"Do you really want to buy this little mud tower?" The boss looked at Lin Feng and asked curiously. He had sold the small mud tower here for many years, but it was an addition when he bought a batch of antiques. Now the price is 100000 because he doesn't really want to buy it, because he also thinks the small mud tower is very unusual, but he has studied it for so many years and hasn't worked out a reason.

He also wants to sell it at a price of 100000. If he buys it, he will sell it. After all, no one can't get along with the spirit coin. Many people have asked about this small mud tower, but as soon as he heard about the price, he left immediately and didn't even bring back his head. But Lin Feng has seen it for so long today, which is the first time.

"I want to buy it, but your price is too expensive. Can you make it cheaper?" Lin Feng's eyes have been on the small mud tower and rubbed it gently with his hands. He can see that it is indeed made of bronze. Whether the small mud tower is a good thing or not, just the material must be an old object.

"Well, since you like it, I'm not wordy. The buy it now price is 80000 Ling coins. In addition, there is this storage ring. This storage ring should be specially used to store this small mud tower. I don't hide it from my little brother. I want this price for this storage ring. You know that things that can be saved with a special storage ring are generally good things, but this thing has nothing to do with me It's fate. I'll sell it to you cheaper... "

As soon as the boss saw that Lin Feng really wanted it, he took out a rusty bronze ring, which was full of green rust and looked very bad.

"Boss, even if this little mud tower is a bronze tower, you don't deserve to put on this bronze ring..." Tangyuan looked at the boss with his mouth tilted at this time. Although it was 20000 cheaper at once, tangyuan still felt that these two things were not worth even two spirit coins.

"Well, 80000 is 80000!" When Lin Feng finished, he directly took 80000 Ling coins and gave them to the boss. At the same time, he held the storage ring in his hand, but as soon as he got close to the storage ring and the small mud tower, the small mud tower went directly into the storage ring.

Seeing that Lin Feng has paid the money, the dumplings will no longer say anything. After all, the spirit coins are Lin Feng's own, and there is nothing wrong with him. Later, he didn't even pay attention to Lin Feng, and directly jumped to find Tiantian them. Obviously, he is in a great mood for Lin Feng's spending money indiscriminately.

Put the things away. Lin Feng said goodbye to the boss and walked in the direction of Tiantian. As for the anger of Tangyuan, Lin Feng didn't care. Except for the bronze storage ring, Lin Feng tried to establish a connection with the ring. Sure enough, he succeeded. At this time, the lowest storage ring has no defense, and anyone can use it, This makes Lin Feng a little disappointed.

The little mud pagoda was taken out of the bronze ring. Lin Feng shook you off with fighting spirit. Then he saw the true face of the small mud pagoda. The small mud pagoda was indeed made of bronze. It was made of the same material as the bronze ring, and it was also covered with green rust. Now it looks worse than hanging those mud, Now he knows why there is so much mud on the little mud tower. The boss should have made it on purpose.

The green rust on the bronze ware is difficult to remove, but it can't defeat Lin Feng, because he has a super flame such as eternal Shenyan. As long as it is calcined, the green rust on it will naturally disappear. When he finds a place where there is no one, Lin Feng burns the bronze ring and the small mud tower which is already a bronze tower in eternal Shenyan.

After a while, the bronze ring and the bronze tower were renewed. There were so many runes on it. It looked like a good thing from the treasure of the spirit God.

Take the bronze tower into the bronze ring, and then take the bronze ring in his hand. Lin Feng chased Tiantian and them. At this time, the bronze ring suddenly flashed a golden light. Even Lin Feng didn't find it


"Boss, you're here. If we weren't waiting for you, we would have gone in!" When Tangyuan saw Lin Feng, he caught up and said with some complaints.

"You are really rich. According to Tangyuan, you spent 80000 yuan to buy that little mud tower. If you really can't spend enough lingcoin, I can help you!" Tiantian then walked up to Lin Feng and mocked him. Just now, tangyuan has finished buying a small mud tower.

"Leng Han, why are you alone?" At this time, Lin Feng ignored Tian Tian. He found that Lenghan was not here, so he asked.

"We're going to Xinsheng casino now. It's cold and quiet. She's too noisy here, so she'll go back to the inn first." Shen Yang also came to Lin Feng and said, when he saw the bronze ring lit on Lin Feng's hand, his eyes really brightened.

