Ultimate Pawn

Chapter 591: 500,000,000.00

"The money has been transferred, and it will be checked tomorrow morning." Chen Zong said his eyes calmly and indifferently.

The Qiu Yi who heard this sentence:...


Does Mr. Chen really transfer money?

"Na Yiren, thank you Mr. Chen." Qiu Yiren nodded and bowed.

Although, she knew that Mr. Chen's money, at best, was a small amount of money, which would not make much difference.

However, she did not expect that Mr. Chen would really transfer money to herself.

This made her a little touched, so thank you sincerely.

Chen Zongheng didn't speak, he sat quietly in the car seat, faintly puffing out smoke rings.

The transfer of money to the Qiu Yi was just for the purpose of the mission.

Because Qiu Yiren’s company suddenly collapsed.

The X project behind that may be in vain.

Then, how did the Bible organization appear?

and so.

Chen Zongheng can guarantee that Qiu Yiren's X project can proceed smoothly.

He has to guarantee that the Qiu Yi people's group can operate safely.

In this way, the Bible behind it can be drawn.

Half an hour later, the Mercedes-Benz fleet drove slowly to Qiu's Manor.

After getting off the car, Qiu Yiren said goodbye to Mr. Chen, and then walked into the villa.

Chen Zongheng walked towards the villa on the opposite lawn with his hands in his trouser pockets calmly.

This night, it was deep and quiet.


The next day, early in the morning.

After Chen Zong finished his morning exercises, he washed a little, and then got up and went to the Qiu Family Manor opposite.

In Qiu's Manor, after breakfast.

Qiu Yiren and Chen Zong went to the company together in a Maybach sedan.

Today is 2019, December 31.

19, the last day of the Year of the Pig.

In the early morning, the streets, the streets, and all kinds of shops are already lit up with lights, welcoming the arrival of the New Year's Day.

2020 will enter the year of the rat.

In the new year, I look forward to it.

The pedestrians rushing to work on the subway on the street all looked happy, talking and laughing.

However, in the Mercedes-Benz team, Qiu Yi was sitting in the back of the Maybach, but his complexion was a bit complicated.

This New Year's Eve, for her, was a torment.

It's the last day of the end of the year.

But her group has fallen into a crisis of space.

The supply of medicinal materials was interrupted.

Various assembly lines were forced to stop.

All kinds of urging contracts, breach of contract sue contracts...compensation contracts, all came in an instant.

Then there is the debt collection information of the major banks.

In an instant, the stock price of Qiu's Group dropped from a market value of 100 billion to below 80 billion.

It has plummeted by more than 50 billion consecutively.

The market value has evaporated, and investors from all walks of life have withdrawn their capital.

The scene has never been more difficult.

Moreover, seeing New Year's Day approaching.

In accordance with the group's practice in previous years, employees are to be given year-end bonus salaries, as well as various benefits.

But, this year's New Year's Day.

However, Qiu Yiren didn't have any excess funds to give employees benefits.

Even the salary at the end of the year may not be settled.

In the face of countless employees, private emails, various salary reminders and welfare reminders...

Thinking of this, Qiu Yiren's brows furrowed, a little helpless.

What should I do?

At the end of this year, she didn't want to put pressure on her employees.

She wants to give the staff an explanation.

But now she is facing financial difficulties in the group, and she is fundamentally helpless.

Is it the only way to borrow loan sharks?

A helpless and ridiculous thought flashed in Qiu Yiren's heart.

A penny stumps a hero.

She never imagined that, worth hundreds of billions of dollars, one day she would fall into such an embarrassing situation because of her money.

Sitting in the car, Qiu Yi's pretty face was more complicated than ever.

"Ding~!" But, at this moment, suddenly...on her Huawei mobile phone, a text message reminder sounded?

Qiu Yiren was taken aback, took out the phone in confusion, and turned on the screen to take a look?

Seems to be a transfer text message?

She glanced subconsciously:

[Yanxia Bank] Your personal deposit account 5080 will be transferred and deposited in RMB 500, at 9:34 on December 31, 2019. 【Summer Bank】


When seeing this long list of zero transfer amounts, Qiu Yiren... was shocked?

She couldn't believe it, and looked at the numbers on the phone again and counted it again/??

As a result, it was still the string of numbers.


50 billion?

Suddenly, transferred into... a huge sum of 50 billion?

This? !

She subconsciously clicked on the accountant information that was transferred to the short message. On it, there were three words: Chen Zongheng.


Qiu Yiren was completely dumbfounded.

