them. In fact, Ye Feng doesn't want to say these things. They haven't seen them and can't understand them at all. Even if they have seen Ye Feng's human appearance, tie is still confused. Ye Feng simply explained his own affairs to it. It can be seen that tie seems to understand something, but perhaps his face has not changed. Tie's eyes at Ye Feng are still the same as before. He can only regard it as a comrade in arms fighting side by side. Except that Ye Feng can no longer bear the strength of beating his shoulder. Ye Feng, who has recovered into a human body, is still adapting. The strong body that he was familiar with before made him a little uncomfortable with this slightly thin body. However, in some aspects, Ye Feng still felt that this human appearance was more in line with his God. It still wants to live as a human. Even at this moment, there is no essential difference between being a human and being an ORC. Under the attack of the enemy, it exists in one second.

However, fortunately, the human body has been restored, and you can control the armor that dick put in the storage room. Ye Feng borrowed this armor from dick for a while before, and finally was asked back by Dick. At that time, he thought it might be a good thing if he could keep this imperfect armor for his own use, Before, Dick made several sets of armor that were much more advanced than this armor. However, for various reasons, Dick either wanted to go back or scrapped it in the process of use. Therefore, Ye Feng can only reluctantly accept this set of old model armor, but although it is an old model, it has not been moved in the storage room for a long time. It was Ye Feng who brought it back to light some time ago, but this suit of armor dealt with Dick's hand after all. The performance in all aspects is fairly good. It can avoid being strong to deal with the current situation. At least the armor has the function of stealth. Although it is not clear whether the detection instruments equipped with alien soldiers work, there is at least a chance to try. Put on this suit of armor, Ye Feng tried to move. First, he looked at the resources in armor. The energy is very sufficient. Armor undoubtedly has an automatic energy recovery system. He is not very worried about this. However, there are almost few physical ammunition left. Ye Feng can only use the weapon system supplied with energy at most. And this system is not very safe. The power is not great. Ye Feng doesn't intend to use it until he has to.

Before wearing this armor, the performance of this armor has been tested. Combined with the actual parameters of all aspects, it is clear that although war armor can barely be used, it is almost impossible to benefit the king's billows by it. However, at least this suit of armor can leave Dick's laboratory building unconsciously and go to other places to find a way. If you are stuck here all the time, it won't help. And their resources are not enough to survive here. Even in order to find supplies, it must leave the building to collect outside. Otherwise. DiCaprio and others who stay here will face the situation of running out of ammunition and food. Moreover, Ye Feng also thought that if he took advantage of the dark wind at night and took them out one by one, it might be a way to escape, but he didn't intend to make a rash move until he was sure that the action could be carried out safely. There is nothing to wait for. They have no companions worth rescuing, so it is an option to stay safely in Dick's experimental building at this moment.

Just as it must undertake the responsibilities it must undertake, at least to collect resources, which others can't do, only it can do. Although there are devices that can make emergency food, water supply is a big problem. There is no device in hand to provide clean water, so even in order to find water, it must leave here.

Fortunately, leaving during the day is no different from leaving at night. Ye Feng is simply familiar with the operation of armor and goes directly to the first floor. It starts the stealth mode. DiCaprio was surprised to see Ye Feng in such a hurry. He wanted to try to let Ye Feng out after it was getting dark. And because the current body may not be 100%. However, in the face of DiCaprio's dissuasion, Ye Feng seemed very indifferent. Even though he knew that his body was still not very adapted, and it was broad daylight, a large group of enemies were holding weapons around the building.

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