Seeing that everyone had focused on his bronze ring, Lin Feng smiled and said, "the boss is too sloppy. Don't you think the bronze ring and the tower are very good? I have to study it well when I have time. Maybe I really found the baby."

Lin Feng took out the bronze tower. At this time, he found that the bronze tower is brighter than at the beginning, which surprised Lin Feng. But now so many people are present, he has no way to study it, so he can only leave this question to the future.

"80000 spirit coins, selling a bronze tower, you are also extravagant enough!"

"Don't say it now. Let's hurry to see the legendary newborn casino!"

"New casino, new casino..."

Tiantian and Shen Yang are not interested in studying the bronze tower, and Tangyuan has shouted slogans urgently at this time, because they are now standing in front of the Xinsheng casino. There is an endless stream of people here, and the business is very hot.

"Come on, let's go and see it now. I'm looking forward to it!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, and then several people walked towards the Xinsheng casino

"Buy and leave, buy and leave!"

"No more cards, no more opening!"

"Run, run quickly when you arrive!"


As soon as Lin Feng entered the door, they were startled by the noise coming from their faces. There was no sound outside, but it was chaotic inside, like a vegetable market. Here, Lin Feng also saw illegal activities such as dice and Pai Gow on his mobile phone, as well as the race against small insects. In short, there are all kinds of gambling methods

"There are dice and Pai Gow here?" Tangyuan was a little confused at this time. The poison tools here were so similar to the world of ten thousand gods, which surprised him very much.

"You are really from the small place of Kude city. There are no dice and Pai Gow in the whole spiritual realm. You are really a hick. Going out with you has lowered my taste!"

Tiantian took a look at the steamed stuffed bun Lin Feng and tangyuan. These gambling methods have always been in the spiritual realm. No one knows when they started, but no one doesn't like them.

"These gambling methods may be the only legacy left by the ancient spirit realm. Think of the war that year, Hongjun futu spirit God died, and the whole spirit realm was reordered, which leads to today's spirit realm..."

Shen Yang could not help sighing at this time. These gambling methods were handed down from ancient times. While gambling, these people were actually remembering the ancient spiritual realm, because the current spiritual realm had actually declined and was far from as prosperous as the ancient spiritual realm, and most of the current spiritual trees were left by the ancient spiritual gods. There were countless spiritual gods at that time.

But I don't know why later. It seems that a foreign invasion almost destroyed the whole spiritual realm. All ancient spiritual gods finally drove the foreign race out of the spiritual realm at the cost of nine deaths and injuries. At that time, Hongjun, the God of gods, was also killed on the battlefield

"Lin Feng, don't you even know the history of this spiritual realm?" Looking at Lin Feng and Tangyuan, Tian Tian was surprised. Lin Feng and Tangyuan obviously didn't know such a thing.

"It seems that our Kude city is too remote. It's the first time I've heard of these things!"

"It turns out that our spiritual realm has suffered much disaster. Those ancient gods are really great!"

Lin Feng and Tang Yuan sighed at this time. They now think it's good to come from a small place like Kude city. Many things can be prevaricated by not knowing, because their Kude city is the border and poor mountain area of the spiritual realm.

"Since you don't know the ancient war, you must not know the spirit tomb?" When Shen Yang saw Lin Feng, they didn't even know the ancient war in the spirit realm. At this time, someone said a shocking news.

"Spirit tomb?"

"Isn't that the graveyard of the spirit God?"

Lin Feng and Tangyuan have eaten again. They really don't know about the Lingshen tomb. They don't know that the ghost of Kude Lingshen was in Kude Lingshen's treasure, and they didn't say anything about the ancient Lingshen war.

"You really can. If you hadn't known each other for such a long time, you really thought you came from other space. You didn't know about the ancient war and even the spirit tomb. You could really..."

Tiantian is also surprised at the ignorance of Lin Feng and tangyuan. Now they know why the freshmen of Kude city can only buy baked cakes in Xinsheng City, because he is really lonely and unheard of.

"As you said, we came from a small place and haven't seen the world. Just tell me about it!" Lin Feng is interested. He knows the strength of the spirit God, which is much higher than him now, and the spirit God tomb is the cemetery of the ancient spirit God war. Such explosive news really shocked him.

"Please tell us about the ancient spirit war and the spirit tomb, otherwise we really don't know..." Tangyuan is also excited, because he knows that the spirit tomb is actually the most likely location of the spirit treasure.

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