Her pretty face was dull and stunned, and she turned her head in a daze, looking at Mr. Chen beside her.

"Mr. Chen...you, you transferred it to me...50 billion?" Qiu Yi had a complicated face, and his voice was a little inexplicable.

This is simply!

Although, Mr. Chen said last night that he transferred a sum of money to himself and received it this morning.

However, Qiu Yiren said Mr. Chen's words to his heart.

Because she thought that Mr. Chen could transfer only a few tens of millions at most.

This little money is simply not enough to pay wages.

But, where did she think of,.

This Mr. Chen...

To myself...

Turned, 50 billion? ! !


In the Maybach sedan, Chen Zongguang's eyes were calm, and he turned his head and glanced at her lightly.

Then nodded.


Qiu Yiren: "..."

When I saw Mr. Chen nodded and admitted, Qiu Yi's whole brain was dumbfounded.

Where did Mr. Chen get so much money? ?

"Mr. Chen...you...you...where did your money... come from?" Qiu Yiren asked with a complicated face and cautiously.

"A friend borrowed it."

Chen Zongheng's tone was calm, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and replied calmly.

Qiu Yiren: "..."

This sentence is again.

This sentence has almost become Mr. Chen's famous verbal saying.

Borrowed by a friend.

So, how rich is his friend?

Can you lend tens of billions at every turn?

Qiu Yi's mind was in confusion.

This is too weird.

However, at this time, she did not doubt too much.

Because this money is really important to her.

Sitting in the car, she faced Mr. Chen with a pretty face and bowed herself, "Sir, Yi Ren is here, thank you for your financial assistance!"

Chen Zong's eyes were indifferent, still faintly puffing out the smoke ring, completely ignored her.

This 50 billion is nothing to him.

This is just the funds in the account of the **** of death.

He is overseas, the third identity, Ashura's account, and even... there is an innumerable amount of sky-high wealth.

He is not short of money at all.

However, because Ashura's identity was secret, he didn't want to expose it at will, so he didn't use the terrorist funds in that account.

Only funds from the Grim Reaper account were used.

"Sir, for this fund, I will pay you the interest according to the normal bank financial management interest." Qiu Yiren's voice said respectfully.

"Whatever you want." Chen Zongheng let out a smoke ring faintly.

He didn't care about interest or the like.

Twenty minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz team slowly stopped in front of the Qiu's Building.

Qiu Yiren and Chen Zongheng got off the car and walked directly into the hall.

Take the elevator to the 99th floor.

After returning to the office, Qiu Yiren directly dialed the company's finance department.

"There is a large sum of funds planned to enter the account, and the wages will be paid for the employees, which will be paid at 1.2 times the normal ratio." Qiu Yiren's voice was calm and said to the finance department commissioner.

Even if the company is now in a financial crisis.

Qiuyi people still haven't forgotten their employees.

The first time she borrowed Mr. Chen's huge sum of 50 billion yuan, she thought of paying employees wages.

After deducting billions of funds from employee salaries and benefits.

Qiu Yiren transferred the remaining money to the account of the company's strategy department.

One part is to supplement the company's account capital chain.

Do not let the flow of the capital chain be interrupted.

In the other part, she plans and conducts business strategy operations.


However, at the same time.

The whole piece of pharmaceutical raw materials is on the market.

Far Star Group has increased its monopoly power.

Almost all the new pharmaceutical raw materials that have just been launched on the market have been directly purchased by Yuanxing Group and forced to monopolize them.

These methods are simply unprecedentedly tough.

Guo Shaoze, after experiencing a blood loss of 300 million yuan last night, today, all his anger has been vented on the monopoly of medicinal materials.

Don't give the Qiu Group any chance to breathe!

Monopoly of high-priced pharmaceutical raw materials.

This is the rhythm of driving the Qiu Group to a dead end and even going bankrupt!

However, in the face of Guo Shaoze, such an unscrupulous monopoly.

The entire city, and even the commercial building, did not move.

Although, on the surface, Meng Kaiyao, the boss of the business building, promised to strictly investigate Guo Shaoze's monopolistic behavior.

But, in fact, he opened one eye and closed one eye.

Basically, as if you didn't see it.

Dear friends, I am really tired because I update it every morning. I can't bear it.

I have to get up at 7 o'clock every day to write a book, too tired.

Starting today, adjust to the evening, update at 5 o'clock, and then continue to update around 9 o'clock in the evening, and change to this update rhythm. Hope you all understand.

In addition, shameless, ask for a monthly pass~! !

Qiu Yi people, need your support~! !

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