If such a great man had appeared in their new city, they would not be the lowest new city. It was so easy in the top 100 of all new students!


Lin Feng almost didn't spit blood collectively. He said it was so lively. It turned out that there had never been such a cow here. Now they know why the ganhai City Lord smiled like eating honey shit. That's lucky.

"Now start the test. Please line up. If someone doesn't obey the rules, he will be disqualified!"

With the order of the city Lord ganhai, the second round of freshmen test in this field began. Rows of people led to small buildings one by one, which is the place where today's morale control is tested.

In fact, this fighting spirit control is also a talent test, because only those who reach the peak of the spirit king can start to control their fighting spirit, and at the spirit emperor level can start to cultivate some fighting skills related to fighting spirit.

Because the battle at Linghuang level is no longer a battle between swords and soldiers, but a duel between Lingbao and fighting spirit, so a person's talent for fighting spirit control is still very important, and this time ganhai wants to personally test Lin Feng and Lenghan's fighting spirit control ability


With the passage of time, it's time for Leng Han and Lin Feng to test. Just then, they took a double test, that is, two people tested together, and an examiner tested it. Such things usually happen to friends, but now it's obvious that Lin Feng and Leng Han are not friends.

The two of Lin Feng walked into a small building together, and when they went in, the door of the small building was directly closed. This is also a very normal procedure. There is nothing special, and the house here is obviously much higher than the room tested for the first time. But as soon as Lin Feng entered, he was a little impulsive to laugh.

"What are you doing? Is it so funny to test with me?" Lenghan on one side was unhappy when she saw Lin Feng's expression. She didn't like Lin Feng at all. In fact, she still didn't like men, because her most important thing now is to cultivate and improve her strength.

Everything else can be ignored. Even the love affair between children and women seems to be a cancer that prevents her from practicing, so he doesn't like Lin Feng at all now. Of course, he will be very angry when he sees Lin Feng.

"I didn't laugh at you. Look who tested us?" Lin Feng was not angry with Leng Han's hostility. In fact, he also felt that this beautiful and unspeakable ice beauty seemed to have a very heavy heart and was only interested in cultivation. Other things seemed to be similar to his facial features.

Lenghan looked forward when he heard Lin Feng's words. At this time, he saw a meat mountain and a big fat face full of bright smiles. He was also surprised. Isn't this city Lord ganhai? When did the city Lord begin to take part in the test directly?

"Lin Feng, we meet again. This time I'm not a substitute, but waiting for you..." city Lord Gan Hai looked at Lin Feng and smiled, as if he had seen his beloved little lady.

Looking at Gan Hai's fiery eyes, Lin Feng also shook his head and smiled bitterly. He now believes that what Qin Kai said before is not a lie. As expected, there has never been a real genius in the new city. It is just that he and Lenghan, the super qualification, have made Gan Hai City master excited to fight in person.

"Lord, it's nothing to be looked at by you so hot, but Lenghan is a girl. Isn't that good for you? Can you wipe your saliva first? At least you're also a city Lord?"

Lin Feng looked at Gan Hai and said, at this time, Gan Hai not only looked at him with hot eyes, but also looked at Leng Han. Leng Han had tightly held her slender jade hand on the ice sword. As long as Gan Hai City Lord moved a little, she would definitely cut it off without hesitation.


At this time, Gan Hai was also aware of such embarrassment. He coughed a few times and dried his saliva quickly. He didn't think so much. In fact, he didn't have any evil thoughts now. He looked at the cold from the perspective of appreciation.

As soon as ganhai city master returned to normal, Lenghan also gradually released the ice sword in her hand. Looking at ganhai, who has returned to the amiable image, her eyes are no longer full of hostility.

"You two are the best freshmen in this freshman class. I believe you all know this, and you must keep today's test confidential. You must not tell unfamiliar people that your strength can be made public only after you arrive at the elite class. You know that!"

Gan Hai then put away his smiling face and said very seriously that these words were not joking. They were entirely for the safety of Lin Feng and Lenghan, because the fierce competition among the several courtyards was absolutely beyond their imagination.


