"Boss, Jiang Haoran is not disrespectful to you now. His bones and joints are broken by me. Now he can only be in this position!"

Zhao Xiaowei first explained to Lin Feng that before, Lin Feng only broke the joints of several key parts of Jiang Haoran, but now all his bones and joints have been broken. If you don't explain, it's really unreasonable.

"Don't be so cruel. You're going too far!" Lin Feng reluctantly shook his head. He knew that Zhao Xiaowei wanted to pry Jiang Haoran's mouth open, so they used such an extreme method. At this time, Jiang Haoran had no good place. If Jiang Haoran had not been a strong spirit emperor before, he would not be able to stand this time at all.

"That's it. I don't know how this guy trained before. Such execution can resist..." Sun Xiaowei was also a little guilty. Lin Feng had done quite well before, but Jiang Haoran didn't get any clues in their hands. It's really a little unreasonable.

"A bunch of useless things. Do you know why I asked you to guard the gate of Kude arena in those years? It's because I've seen that you are all useless wastes in the coming year... Ha ha..."

Jiang Haoran's voice echoed in Lin Feng's mind. Then he saw a Jiang Haoran who closed his eyes and slowly opened his eyes. Of course, when he saw Lin Feng's figure, his eyes were full of resentment.

"Lin Feng, are you here to show your Victor's posture? I'll tell you the truth. It's impossible to get outside news from me. You are the Hicks in this little cool city. Where do you know how big your outside world is..."

Jiang Haoran laboriously turns his head to Lin Feng and stares at Lin Feng. Of course, he knows why Lin Feng will keep his life until now. It is entirely because he comes from a higher-level spirit tree city. Lin Feng wants to get these important news from him.

But although he is now a prisoner, it does not mean that he will give in, because he knows that the result of saying and not saying is the same, and it is a dead end. He knows this very well, because it is really a very simple thing for the forces behind him to destroy Lord Wu.

"You're smart, but you're not smart." Lin Feng was not in a hurry to talk to Jiang Haoran, but slowly walked to the seat and did it. Zhao Xiaowei immediately politely poured Lin Feng a cup of spirit tea and sipped a sip of spirit tea. Lin Feng said it slowly.

"Lord Mayor, what medicine does Lord Lin Feng sell in the gourd at this time? It's smart and not smart. Is it smart or not?" General Zhong stood next to Lord Wu. He knew that Lin Feng's strength was absolutely strong enough, but in the interrogation, he didn't think Lin Feng was too powerful. After all, he was the intelligence director of Kude city. This interrogation can be said to be familiar.

"Jiang Haoran comes from other spirit tree cities. Do you think his endurance is the only thing you've seen in your life?"

Lord Wu did not directly answer general Zhong's question, but asked general Zhong a question. This time, general Zhong was confused.

"It's all true. It's not that I haven't caught other spies in the spirit tree city before, and I don't have such trouble." General Zhong nodded slightly. Although Jiang Haoran was a spy, it can't be denied that he was also a man. Now the pain he suffered is not acceptable to ordinary people.

General Zhong asked himself that if it were him now, he would never be able to stand up to now. How can he have the strength to scold them? This point can prove how respectable and terrible Jiang Haoran is.

"This is my answer. Since Jiang Haoran came from the spirit tree city outside, we have no way to deal with it, but you should know that Lord Lin Feng also comes from other spirit tree cities. We can't deal with it. Lord Lin Feng is not necessarily..."

Lord Wu's eyes never left Lin Feng. In his eyes, Lin Feng was omnipotent. At that time, the scene of defeating Jiang Haoran was still in front of him. He was calm and calm. He took Jiang Haoran with his fingers. This is not what ordinary people from the spirit tree city can do.

"Lin Feng, you are very powerful. I, Jiang Haoran, really lost. I am not wronged at all. If you kill me directly, I may look up to you, but you want to inquire about the news here. Obviously, you underestimate me..."

Jiang Haoran's joking voice rang out in everyone's mind. Later, he saw that Jiang Haoran tried his best to sit up straight. The self-healing ability of the strong spirit emperor was really extraordinary. If it took another period of time, Jiang Haoran might be able to run out.

"You old man, can you sit up?"

"It seems that I'm too light!"

