Ultimate Master

Chapter 806

No, we met an officer on two bars near the northern wall of the security area. What's more, this officer with two bars and one officer likes to meddle in his own affairs!

The major brought his girlfriend to visit the mountains. Seeing that we were all wearing summer army training clothes, he simply stopped in front of us.

The major looked at us, turned his back and asked, "which unit are you from?"

I knew in my heart that the major wanted to show his official prestige in front of his girlfriend. I've seen a lot of these officers with a strong sense of modesty! But I didn't buy his account and asked, "which army are we from? Does it have anything to do with you?"

A little embarrassed, the major continued to say strongly, "it doesn't matter! What are you doing up the mountain if you don't stay in the company

I said with a smile: "come and dig the Polygonum multiflorum! What's wrong, major? "

The major said angrily, "tell me, which unit are you from? If the soldiers don't train well, they run to the mountain to dig Polygonum multiflorum. You ----- eh, it seems that it's not the season to dig Polygonum multiflorum. The Polygonum multiflorum can only be dug up in late summer and early autumn -- you guys, did you sneak out, deserter? "

I frowned and said, "you're just deserting! Comrade major, our well water does not invade the river. Are you a major, Laozi or a lieutenant commander? "

The major chuckled: "just you, commander? I'll check the officer's certificate! "

I scolded: "who are you? Why should I show you my officer's card? "

The major said, "if you don't let it look, you're just bragging! If you look like this, 80% of you are sergeants at most! If you are like this, it will damage the image of soldiers

Where do we have time to listen to this guy giving us a political lesson here? In a hurry, I couldn't help cursing: "what should I do! You're crazy Then I called Ishikawa and Sheng Huaqiang and went on.

The major scolded after him: "these losers! There's no more losers! "

We ignored it and went straight ahead.

Sheng Hua couldn't help but smile and said, "what did that guy do just now? Did you meddle too much?"

I said: "the army not only cultivates talents, but also cultivates idiots! Obviously, that one belongs to the latter. "

Ishikawa said: "is he from the special security bureau?"

I shook my head: "definitely not. How could the special security bureau be such a fool! When his girlfriend comes over, he always wants to show his official prestige in front of his girlfriend. He wants to be respected by others. He is a major --- fart! No one's buying him! In my opinion, this kind of fool is definitely not promoted through regular channels! If all the officers in China were like this, the country would have been ruined

While we were talking, we were already outside the northern wall.

There are few pedestrians nearby, and the terrain is hidden, but the fence is relatively high, and there is a grid on it.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at the time and said, "now time is running out. We have to hurry up! Who is more flexible in climbing trees? "

Sheng Huaqiang said: "I!"

I said: "you climb up to the tree to observe the situation. When the Sentinels inside are on duty or their vigilance is weak, wave your hand and send a signal, and we will go over the wall!"

Sheng Hua strongly nodded, and then like a monkey, climbed up the tree trunk, and then hid in the branches, looking inside to see the movement.

Ishikawa and I pay attention to the surrounding activities while waiting for Sheng Huaqiang's signal.

After about five minutes, Sheng Huaqiang gently waved to us!

We know, time waits for no one. We jump right up. I grabbed a narrow crack in the brick and climbed up. But it is charged with the barbed wire, I dare not be careless, my hands suddenly applied force, resulting in legs quickly bent into the air. A very difficult inverted somersault, just let me from the grid over the past.

Standing in a row of fruit trees on the inner edge of the wall, I saw the sentry and sentry less than 30 meters away from here. It is obvious that the handover is in progress. The handover sentry and the succeeding sentry are carrying out a series of tedious handover contents, and they have no time to observe the surrounding situation.

With the help of these gaps, Ishikawa Wenxiang quickly stood beside me, and the cat whispered in praise: "or you're a step faster. Just now your action of entering the wall is amazing. It's OK!"

I frowned and said, "no nonsense! What about Sheng Huaqiang? "

Just after asking, after listening to a slight landing sound, Sheng Huaqiang also climbed in and stopped three meters in front of us.

Finally, we won the first battle, and being able to enter the wall proved that we had already achieved half of the success.

In order to avoid the sentry, we carefully moved around the fence with the help of fruit trees, ready to find a safe place to walk out of the fruit forest.

But as soon as we were about ten steps away, I suddenly found the camera on the wall!

I quickly made a gesture to Ishikawa and Sheng Huaqiang. They got to know each other and squatted down to avoid the shooting range of the camera head.

