"Yes. In fact, you don't have self-awareness, just a piece of program code." Ye Feng said. "It seems that our situation is no different. Let's wait to die together."

"Yes, you're right. This is the reality, so please don't play wine crazy or crazy. I don't have time to talk to you."

"I'm not in the mood." in the face of Ye Feng's ridicule, intelligent AI shut up. After that, no matter what kind of questions Ye Feng asked, AI didn't say a word. Iron and DiCaprio, who looked on coldly, gradually calmed down. After hearing the most true news and knowing the most tragic results, they have nothing to fear. Indeed, the thing is like this. No matter how they resist, it is impossible to deal with the invasion of the alien fleet. If the spacecraft comes to the planet, their death may be the most merciful result. If they are captured by these alien soldiers and caught for experiments, they will be even more miserable.

Even if ye Feng can now bring together all the surviving orcs on the planet. Then fully armed, they can't do a spaceship with space cruising ability. The other side doesn't even need to use any weapons. They just need to aim the ship's tail flame at them. Not only them, but everything in their field of vision will turn into dust. The two sides simply do not have the same level of power. Without Dick's defense system, the planet might have been completely slaughtered months ago. If Dick was there, at least he could run. Ye Feng smiled helplessly. This old bastard always makes some troubles and always brings them to dangerous environment, but at least they can always escape from danger. Even if they get chicken feathers on the ground, at least their life can be saved, but this time it seems that things may have a different ending. I don't know that old bastard. I really don't know that my hometown has been taken away. But it may have countless homes. A planet like this may not be worth mentioning in Dick's view. It's not worth wasting too much thought. Maybe it already knew what the planet was facing, but it didn't even want to pay attention because of laziness.

Damn it, at least get me out. Ye Feng thought angrily in his heart. Although he had always avoided the rise of similar selfish ideas, at this moment, Ye Feng could no longer control himself. The resentment in its heart arises spontaneously, and even makes it lose the ability to think. He came here to pick him up and take him back to a safe place. It's a simple thing that can be done by raising his hand, but he doesn't even want to waste his energy. What they had experienced together before was not worth mentioning to him at all. Otherwise, why didn't he open a time and space door and take him away.

Ye Feng tried to ask the intelligent AI if there were any full pass guns that Ye Feng thought might exist in the laboratory, but to her great surprise, there was no such thing. Even the intelligent AI didn't know whether there were similar things, but in Ye Feng's opinion, the probability that such things didn't exist was too high. Intelligent AI did not respond positively to Ye Feng's questions. However, according to Ye Feng's judgment, there should be no delivery gun in this laboratory, or even similar delivery devices. Dick's cautious character will never allow this kind of thing to exist. In Dick's eyes, the technology similar to how to cross in the parallel universe is his most proud technology, and he is also the most dependent and cautious, The biggest technology. Dick will guard against the possibility of divulging this technology, so Ye Feng is not surprised that there is no equipment related to teaching in this laboratory. On the contrary, it's normal, at least in his understanding, that's what Dick can do. Indeed, Dick seems too casual in many aspects, but at the critical moment, he's never that kind of casual person. On the contrary, he's the kind of person you can't be sure when he'll be serious. You can't see what his heart can't predict, so Dick is the kind of person you will hate at first contact, worship at a little contact, but hate even more at deep contact.

You can't see through what he is thinking in his seemingly muddy eyes. Is he thinking about how to kill you? No way to know. This is such a person with such a bad character. Ye Feng thought he had too much experience before, but at this time, he thought it was too simple. A lot of things didn't happen as he expected. In many cases, Dick didn't look at him more or think he was indispensable. In fact, Ye Feng, who has this idea, is very tangled. From time to time, he will have this idea, and from time to time, he will give preferential self veto, in short. After this incident, Ye Feng will no longer have any illusions about it. For Dick, he is a kind of existence with or without. In short, he is a toy and doll of Dick. He comes and goes at once. He has no normal equal relationship as a person. Maybe in Dick's old bastard's opinion, there is no one in the universe who can be on an equal footing with himself. Even if he always runs away, even if he is always running away, his selfishness and conceit have never changed.

