"Boss Mo, you can't blame me. The cold is like jumping out of a crack in a stone. No one knows her origin. I once found Tiantian's friend and asked her to inquire, but Tiantian doesn't seem to know. I can't help it..."

Miao Gang looked at Mo Chen with a bitter face. He really tried his best. He wanted to inquire through Tian Tian's best friend, but he spent a lot of spirit money, but he still got nothing. The most annoying thing is that Tian Tian Tian doesn't seem to know anything.

Mo Chen knew these things, looked at the sky with deep eyes and shook his head helplessly. He was already the leader of the freshmen before he came here. He could compete with him, and then Qin Kai. Although now he doesn't think Lin Feng and Leng Han are qualified to compete with him, he instinctively feels that these two people are very dangerous.

The most disturbing thing is that there are many things he has exposed to the public's attention, because he is a star student in this freshman. He is the top student in this freshman in terms of strength and background, but Lin Feng and Lenghan are not. He knows very little about Lin Feng and Lenghan's news, even almost nothing.

This is the root of his anxiety. People's fear actually comes from unknown things. Once you know him, you will find out how to deal with him, but he is definitely the most exposed freshman of this year, which makes him very uncomfortable and anxious.

"Cha, do everything you can to dig out their details!"

Ink dust hit the wall with a hard punch and smashed all the walls into a big pit. The snake seeped into the fine lines. The big pit spread around like a cobweb, while Miao gang was frightened. If the cicada didn't dare to say a word


The next morning, Lin Feng drank until midnight last night. They didn't know how the wine in Xinsheng city was so strong, or they were in a good mood. It seemed that they all drank too much yesterday. It's reasonable that they should not be so unbearable. They all drank too much yesterday, but they did drink too much yesterday.

And even Lenghan, the ice beauty, was very interested in drinking. They all drank on the wine table, and Lin Feng was the first to wake up. He was also very surprised to see the people sleeping on the ground drunk.

But just as he was about to wake up the crowd, he saw Lenghan drunk in Tian Tian's arms. The white clothes were wrinkled, and a small half of her flat belly was exposed. On her belly, the position of her navel was even with an ice pattern and glittering cold light. It was obvious that it was brought by herself, not tattooed, It looks very strange.

"What is this? It looks like some kind of mark, but what mark can this ice cream be?" Just as Lin Feng murmured in surprise, his cold eyelashes trembled slightly, which indicated that she was about to wake up, so Lin Feng hurriedly pretended to sleep and stared at a beautiful woman's belly button like this. It was really not a good thing to do.

Lenghan slightly opened his eyes. First, he subconsciously looked at his clothes and found that he had run out. Suddenly, he climbed up a few crimson flowers, but when he looked around, he saw that others had not woke up. Only then did he take a long breath, tidy up his clothes and wipe the saliva around his mouth, and then he recovered to the cold face like frost.

It can be said that yesterday was the most indulgent time for her to grow so big. She didn't know anything and lost consciousness. If her always dignified father knew, she would be angry. All her beards would be crooked. Fortunately, she can at least be sure that none of these people knew her identity. That's why she dared to indulge like this.

"The original drink of Ning tincture is also a very good feeling?" Leng Han murmured, then shook his head and smiled. She had too many things on her back. Happy things like last night may not happen again in the future. After sorting out the messy thoughts, Leng Han gently pushed the sleeping Tiantian around her.

"Get up, it's dawn. What does a girl look like like!" Leng Han gently pushed Tian Tian, but her words made Lin Feng tremble, almost didn't hold back and directly laughed.

"You're awake!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at Leng Han, as if he had been awakened by Leng Han. In fact, Lin Feng felt very funny. Just now, you cold young lady, your posture seems to be very bold and unrestrained. Now you still say that the sweet posture is not elegant. It's really a crow standing on the pig.

But Lin Feng didn't expose her. After all, although Leng Han has a very cold personality, he is still very beautiful, and he is also very good. He is a friend who can make deep friends.

