Ultimate Pawn

Chapter 290: The emperor breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people!

In the hospital lobby, dozens of traffic control staff, with a stern expression, surrounded Guo Shaoze!

Trying to arrest the murderer who crashed crazy!

Guo Shaoze's eyes were bloodshot, slowly... raising his eyes.

He glanced around.

"You know, who am I?"

His voice was extremely cold, with a ferocious breath.

"No matter who you are... We, according to the road traffic safety regulations, will arrest you in accordance with the law!!"

"Raise your hands immediately and surrender! Those who obey are light, and those who rebel are strict!"

The team leader of the staff, with a cold and solemn expression, shouted!

The corner of Guo Shaoze's mouth suddenly raised a sneer arc.

He didn't even bother about the confinement of this group of staff.

Instead, he took out a cigar and lit it.

Then, he took a step forward, continued step by step, and walked forward!

"I'm Guo Shaoze."

"You guys, who dares to catch me?!"

Step by step, Guo Shaoze walked forward.

His voice is provocative!

When those staff members heard the name ‘Guo Shaoze’, everyone’s expressions were suddenly shocked and changed? !

The Guo family...the eldest son...Guo Shaoze? !

This person is Guo Shaoze? !

Far X Group... has a market value of hundreds of billions, and its industries almost monopolize the entire Jiangnan area.

And this... the murderer who drove into a crazy drive, turned out to be... the group's young director, Guo Shaoze!

Seeing Guo Shaoze walking forward step by step.

The expressions of all the staff present were extremely complicated... ugly.

This is naked... in the public, provoking the law? !

"Regardless of his status, the emperor breaks the law...and the common people's name...take it for me!" The team leader's face was cold, and he shouted!


Around the scene, a large group of staff rushed up directly, the handcuffs had been taken out, trying to arrest Guo Shaoze!

Huh~! At this moment, Guo Shaoze's pupils suddenly condensed, and the silver revolver suddenly appeared in his right hand~!

The dark barrel of the ‘click’, locked directly at the staff!

The whole audience, all the staff...the bodies that just rushed up, gave a sudden stop!

Everyone stopped, their eyes stunned... staring at the gun in Guo Shaoze's hand in disbelief? !


China, a country where guns are banned...Non-special employees are not allowed to wear firearms...and there is nowhere to purchase thermal weapons.

But... the Guo Shaoze in front of him... actually possesses an illegal thermal weapon? !

This is simply!

The expressions of all the staff present became extremely embarrassing!

Illegal possession of firearms!

Illegal and dangerous driving!

Maliciously rush into many people!

All the guilt...Together, this Guo Shaoze...is enough to be sentenced to more than ten years!

But, at this moment... everyone present did not dare to step forward.

Because he wears a gun!

The scene is confrontational, and the atmosphere is extremely solemn!

Guns, murder without eyes.

At this time, this group of road traffic control staff had no thermal weapons... only explosion-proof shields and batons, which could not be confronted head-on.

"You guys, don't you want to take me?" Guo Shaoze pointed at the gun, and looked at the group of staff around him coldly.

In his eyes, Guo Shaoze, this group of running dogs and ants, can they be qualified to take him?

Who gave them the courage? !

He Guo Shaoze is worth hundreds of millions, less than one person... more than ten thousand people.

Dominate the entire Jiangnan economy and pay countless taxes every year!

The affairs of his Guo family, the group of imperial eagle-dogs in front of him... how qualified to control it?

"Guo Shaoze...I advise you to give up resistance! As a public figure, you still know the law to break the law... Is this provoking Wang Fa?!" The team leader shouted with a serious expression!

He has been in the industry for decades and is committed to maintaining public order in the Jiangnan city. In these years, he has captured how many arrogant people and made Hummer credit for the stability of the city.

But today, this is the first time he has encountered such an arrogant gangster!

As a public figure... you are so rebellious and confrontational! ? Refusing to arrest? !

This kind of nature is already extremely bad!

"Provoking King Fa?" Guo Shaoze sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"I am provoking, what can you do with me?"

As soon as this statement was made, the expressions of all the staff in the audience changed suddenly!

This... simply!

They have been in the industry for many years and have never seen... such an arrogant and arrogant person!

Regardless of the city rules...? ?

Then, Guo Shaoze step by step, holding a gun... just walked forward.

The faces of the staff in front changed suddenly.

At this moment, under the confrontation of the opponent's gun, they... simply couldn't perform the task.

Can only go backwards one after another.

Guo Shaoze walked out of the hospital hall step by step with a gun in his hand.

With a cold expression on his face, he just walked to the ‘homicide’ vehicle at the door, the Rolls-Royce Phantom sports car.

At this time, the front of the Phantom sports car was crimson stained, and there was human blood stained everywhere.

Very hideous.

Guo Shaoze looked weird and disdainful of mockery, so he got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

No one in the whole scene... dared to stop him.

It's not that these staff do not act.

But... he is holding a terrifying heat weapon... Under such circumstances, he can't stop it at all!

"Om~!" The Rolls-Royce Phantom sports car started.

After a swift flick, Guo Shaoze was like that... in front of dozens of staff present, he drove away!

At the entrance of the hospital, the expressions of the staff were...very embarrassing.

This is simply!

They have been carrying out arrest missions for several years...this is the first time they have encountered such an aggrieved scene.

Don't put the laws of the city in your eyes at all? !

"Captain...what should I do?" a young female staff member in uniform stepped forward with a complicated face and asked.

Dozens of staff present also cast their sights on the captain.

Everyone's eyes are very complicated, watching how the captain decides.

The captain's face was unprecedentedly solemn, his fists clenched.

"Immediately notify the patrol room and send a special operations team to support!"

"All of us, follow up...! Be careful! Follow that Rolls-Royce, don't let him run away!"

The captain's voice was sharp, and he ordered!

Nowadays, the scene of the murder... the vehicle, personal evidence, and physical evidence are all present.

Never let Guo Shaoze run away like this!

Once he runs away today...then the future, this case will be difficult to determine!

What if he finds a scapegoat to come out to commit the crime... Then, wouldn't everything fall short?

Killers, continue to get away with it?

And the innocent, go to jail instead.

At the scene, all the staff looked stern, everyone knew... the seriousness of the consequences!

A murder is a crime, and it should be judged in black and white!

How can you... let him flee in an upright manner? !

At the feet of this emperor, how can you be confused? !

This, how to give an explanation to the people who died innocently? !

In an instant, all the staff looked solemn, and everyone... got on the car together!

This is not only for work... but also for... to give this city an explanation to the millions of people!

"Di Wu, Di Wu!"

Dozens of traffic control vehicles sirens loudly!

The traffic control patrol car was speeding, toward the Rolls-Royce Phantom, and chased it up!

Ask for another wave of monthly tickets! ! Why is the distance from second place getting bigger and bigger, brothers, let's rush! !

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