In this way, the days began to turn upside down day and night, regardless of dark and day. As long as you wake up and see the depletion of resources. Ye Feng will immediately put on his armor and go outside to collect resources. Kill some lone alien soldiers by the way. I don't know if it's because he killed many enemies recently. The number of alien soldiers in this area is obviously much less than when they first came. Perhaps Ye Feng contributed to it, but Ye Feng knew that he didn't see so many soldiers. This can only explain one thing, that is, after these alien soldiers tried their best, We still don't know what attacked them, so we decided to escape from the area.

Although this is a relatively positive thing, it is not necessary for Ye Feng. No matter how many people there are, it does not pose any threat to them. The small number here shows that some soldiers may cause greater damage when they go to other areas. In short, in this complex situation, they spend day after day, and soon, A week has passed since they first entered the dick laboratory building. In this week, except for the past few days, the rest of the days were often frustrating, as if they were trapped on an isolated island. Although the people in urgent need of rescue do not lack resources, their mood is more and more melancholy. Even the strong willed mutant beasts like iron them gradually become more and more silent. They often don't say a word for hours, even if several people are in the same area. The distance between them is less than ten meters, but there is no conversation between them, and even the communication between words and eyes no longer exists. Even if there are only five people, they have become a completely independent individual, which makes Ye Feng feel more anxious and lonely. He doesn't know how long this prison like life will last, but he knows one thing very well, that is, if he wants to break this life, from the current situation, he can only meet a more tragic ending. Living is a kind of suffering, at least for these orcs at this moment.

Although Ye Feng also found a few small things that can solve time. However, after a short excitement, these things are thrown aside. For DiCaprio, these things can not alleviate their inner anxiety. On the contrary, they will feel more and more boring after getting visual and auditory stimulation.

In this completely abnormal living environment, people will inevitably have some changes, which also applies to the orcs. Ye Feng gradually found that the eyes of the two iron men looked at him more and more strange. The two orcs stared at Ye Feng for a long time, so Ye Feng felt a little hairy in his heart. He didn't know what emotion was implied in this long stare, and he knew very well that even if these mutant orcs looked at themselves, they couldn't see what they looked like. The eyes of these orcs had degenerated to the point of being on the verge of blindness. So they should not look at themselves to see anything, but to reflect them in this action. There are some strange points, that is to say, what these mutant orcs think about is related to Ye Feng. As for what they think, Ye Feng knows even if they don't have to think deeply. It's certainly not a good thing. After all, they are in such an environment, and the person who started the figurine is Ye Feng, which seems to them, Ye Feng is the one who brought destruction to their tribe and their lives. Until they met him, their life was still the same, although it was the same. It's hard, but that's their life. They have lived in such a world since they were born, so it's very hard in Ye Feng's view. Maybe in their view, this is ordinary life, but since they met Ye Feng, their life has found earth shaking changes. First of all, the home was gone, and the place where they lived was completely destroyed. Even if they escaped, all their former partners had died under the enemy's gun or burned down in the fire. No matter who they were, they could never escape from the fire. They were their companions and their families, In this way, after an instant of contact, they wandered and wandered. At Ye Feng's suggestion, they arrived at the experimental building. On the way, all their only families died. Even if they paid such a high price and entered this indestructible experimental building, their lives have not changed. They are not avenging the sacrifice of their families, but surviving.

Even if ye Feng couldn't understand the minds of these orcs, he could fully imagine how they would think about themselves and a series of difficulties they faced in their already illiterate minds. They urgently need a character who needs to be shocked. Of course, the group of alien soldiers have assumed this part of the responsibility, but when they can't confront the group of alien soldiers head-on, they will transfer this hatred to another person, and this person is undoubtedly Ye Feng. This is the expression Ye Feng read on the faces of the two orcs who looked at him.

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