Ultimate Pawn

Chapter 662: Yun Yin!

Her pupils are just a pair of natural... sniper scopes! @

Dozens of kilometers at a glance!

Comparable to the terrible accuracy of any sniper scope in the world!

"Bah...!" Suddenly, one kilometer away, the sniper suddenly opened fire again!

An 11 cm long sniper bullet quickly pierced the air bore and struck in the direction of Yun Yin!

A kilometer away, Yun Yin's beautiful eyes were calm, scanning all this lightly.

She could see how the sniper bullet was spinning rapidly one kilometer away!

The bullet spins, rubbing a lot of air, and shoots toward her!

Her pupils suddenly condensed slightly.

In an instant, the faint green in the pupil was even worse!

In her pupils, all the images around the circle seemed to be...slowed down!

The whole world turned pale green in her eyes!

All the pictures, like a movie film, have been slowed down dozens of times!

In her eyes, the sniper bullet seemed to have slowed down dozens of times, pierced the air, and slowly shot towards her...

She can even see the twisting and trembling of the air when the sniper bullet pierces.

You can even see countless dust particles in the air... Wiped by sniper bullets, swept one after another.

At this moment, where she looked, she seemed to be the master of this world.

Everything has slowed down.

Everything is under the control of her sight.

No, she has abilities, and it's not that she can control time.

Rather, her pupils are just like the camera lens of a mobile phone. Because of the special structure of her pupils, she can instantly capture high-speed moving lens images!

Those ultra-high-speed moving pictures can't escape her high-frequency retinal capture!

In her eyes, all the pictures have been slowed down!

However, at the same time.

In front of Yun Yin, that sniper bullet had already violently attacked!

The air in front was distorted by the impact of the terrifying bullet!

At this moment, Yun Yin's pretty face was calm, and she was just lightly on the side of her snow-white neck.


The speed of the sniper bullet at this moment, in her eyes, is too slow and too slow!

"Puff...!" The sniper bullet slammed into the oil pavement behind!

Directly blasted the entire piece of oil-filled road through a huge hole the size of a fist!

On the entire viaduct, the scene is in chaos!

Everyone screamed in horror and kept fleeing!

The group of Qiu's bodyguards, huddled behind the car, did not dare to show up!

The opponent has a large-caliber firepower sniper!

At this time, the entire viaduct was within the range of that sniper!

Once they show up, they will be the target of the other party!

In the Maybach car, Qiu Yi had a pale face and was sitting in the car. At this time, her forehead had already penetrated with sweat.

Anxious and messy, but there is no other way but to wait!

She prayed secretly, hoping that Yun Yin would be safe.

If it was Mr. Chen... I might not be afraid of this kind of scene anymore, right?

Such a complicated thought flashed through Qiu Yiren's heart.

She didn't even know it. Before she knew it, Mr. Chen had become her patron.

When that man is by his side, Qiu Yi is no longer afraid of all crises.

At this time, she suddenly realized that her life, life safety...cannot do without that man.

Unfortunately, he is not by his side at this time.


However, at the same time.

One kilometer away, the office building of Shengyin Building, the top floor!

The sniper looked solemn, crawling in front of the sniper scope, staring at the picture on the viaduct not far away!

This? !

His mother! !

That woman, twice in a row, avoided his bullet with bare hands? ! !

How the **** is this possible! !

This is impossible!

The sniper rifle, since the moment it was invented, has undertaken an advanced lore mission!

Terrifying speed, super long range, super penetrating explosive power!

Cause it to become a weapon for assassination!

No one in this world has avoided a sniper rifle!

Unless, the gunman missed.

However, he took two shots, all of which were super-accurate shots... But as a result... But he was avoided by the opponent twice in a row? ?

Is this a coincidence?

The speed of the sniper rifle bullet is 1000 meters per second.

In other words, shooting... it only takes one second for the bullet to penetrate the target person on the viaduct one kilometer away!

If the other party hears the gunshot and goes to hide, it may not even be able to hear the sound. Because the speed of sound is 340 meters per second. The bullet has arrived before the sound arrives!

