Ultimate Master

Chapter 201

I thought these people would continue to "chase" them, so I was ready to flee from the side, but strangely, they didn't hit them again. Instead, they turned around and sped out of the parking lot.

I stare at the back of these cars until they disappear. Looking around again, I wonder why the security guard of the parking lot is missing at this time? At the critical time, they couldn't find it. When they stopped charging and cleaned up illegal vehicles, they were quite timely.

Just thinking like this, he suddenly heard a burst of orders in front of him: "Hey, what are you doing? How did you get on the roof?"

The visitor is just a security guard on duty in the parking lot!

I can't help but smile bitterly. I wonder if this security hero has also absorbed the style of police heroes and has to wait until the accident is over?

Holding my broken wrist, I jumped from the roof of the car, but I could feel a burst of moisture on my wrist. Looking down, I saw that the blood had already come out.

But the security guard didn't seem to find my wound. He still strongly waved his baton in his hand and asked me, "what are you doing? How did you get on the bus?"

This is a middle-aged security guard in his thirties. His expression is calm and his manner is skillful. He seems to be a security guard.

I clenched my wrist and frowned: "someone tried to hit me just now!"

the security guard glanced around from side to side, raised his head and asked, "where? If there was a car to hit you, you would have died and you would have stood here? Come on, come with me to the property. I suspect you deliberately disturb the order of the parking lot, and you are suspected of stealing a car... " The security guard didn't know what to say, so he came to pull me.

I was so angry that I thought the security guard was really a master! I put my wrist in front of his eyes and shook it, swearing: "you are blind, don't you see your hands are injured?"

The security guard was stunned for a moment, as if a drop of blood was thrown on his face, rubbed it with his hand, and said, "where are you hit? Are you fooling me? How did you bump into your hand? Let's go to the property with me first! "

when I met such a security guard on duty who was" insightful and insightful ", I was completely speechless!

he insisted on the principle, but he didn't know the truth! He obviously belongs to the type of nerd who is bound by rules and regulations. No matter what happens, he wants to solve with the help of property, regardless of the priority, is it OK To do this

I thought that if I fell into the hands of this security hero, I would have to lose too much blood on my wrist, so I did not pay any attention to him, but turned and walked directly into the Tianlong building.

However, the security guard was not willing to give up, and his mouth even said: "Hey, don't run away, don't run away..." As he yelled, he began to use his walkie talkie to call his companions and the security captain.

I'm ridiculous and irritating to the security guard who has a strong sense of responsibility. I think those security guards under my command are all like him. Am I really upset?

As the saying goes, it's not your fault that you don't have a high IQ, but it can't be said to be irritated by the low IQ. Originally, I was deeply worried about those unidentified sneakers just now, and I couldn't calm down. At this time, I saw this Security Comrade rush to grab my shoulder and pester me. I really want to kick him! However, I'm a colleague after all, After all, I'm also a member of the migrant workers. How can I take it out of my mind? This is the solution to the problem by using violence. I clenched my wrist and yelled at him: "please! I'll go to the property to explain later! I'm injured and need to be bandaged up!"

but the security guard frowned and said, "what if you run away?"

I hastened: "I go to the Tianlong building, where can I go?"

The security guard still shook his head and said, "no, no, No. You have to come with me, explain the matter clearly and then bandage it. That is, if you are injured on your wrist and can't die, you can bandage it later... "

I put my bleeding wrist in front of his face and showed him. However, the security guard looked at it, thought for a moment, and asked, "is it that the stolen car has been delimited, which can't let you go. You have to follow me to the property to explain clearly!"

I glared at the security guard, some angry, snorted coldly, broke his hand and went upstairs.

The security guard yelled in the back, and then began to scold

I wonder why the security guards employed in Tianlong building are so incompetent?

When I went up the second floor, every time I went up the stairs, my brain would run at high speed a million times. I was wondering what the man who had just hit me in the parking lot was doing?

It can be seen that they are extremely vicious, and they must have been prepared in advance, as if they wanted to kill me in one fell swoop!

I carefully checked the enemies I met, but I didn't think they had reached the level that they wanted to kill me So, did Tianhe organization find out my weakness and send someone to destroy me?