Seeing that the city Lord ganhai had recovered his former appearance, Lin Feng and Lenghan also officially replied respectfully.


At this time, Gan Haicheng snapped his fingers. Then he saw that the wall behind him slowly disappeared, and items appeared in front of them. These items were more and more strange, including stone mills, silver guns, and finally animal skin stitches

"Your test is different from others, so I test it myself. Now you see that these items are your test tools..."

The Lord of ganhai simply explained the rules to them, and specially explained that there is a special protective cover around these items, which can isolate 90% of the fighting spirit. In fact, the last thing is to use the formed fighting spirit to control these items, which is quite difficult, but Lin Feng has confidence in his heart.

Because when he was training mingsan to control fighting spirit, he used this animal skin sewing needle, but now he never thought that this spirit emperor level fighting spirit test should also use this method, which really made him laugh and laugh.

"You don't need these stone mills. You can directly use this animal skin sewing needle. Since it is a special qualification, the control of fighting spirit is absolutely not bad!" With a wave of his hand, the Lord of ganhai wiped out all those stone mills. Now there are only a pile of animal skin stitches and piles of colorful silk threads.

"How do we test it? It's not just passing these silk threads into the needle's eye, is it?" Leng Han asked puzzled at this time. She is not a newcomer Xiaobai. Although she doesn't know much about the Tianling college, she knows that the test can't be so simple. With her current strength, it's very simple to put a silk thread on more than a dozen animal bone stitches directly.

Even if only one tenth of the fighting spirit is left, there is no problem. After all, it is a strong spirit emperor. Such a test is simply not difficult.

"Are you really serious?" Lin Feng had some doubts. They had been determined as special qualification in the first level, and it should be more difficult according to the evaluation, but now they have such a simple examination question, which was greatly beyond his expectation.

"Hehe, you are really naive. My Tianling college can be in the spiritual realm, but it is one of the five courtyards. If you use these means, you might as well close the door!" Ganhai City Lord saw the lightness in Lin Feng and Lenghan's eyes. He also smiled. When his voice just fell, a huge colorful auspicious dragon appeared on the wall.

The dragon is wearing the Lin armor with its color. Its body is as slender as a snake, but its golden claws are huge, its legs are also very thick, and there is a huge faucet. Although it seems that the proportion of its body is extremely uncoordinated, its power is amazing. A faint threat of divine animals makes Lin Feng and Lenghan shudder.

"Lord ganhai, what do you mean?" Lin Feng puzzled and asked, what is the relationship between the control of fighting spirit and this strange dragon with seriously unbalanced body proportion? Lin Feng really doesn't understand it more and more.

At this time, Lenghan frowned and said faintly, "if I'm not wrong, Lord ganhai asked us to show this colorful dragon picture with one tenth of our fighting spirit!"


This time, even Lin Feng, who has always been calm, couldn't help shouting. It's too difficult for them to control the animal skin sewing needle to embroider the colorful dragon picture. It's not simple, even very abnormal.

"You think well. You don't have animal skins yet. You can only embroider in the air, and you have to fix those needles and threads in the air with fighting spirit at the same time. As long as you finish this, you can pass the evaluation!"

Ganhai said with a smile at this time. In fact, this is not the evaluation method of their new town at all. It was temporarily set by the general hospital, because this special qualification has the evaluation standard of special qualification, and now this is the most difficult one.

In fact, as long as half of the colorful dragon painting is embroidered, it can be regarded as entering the micro realm, which is fully qualified. Only when the whole colorful dragon painting is embroidered is the top realm of fighting spirit talent, and the legendary entering the air realm appears again only in the legend.

"Are you kidding? Who can finish it!" Lin Feng is a little unhappy. Now he thinks it's the ganhai city master who deliberately makes trouble for them. How can he control the fighting spirit like this? It's impossible to complete it at all!

"There's nothing wrong. This should be the three-level test of fighting spirit control. Entering the micro level and the divine level can enter the empty level. It seems that the Tianling college really has some means. It's just the second test. It's really powerful to use such an evaluation method!"

Leng Han said in a cold voice. Now she really knows why Tianling college can stand in the spiritual environment. This evaluation means can select all the best talents.

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