At this time, the ink dust was silent. He was thinking about something with his eyebrows locked. He thought very seriously. Both eyebrows had to be screwed together.

"Boss, you are really powerful. If you don't offend, you won't offend. Once you offend, you will directly offend the new hot spots. It's really cow!" Tangyuan continued to carry forward at this time. He was not afraid of big things. It seemed that if this thing was not big enough, he felt that it was just an addiction.

"Mo Chen, just say what you want to do. You're willing to admit defeat. Don't you want to go back all the losers?" Lin Feng also looked at the ink dust with a frown. Of course, he knew that the ink dust didn't come here to make friends with him.

"Lin Feng, you come from Kude city. Where is this Kude city? Why haven't I heard of it?" Mo Chen's eyebrows are still twisted like a twist. He has been thinking about where the cool city is, but after thinking for so long, he still hasn't figured out where the cool city is.


Tiantian and Shen Yang didn't hold back for a moment. They all laughed. They just wanted to shock the identity of ink dust. Unexpectedly, this ink dust has such a lovely side. They even thought hard about where Kude city is. In fact, before they knew Lin Feng, Tiantian and Shen Yang didn't know that there was a spirit tree city called Kude city in the spirit land.

"It's just a small town. It's not as big as you. Let's make it clear now. I don't think you're here to invite me to tea!" Lin Feng glared at Tian Tian fiercely. At this time, they still laughed. At first glance, this ink dust is not an idle person. Even now he is not sure of winning. After all, his strength is the first level of the spirit emperor, and this ink dust is the real high-level strength of the spirit emperor.

And the ink dust is full of poisonous insects and poison. Such a poisonous man really deserves his name, poison childe.

"I think you misunderstood. I'm not here to get back what I lost just now. I'm here to get all the natural materials and earth treasures on you!" At this time, Mo Chen no longer bothered about where Lin Feng came from, because he felt the strength of Lin Feng and their several people. They were all the first rank of the spirit emperor. Even though it would be a little laborious for him to fight three at a time, he could still win the war.

"Ink dust, don't deceive people too much!"

"Do you really think you can beat the three of us? If there's a lot of noise here, you won't come to a good end. Fighting is not allowed in Xinsheng city!"

Tian Tian and Shen Yang looked at Mo Chen with bad eyes at this time. Their strength is really not as good as Mo Chen, but this does not mean that they are afraid of Mo Chen. If they really fight, no one can take advantage. After all, combat strength is on the one hand, but with their real identity background, they can't have some means to press the bottom of the box.

"No fighting is allowed in Xinsheng city. Of course I know. I didn't say I would fight with you, but if you are all poisoned, I'll kindly detoxify you, and then you give me all your things out of gratitude, it's not a violation!"

Ink dust's eyes were cold and sweet. They felt a little hairy in their hearts, because the black poisonous insects in ink dust's eyes were clearly visible, which set off the whole person of ink dust.

At this time, although the voice of ink dust fell, there were five blood red centipedes in his black robe tightly wrapped around his body. Each centipede was a foot long and half an arm thick, which looked numb to the scalp.

"Red refining centipede!"

"You even foster a red refining centipede!"

"Ah... You pervert, it's disgusting to have such a pet. You bastard are disgusting!"


Tiantian was surprised. On the one hand, they felt uncomfortable all over, as if there were thousands of poisonous insects crawling on their bodies. At the same time, they also felt that the ink dust was able to express its position. Although they had long known that the ink dust had fostered poisonous insects on their bodies, now they really saw it with their own eyes, which still made their scalp numb to the extreme.

"Do you really think you will eat us today? Are you so confident?" Lin Feng was unmoved and calm as always. Although he was also shocked that this guy who was so cruel to himself took his body as a parasite and fostered poisonous insects, he was really not afraid of such poisonous insects.

Because he has the eternal flame that can devour some and burn everything. Although the poisonous insect red refining centipede is terrible, it is the most afraid of fire. It doesn't mean that the eternal flame can run across any plane, but the insect has never lost anything once burned. This is a natural control, but Lin Feng has such ability, so he has no fear.

"I don't think you know how strong my red refining centipede is. They are not only bigger, but also much more toxic than ordinary red refining centipedes. They don't need to bite you directly. As long as they spray poison at you, you will be poisoned, but you will be very painful. Now I advise you to hand over the natural materials and earth treasures on your body, and I can release them I told you... "

At this time, Mo Chen looked at Lin Feng and others, his eyes were indifferent, and there was no trace of emotion. It seemed that in his eyes, Lin Feng and them were dead, and there was no life at all.