Not really. If it is the people sent by Tianhe organization, they can't be as stupid as the four people just now. I can believe that if Tianhe organization had come forward to do it in person, I would have little hope of survival

I suddenly thought of a word from zimona, the little witch. When I was out of the office, she once cursed me to be killed by a car when I was out of the office. Is it she?If it is true that Qi Mengna said, then I must be in a very dangerous situation!

but speculation is ultimately speculation, and there is no basis for it. I can't act rashly for the time being. I have to wait for the change and do some twists and turns.

When I got to the door, I met a man.

This man just came out of our house. As soon as he looked up and saw me, he immediately laughed: "damn him, you boy!"

it was kuizi, the business manager of Huatai company!

I looked at him gratefully and hid my hands behind my back. I didn't want him to know about my injury. Otherwise, this heavyweight man would have to gather his brothers My friends are looking for the murderer and revenge for me. If things get too big, many people will be involved. If the other party is really sent by Tianhe organization, then kuizi will also be in a very dangerous situation. I can't get more people involved because it's not good for my task.

I put on a smile and asked kuizi, "what brings you here?"

Kuizi picked up a cigarette, and a smell of aroma came out. I could see that he even smoked a cigar! Kuizi approached me and explained, "Mr. Zhang asked me to send Zhang yabing back. What's more, you're really lucky. What's more, with Zhao Shilin's bad luck, he didn't get knocked down and came back alive. Kuizi took care of it Although I made some jokes, I could read a little congratulation from his eyes. In fact, he had been worried about my situation, but he was helpless. Seeing me come back safely, Mr. Zhang did not take any action against me. He was surprised and glad.

While speaking, kuizi also handed me a cigar and said, "I've dried up 268 cigars from Mr. Zhang, and you're lucky to have one left."

I held my hand behind and hesitated to take it. Kuizi looked at me like a giant panda. He took the cigar that he had delivered to me and compared it in the air. He said with a smile and curse: "damn him, if you don't die, you will be meritorious, right? You'll also put your big brother up and walk with your hands on your back." kuizi simply put the cigar into my mouth, took out a delicate special match and lit it smartly.

I said thank you. I raised my head deliberately and took two mouthfuls with great effort. All of a sudden, I felt more energetic and comfortable.

It's just pitiful that my wrist is still dripping blood. I press the wound with my fingers hard, and I don't want kuizi to know about my injury.

Kui Tzu suddenly came to me and asked in a whisper, "how can I get Zhang yabing in my ear? You can get any of those girls. You are a saint of love! "Kuizi looked back as she said, for fear that Zhang yabing would suddenly come out of the door and scold herself.

I said with a perfunctory smile: "what kind of love saint, what's left in the love field! Kuizi, can you stop mentioning this matter and think I'm not disturbing enough?"

Kui Tzu nodded and said, "damn him! Zhao Yunlong, you boy, I'm a slave. I'm capable, I can pick up girls, I can resist things. Kui Ge is ashamed of myself!" kuizi patted me on the shoulder, looking very emotional.

I wanted to pinch my nose and say "don't praise me, it's easy to be proud." but with all my hands behind me, I couldn't do this habitual action. I just shrugged my nose and said with a modest smile, "OK, don't make fun of me! I won't keep you. You can go back quickly, and there's still a lot of work waiting for you to straighten out!"

kuizi was stunned for a moment and said with a smile:“ What the hell! Why are you driving me away? It happens that you're back. We'll have a couple of drinks to celebrate for you!

I frowned and said, "celebrate fart! Let me adapt to it some other time!"

kuizi said: "it's OK. Remember to invite me to drink some other day. If you have enough money, please ask me to have a little Russian girl. It's also good. "

I quickly perfunctorily said: "certainly! Pay attention to the safety on the road, I will not send it off!"

kuizi said: "go away! You can get benefits, Zhang Zong's two daughters, and a Dan Dan, fuck him, Yanfu Quigo has no work to do at night, so he can only watch his hair and touch his pistol... "

Kui Tzu complained, but as expected he went to the stairs.

I put my hands back in front of me. I was about to enter the room when I heard kuizi shouting behind me: "stop, stop!"

when I looked back, kuizi even frowned at me and came back.

Obviously, he found the blood on the ground!

it seems that I can't give up. I simply put my hand in front of his face and said in embarrassment: "I cut an apple in the car just now, but my hand is broken, and now it's bleeding! If you have a little back, drink cold water..."

Kui Tzu, of course, didn't believe it. He came to look at my hand, frowned and asked, "be honest. Did you fight?"

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