Dodging the camera, we looked left and right, ready to walk out of the forest.After all, we all wear summer training clothes, and the more we swagger in the security area, the less suspicious we will be.

However, in fact, the situation was not as smooth as we thought. Just as we were about to slip out of the fruit forest, we suddenly heard someone shouting inside: "who? Who is in the fruit tree? Get out of here

All three of us were in a cold sweat.

I picked a peach from the fruit tree and went out while gnawing.

Ishikawa and Sheng Huaqiang both picked peaches and followed me.

It was a chubby third class Sergeant shouting outside. When he saw us come out, he immediately scolded us: "stealing peaches, aren't they?"

I took the lead to take a step forward, with a smile: "the old monitor, that is what, looking at the peach long gratifying, came in and caught one!"

The fat official said, "you are brave enough! Do you know, these peaches are all green fruits, which are specially for the central leaders and cadres at or above the regiment level of the special security bureau! Your leaders have not taught you that the fruits in the orchard are not allowed to be picked randomly? "

I quickly said, "educated, educated. It's just that I didn't hold it for a while, and the greedy insects came up! I love to eat peaches. The peaches you grow are very happy

Obviously, this fat Sergeant should be an official of the management office, responsible for greening and maintaining the orchard in the security area.

The fat Sergeant rushed up and snatched the peach from my hand. He threw his arm into the fruit forest and swore, "throw it away. Throw the peach to me! This peach is rotten, it is not your level can eat! I really don't have a JB spectrum. I dare to pick peaches from the management office! According to the regulations, a fine of 100 will be imposed on one person, and the captain of your squadron will be asked to come and lead them! "

Although angry, but had to suppress. In my impression, these big men who plant flowers and grass look down on the grass-roots officers and soldiers for their virtue. Moreover, there is a written regulation in the orchards in each security area of the special security bureau: if any grass-roots officers and soldiers are found to eat fruits, they will be fined 50 per unit.

Maybe it's up to 100 yuan now! It's so damn expensive!

However, I'm glad that we changed our summer training clothes and were taken by the fat Sergeant as grass-roots soldiers in the security area to steal peaches.

Sheng Huaqiang and Ishikawa Wenxiang saw that the fat sergeant was so aggressive that they all gnashed their teeth and wished to put the boy down in the peach garden. I winked at them and indicated that they must be calm! If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan.

I was still courteously close to the fat sergeant and begged, "elder monitor, you can be flexible. If our leaders know, then we will be finished! We are the fourth brigade to pull training. If we steal peaches from you, we will have to put them in the file if we can't prepare a punishment! Is not our military career tainted? "

Fat Sergeant firmly said, "I don't care if you are stained or not. If you violate our rules, you have to follow the rules! Come on, follow me to the management office! "

I took out 200 yuan from my pocket and put it into the fat sergeant's hand: "old monitor, let's make a change. We'll pay the fine, and you can buy two packs of cigarettes for the remaining 50. We can't spare you any more! "

The fat sergeant's expression showed a trace of laxity, and his frown relieved him: "this is the fine of the three of you, isn't it? Not enough. Now the price has been raised. Since 2002, the fine for each peach is 50, and in 2006, the price has risen to 100. This is clearly stipulated in the system of the management office! "

Ishikawa couldn't help complaining: "no wonder the national inflation is so severe, even the fine has increased the price!"

I gave Ishikawa a look!

Fat Sergeant took a look at Ishikawa, a little stunned for a moment: "how does this brother talk like a girl, Niangniang voice!"

I quickly put my arm on Ishikawa's shoulder and said, "yes, yes! He's the fake mother of our squadron! Speaking like a woman, she sang "Mu Guiying commander in chief" at the new year's Party of our brigade! If she is a girl, the old bachelors in our army will be blessed! "

The fat official said, "it's still a personal talent! Cross talk, cross talk is popular now

I nodded deeply. I thought that Ishikawa's male voice training was very similar that day. How could she come out with a woman's voice as soon as she exported today? Give back the fuckin 'Japanese agent, damn it! Encounter a little sesame big thing, can't hold one's breath, almost exposed!

I pretended to be flustered. I quickly took out a hundred yuan bill from my pocket and put it into the fat sergeant's hand: "elder monitor, how much you are! What a treat

The fat Sergeant quickly put the money into his pocket and said, "well, since you know the mistake so sincerely, it will be inhuman if I investigate you again! Remember, this orchard is the forbidden area, not to mention you. Even cAMP level cadres dare not move without the approval of the management office. "

I nodded: "yes, yes. Thank you, old monitor

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