The five point assurance just said is nonsense. Li Yi is bullying. Few people in the group are proficient in western medicine. They want to say what they want to say, but who wants to have people like Lin Feng? The point-to-point problem really makes him at a loss.

Now many unexpected places have been put forward by Lin Feng. If he still insists on the operation and really has such a problem, it will really become his big trouble. He can't use any previous excuses. He has blocked all my roads. It was estimated that he still has two or three points of confidence in his heart, but as soon as Lin Feng said, Li Yi is not sure.

Li Yi is speechless now. He has a damn expression on his face and two eyes looking straight at Lin Feng. A huge wave has opened in his heart.

God, can you tell me who this young man is? In any case, such a young man can't know these things that need hundreds of thousands of operations to know. Even if he just reads books, it depends on a few years. Whether he is human or not. At this age, he will have so much knowledge that even a genius can't do this!

How on earth did these two old men find this evil spirit? How could such a person go to school to teach? Isn't it a natural thing? Pure neuropathy will teach in school. Lin Feng's medical skills should be no worse than mine only by what he shows. But I'm almost 40 years old, and he's just in his early 20s. It's too exciting.

What's more, I have been known as a child prodigy since I was a child. Later, when I studied abroad, I learned from the world famous western medicine expert Saburo Ogai. I did countless operations during my study in Japan to accumulate today's achievements. I didn't expect to be completely defeated by this man named Lin Feng in just a few minutes. I'm ashamed and lost my hair today

Lin Feng's series of questions not only completely destroyed what Li Yi said, but also stunned others.

God, is he still a teacher? How can a teacher know so many medical things? But the problem is that uncle Ding's Tianhai InBev university doesn't have a medical major. How does he know so many things? It's incredible. There's no way to explain. So young, he has no chance to answer back what the western medicine expert can refute. Is he a teacher or a doctor?

If it's a teacher, isn't it a waste of talents? Such exquisite medical skills actually teach. Isn't it sick? What is it!

Leng Junsheng

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