"Little guy, this little ice and snow beauty is not simple. If I say, you should take her down. It may be a great help to your future." In Lin Feng's mind, the voice of the tower demon sounded, as if he knew something secret and didn't tell Lin Feng.

"Do you know this cold identity?" Lin Feng asked back. He didn't think about Leng Han, but he was very curious about her identity. After all, people with such a brand must be different, and Leng Han is very different from others. It's still ice fighting. How can Lin Feng not want to know the answer.

"I'm a tower spirit. I've been trapped in this bronze tower. I don't know where this little beauty comes from, but just remember that she's definitely not simple. Although you carry a lot of other elements in your fighting spirit, the element of fire is still dominant. If you combine cold and cold, it must be of great benefit to you..."

At this time, taling searched his remaining memory, but still didn't find any clues. He just knew that the cold was absolutely unusual, and ice and fire practitioners were a perfect match. If they were double cultivation, they would be very good for both sides.

When Lin Feng communicated with taling, others woke up one after another. After a simple wash and a simple breakfast, several people walked out of the inn, because the third round of root and bone evaluation was a few days later, and they still had a few days of leisure time.

The talent selection of Tianling college is also careful enough. First, the first qualification evaluation eliminated more than half of the people, and those who wanted to make up for fishing in troubled waters were directly excluded. The second round of fighting control evaluation was like a high-rise test, another process of selecting the best from the best, and eliminated more than half.

In fact, the third round of root bone evaluation is the most critical. This evaluation can more accurately measure the height they can reach in the future. The first two evaluations are only the basis, and there are still opportunities for error. The third root bone evaluation is the final evaluation standard.

"Where are you going today? The new casino is no longer allowed to go. As soon as the boss shows up, the casino will give things directly and won't let us gamble at all?" Tangyuan stood on Lin Feng's shoulder and said dejectedly. Lin Feng went there several times a few days ago and won a lot. Now the freshman Casino has regarded them as guests.

"I'm tired of selling clothes. There's really no good place to go!" Tian Tian put her hands around her chest and said that although she is a female man's character, she still has a very female taste. Like cold, she likes Rouge powder and beautiful clothes.

"Where shall we go, or we'll go to the weapon spectrum and antique shop?" Seeing Tiantian's listless appearance, Shen Yang quickly thought of several places to go and said it, but what he wanted to go was just to exchange Tiantian's big white eyes.

"I heard that there is a place called douji Pavilion in this freshman city. There are many low-level fighting skills. As long as you pass the second evaluation, you are qualified to choose your own fighting skills..."

Leng Han, who has been silent all the time, suddenly said, which reminds everyone that he was just immersed in the ecstasy of passing the test, but he forgot that there are many benefits after passing the second round of test.

And their ranking is still relatively high. As long as there is no accident, they have basically locked the number of Freshmen in Tianling college. Although the low-level fighting skills at the prefecture level are not very high-level fighting skills, the low-level fighting skills at the prefecture level of Tianling college are almost the same as the intermediate fighting skills at the prefecture level.

"Yes, how can you forget all such important things?"

"Although this prefecture level low-level fighting skill is not very precious, it also depends on where the prefecture level low-level fighting skill is. This Tianling college is not an ordinary place!"

"You drunkards, you haven't said such a good thing. What street are you going to visit? Hurry to the douji Pavilion!"

Tiantian several people remembered one after another at this time. It passed the second round of evaluation. It has such advantages. In this case, there is no need to give up.

"Well, let's go to the douji Pavilion!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up too. He didn't know about this welfare. Otherwise, he would have taken everyone there. What are you still fooling around here!

Several people walked towards the center of Xinsheng City, because that's where the douji Pavilion is. When they get closer to the center of inner city, they also see more and more new students, all of whom have passed the second evaluation.

"There are so many people. Although there are fewer people than at the time of the second evaluation, there are still so many people!" At this time, tangyuan could not help sighing, because in front of him, there was a three story building with three big characters' douji Pavilion ', and above the gate, there were indeed a group of people going inside, and they had to go in and out.

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