Ultimate Legend Of Dragon Ball

12 Miraculous Rebirth!!!

Now as a bodiless consciousness, after experimenting for a while with various methods he seemed to be able to somewhat move slowly around, propelled by his will alone. In a strange way it felt like swimming thru a sea with a density thinner than water, but thicker than air.

After practicing for and inestimable amount of time he became proficient enough to move about at a rapid pace. This form which lacked a body seemed to never grow hungry although after moving around for a while he would feel weaker and would have to rest for a bit.

After learning how to move around he decided he would explore his surroundingsand see if he could find a way to escape this strange place. From where he currently was he could see various multihued specks of light floating in the void around him. Each speck of light had a different size and level of brightness.

However there was only a single speck that was closest to him. Unfortunately it was one of the largest he could see and looked like a blazing green sun which exuded a supreme sovereign-like aura. But as someone who had already died once he was undaunted by the sun sized speck of light and immediately heading unswervingly towards it with his will like iron and his heart like diamond, both completely peerless in their solidity.

As he neared the immense green golden sun he suddenly heard the powerful roar of a ancient mythological beast before suddenly feeling himself begin to be drawn towards the sun against his will. Realizing he was being pulled in he instinctively began to resist, struggling to escaped the suns inexplicable gravitational pull.

Putting all his strength into fleeing, just as he felt himself begin to pull away he suddenly felt a surge of energy from within suddenly awaken sensing the nearby green sun which unhesitatingly began to head straight towards it, it strength immeasurable he was powerless to resist it pulling him along with it directly piercing into the green golden suns unknown depths.

As he entered the glowing green sun with a thunderous POP he momentarily sensed another incredibly primitive yet powerful consciousness within but it suddenly disintegrated from a burst of overwhelmingly powerful green lightning which shot out from his core, the suddenness of this attack completely unanticipated.

As the consciousness began to dissipate it unleashed a powerful cry of rage which suddenly became a scream of terror as he felt himself rapidly begin to draw the now powerless consciousness into himself smoothly absorbing the entirety of the disintegrated consciousness.

With his absorption of this other consciousness he felt himself grow stronger then suddenly sensed a change in the atmosphere from cold aloofness to sudden unquenchable desire to nurture as he felt himself starting to merge with the powerful radiant green golden sun, within its welcoming embrace. As the process naturally began he felt himself growing sleepy and smoothly entered a restful state of slumber.


An inestimable amount of time passed before he suddenly awoke from that state of restful slumber. As his incoherent thoughts began to coalesce he suddenly began to sense that several things had changed. The first thing he realized was that he had eyes again because he reflexively opened them. Tentatively he looked around discovering he was in a dark place without light but he could feel that he had a body again and that he was completely submerged floating in some type of fluid.

However he seemed to be unable to move his limbs which felt weak and although he was unable to breath normally he was still breathing. Suppressing the sliver of fear he felt he focused his chaotic thoughts, calming himself thru sheer willpower then closed his eyes and began to sense the entirety of his newfound being.

Focusing on the faint rhythmic sound of his heart beating, he slowly fell under its hypnotic beat entering a state somewhere between conscious and unconsciousness, time seeming to slow down until he reached a perfect balance within allowing him to extend his senses to the innermost of his being.

Focusing on the blood within his veins he focused on the flow, following it from his heart up through various different sized veins within his head then back down again into his body were it flowed out towards his limbs then back towards his stomach where his belly button should be.

Focusing on his belly button he sensed a strong flow coming into his body and going out simultaneously, causing his eyes to instantly snap open with shock as he suddenly realized why he felt so weak and more importantly where he currently was.

"Unbelievable!!! I'm a unborn fetus inside a womb. Judging by how weak I feel and the fact that I just regained consciousness I'm probably only 5 months old which means at least another 4 months of floating around in here until I'm born. Still, I can't believe I'm alive again and will have a second chance to live again. Wait a minute....that means I have to go thru puberty again! Shit! Still it's better than being dead. I wonder where I am and who my parents will be? Oh well only time will tell!"

As he was currently unable to go anywhere and he had many questions but no means of answering them he decided he would take advantage of the significant period of time he now had and begin to meditate using the most foundational breathing technique of not only the Long School but of all Inner Martial Arts Schools, Embryonic Breathing.

This breathing technique actual was created to emulate the state of a baby within it mother's womb who breaths through his abdomen from his umbilical cord. By utilizing this method one did not simply breath air but blood and even the purest life energy which is the so called Ki.

This technique would help promote not only Ki but health, longevity and general wellness of ones entire being even go so far as to prevent one from easily becoming sick. Grandmaster Long had even known several ascetic monks who had mastered the technique so well that they could seal themselves underground and remain there without air, food or water and emerge completely fine many years later.

Entering a meditative state he easily began to employ the embryonic breathing technique since technically he was already breathing thru his abdomen via his umbilical cord. However as he reached the part of the technique were one began to draw in Ki from the cosmos he suddenly felt a massive influx of Ki unlike anything he had experienced before.

If he was to make a comparison then while the largest amount of Ki he had drawn in his past life had been like a tiny trickle of water the amount he was drawing in now felt like the unceasing flow of a roaring, raging river and to his utter shock he felt the flow was slowly growing stronger with each passing second.

At first he was afraid his immature body would be unable to handle the massive influx of Ki and explode, but surprisingly instead of feeling himself become dangerously bloated from too much Ki he felt the cells of his body leap with joy as they ravenously devoured the in-flowing Ki and within a short few moments discovered the flow of incoming Ki was unable to keep up with his cells seemingly limitless rate of absorption.

Realizing there was no problem with the vast amount of Ki he began to focus on increasing the incoming amount, going all out with his embryonic breathing technique causing the river of Ki to continue to grow larger and larger. As he continued to mediate and focus on maintaining the continuous flow of the massive current of Ki to his apparently bottomless cells time continued on and soon he felt himself growing stronger then even his strongest state in his previous life.

Days soon turned into weeks and his rate of grow was ceaseless for he continued to grow stronger and stronger while the river of Ki had now split into two massive rivers twirling around each other in a spiral as they were drawn unceasingly into his body, where they were instantly devoured by his voracious cells.

Based on the amount of Ki he had absorbed so far he figured he was now at least a hundred times more powerful then he was just before he had died and although he felt somewhat afraid of this rapid rate of growth he was far more concerned with who he actually was and what was so different about his new body's monstrous bloodline that made it able to continuously absorb so much Ki.

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