Zhao Xiaowei and sun Xiaowei were also startled at this time. Jiang Haoran is a strong spirit emperor. If he goes on like this, his strength only needs to be restored by about 10%, then he can kill them directly and escape. When Jiang Haoran fled into Kude forest, they can't take him anymore.

"It seems that it is almost as I expected. It has recovered to this stage in two days. Now you know why I came here today?"

Lin Feng still had a faint smile on his face. At the beginning, he was not worried because his method was too overbearing. If he used it at the beginning, Jiang Haoran's body would be unbearable, but now after a period of self-healing, he should be able to bear it. In this way, he came.

"Of course I know. Otherwise I wouldn't stop pretending now. Even if you're cheating for a while, it's very simple. But when you come, it's different. You're not stupid at all!"

Jiang Haoran gave Zhao Xiaowei and sun Xiaowei a hard look, and the irony was obvious. It was obvious that he didn't pay attention to Zhao Xiaowei at all. In fact, he designed it in this way from the beginning. Compared with the strong of Linghuang and Lingwang, it can be said that there is a difference between heaven and earth. Even if he is seriously injured, he can heal himself slowly, but it will take some time.

If the spirit king has just stepped into the threshold of cultivation, the spirit emperor has officially entered the cultivation state. The absorption and perception of the spirit of heaven and earth are far from comparable to the spirit king, and his own flesh body does not know how much better than the spirit king.

In fact, the role of the flesh has begun to fade gradually, relying more on its own fighting spirit. As long as its fighting spirit is not completely broken, even if it is cut open, it can heal slowly.

Because fighting spirit is the source of his life now. As long as fighting spirit is there, he can recover slowly. The function of the flesh body has begun to weaken slowly. This is the reason why those powerful practitioners would rather spend a lot of time cultivating fighting spirit than cultivating the flesh body.

As long as the fighting spirit is not completely destroyed, it is like the river is not thirsty at the source, and this is a spiritual realm. The richness of the spiritual spirit has reached a very high level. Such a place itself is a good place to recuperate. This cultivation and breakthrough are actually two different things. It is impossible to break through to the spiritual emperor level here, But it's good to recuperate.

Because of this, Jiang Haoran has recovered a lot in just a few days. Although there is still a lot of difference from being able to escape here, it is still very long to sit up, but these will only be known when they reach the level of Linghuang. This is another reason why Lin Feng came today.

"Just know. It's as easy as cleaning up you at the beginning. It's not difficult to pry open your mouth. Such a thing is still very simple. It may be difficult for others, but it's really not difficult for me."

Lin Feng's voice sounded faintly in everyone's mind. The sound was as calm as the lake. It sounded very convincing and didn't feel uncomfortable.

"The boss is the boss, which I absolutely believe!"

"Jiang Haoran, I advise you to recruit directly now. If boss Lin makes a move, you will really suffer!"

At this time, Zhao Xiaowei and sun Xiaowei properly played the side drum. Although they have great confidence in Lin Feng, this confidence is not blind, but comes from periods of experience. In their memory, Lin Feng is synonymous with miracles. As long as Lin Feng wants to do anything, there must be a way.

"Jiang Haoran, I don't think we need to say more about the strength of Lord Lin Feng. Do you think a person who beat all the strong people like you without fighting back can't deal with you?"

General Zhong also added that in fact, he didn't have much contact with Lin Feng, but Lin Feng's strength really surprised him. Since any cultivator can cultivate to the spirit emperor level, it must be a lot of experience in the future. Moreover, Lin Feng is the one who is favored by Kude spirit God. It can be seen that Lin Feng is already a person who even Kude spirit God will look up to.

"They said it was true. If I were you, I would seriously consider it."

Lord Wu was also very sympathetic at this time and looked at Jiang Haoran. He was the only person in Kude city who had seen the world outside. He knew how terrible a strong spirit emperor was. At that time, when Lin Feng was cleaning up Jiang Haoran, it can be said that he took Jiang Haoran in a light description. Jiang Haoran's strength was the first level of the spirit emperor, The strength of Lin Feng is obvious.

It is such strength. If there are no other means, it is estimated that no one will believe it. Lin fengzhiqiang has far exceeded his imagination. What such a strong man said must be said and done.

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