"If you want to take our things, let's see if you have this ability!" Lin Feng is not afraid to take a step forward and protect Tiantian behind him. He has eternal divine inflammation protection on his body, which can be invincible in theory. Although he doesn't know whether his eternal divine inflammation can swallow the poison of red refining centipede in the spiritual realm, he can't shrink back at this time.

"Lin Feng, you're really good. You can be so calm now. Look at the guy behind you. He's almost nervous. I'll rush at your courage. I decided to let you taste my red refining centipede first!"

As soon as Mo Chen's voice fell, he gave orders to the five huge red refining centipedes. The five red refining centipedes spewed poison fog towards the forest wind. The poison fog was green and spread worse towards the forest wind. The walls and ground that came into contact with the poison fog quickly turned black.

"Old... Boss... You must... Resist!" Tangyuan's voice began to tremble at this time. He was a monster and was much more sensitive to the poison fog than the spirit family. He could clearly feel the danger of the poison fog. If he was touched by the poison fog, it would be a good situation to have half his life left!

"Shen Yang, do you have any spirit tools that can block the poisonous fog? You can't hide at this time!" Tian Tian is also frightened to lose her color. Looking at the green poisonous fog spreading here, she is also anxious.

"Why don't we just fly and run?" Shen Yang said nervously at this time. He was also a little flustered in the face of such a huge poison.

"Are you stupid? This is Xinsheng City, not to mention flying. If we cross the wall now and are caught by the law enforcement team, we will be disqualified for freshmen. Can you think of some practical and effective ideas!"

Tian Tian looked at the poison fog getting closer and closer, and her face turned pale. She was really a little flustered now. The name of the poison childe was really not empty.


Even the air was made to sizzle by the poisonous fog, which seemed to corrode everything like strong acid. Even the air was not spared.


Lin Feng was not too nervous. He easily snapped his fingers, and then a small group of colored flames appeared at his fingertips. Then he saw Lin Feng bend his fingers, and the small group of colored flames flew out. As the colored flames left Lin Feng's fingers, the volume quickly increased, and a wall of fire was formed in a moment, Stopped the green poison gas.

Then a more startling scene took place. Only seeing this colorful flame began to burn the green poison mist, only a moment later, the poison fog was burned up more than half, and it was also burning along with the poison mist to press five centipede centipede which was being sprayed.


At this time, the ink dust was also aware of the extraordinary color flame. At the edge of the color flame, there were a trace of black lines, and even the space was burned, and a trace of cracks appeared.

Realizing the power of the flame, he quickly summoned his five red refining centipedes, but it was over at this time. The rapid flash of the colored flame had burned all the poisonous fog, and burned the five red refining centipedes into fly ash.

"Lin Feng, you remember for me. We'll calculate today's account another day!" Ink dust saw that the red refining centipede, which had been burned to ashes, was as worried as a knife, but he had nothing to do with Lin Feng. He knew that Lin Feng's amazing fighting spirit was the fighting spirit of the fire system, which was born against him. What he feared most was the fighting spirit of the fire system, but Lin Feng was.

Just like Shen Yang and Tian Tian saw that there was nothing they could do about the poisonous fog just now. If they were not in Xinsheng City, they could run away directly, but there are many rules in Xinsheng city. If they don't pay attention, they will be disqualified, which is not worth the loss. In fact, this is also the reason why he was so careful, otherwise he would have done it long ago, They won't wait until Lin Feng stops in the alley.

Although his strength is a little higher than Lin Fengqiang, he can't do it here. If the law enforcement team knows, even he, the little city master of Moyan City, will be disqualified from freshmen. But without fighting, he really can't do anything about Lin Feng, so he can only leave with a cruel word.

"Are you a fire fighter?"

"It seems that you and Lenghan are really made for each other, one ice and one fire. It's up to you to melt the big ice in Lenghan!"

Tian Tian and Shen Yang looked at Lin Feng and said that they can't see through Lin Feng now. Talent is a special qualification, and fighting spirit is the fire fighting spirit of cultivation. You know, this fire fighting spirit is very difficult to cultivate, but these extremely difficult things seem to be ten points simple in Lin Feng.

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