If you see the sparks when the gun is fired and then hide... then it is almost impossible!

The reaction speed of the eyes of athletes participating in the Olympic Games is about twice as fast as that of ordinary people, which is 0.36 seconds. The speed of the world's fastest eye reaction athlete Tomba is 0.13 seconds. A sprinter can run up to 10 meters per second on the way, but it is good to have 2 meters per second at the start. This is still in the case of starting blocks.

Calculating this way, if the distance is 800 meters, it is possible for an excellent athlete to react within 1 second and move 0.5 meters to the side with preparation. If you are not prepared, or the distance is shortened, or if you are an ordinary person, that won't work.

Assuming that the distance between the shooter and the killed is about 1 km, then the bullet will fly for at least 1 second. If the shooter happens to move at the moment the shot is shot, the bullet will definitely be deflected.

But, the problem is... the woman on the viaduct did not evade in advance!

She even looked directly at herself for a second, and then she seemed to be spiritual, and she flashed lightly, avoiding the bullet? !

What the fuck!

coincidence? !

It must be a coincidence! !

The sniper looked terrifying, and can only be explained in this way! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

He reloaded and loaded!

Once again, the Barrett sniper rifle was aimed at the woman in leather jacket one kilometer away!

"Bah...!" He fired again suddenly...! !

An 11 cm long sniper bullet burst out in a rapid burst!

Toward the target that is kilometers away, burst out!

With a range of one kilometer, it’s almost... in the blink of an eye for a second, then...!

The sound has not yet arrived, the bullet has arrived!

"Shoo...!" The sniper bullet pierced through the void, and instantly shot in front of Yun Yin! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

But, at this time!

Yun Yin on the viaduct still has a pretty face.

At this moment, the bullet that struck in front of her was slowed down dozens of times in her eyes.

In her right hand, a silver needle suddenly appeared.

Then the next second, she gently moved her hand.

That silver needle, like a sharp blade, instantly slammed down towards the sniper bullet in front of you!

"Zi...!" There was a sound of metal being split!

The silver needle is extremely sharp!

In an instant, the sniper bullet was directly chopped into two pieces!

‘Kang Dang. ’Sniper bullet fragments fell to the feet.


this moment!

The face of the sniper one kilometer away suddenly changed! !

This? !

What the fuck! !

For the third time, block the attack bullet? ! !

If the previous two times are coincidence... Then, what is... this time? !

The face of the sniper has never been more solemn!

This is not a coincidence? !

But, at the same time!

On the viaduct, Yun Yin's beautiful eyes condensed, and in the next second, she flicked her right hand gently!

"Zheng...!" The silver needle in his hand instantly pierced the air and shot at the sniper one kilometer away!

The silver needle, because of its slenderness, has no air resistance at all!

With Yun Yin's lightly flicking, the silver needle pierced the air directly, and violently struck him! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

One kilometer away, the sniper had no time to react!

He is about to shoot the next shot!

As a result, "Puff!!" A silver glow... slammed into his left eye! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Yin Mang, inserted fiercely, through his left eye.

Only a small needle length is left, exposed out of the eyeball.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. !

The whole left eye was pierced! !

Completely blind! !

Countless blood rushed out of the eyeballs, and it was painful and miserable!

But, at the same time!

One kilometer away, on the viaduct, Yun Yin's eyes were calm, and he glanced at the Maybach car not far away.

The door of the car was locked. As long as Qiu Yi didn't come out, there was hardly any danger.

In the next second, she gently raised her hands, as if she had a light effort, and her beautiful body leaped directly toward the viaduct tens of meters high!

"Bah!" The moment she fell to the ground, she rolled.

And the back of the body turned into an afterimage... swiftly flashed towards the office building of Shengyin Mansion ahead!

She didn't kill her before.

Otherwise, that silver needle is enough to shoot through the sniper's head and kill it on the spot!

The reason why I kept my hand was because I wanted to catch alive and interrogate!


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Seek support! !

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