"Boy, cheer up now. The skill you want to compete for will appear. Remember my words, even if you spend more effort and take more risks, you must grab this fighting skill and skill at all costs, you know!"

In Lin Feng's mind, the voice of the tower spirit sounded, and the voice was extremely sure. There could be no doubt, that is, Lin Feng must snatch the fighting skill that the tower spirit attaches great importance to.

After listening to the tower spirit, Lin Feng was also inspired. Since its emergence, the tower spirit has shown all kinds of magic. Even Lin Feng doesn't know what the tower spirit is about, but one thing is certain that the tower spirit will never pit him, and every time the initiative appears, it will bring a lot of benefits to Lin Feng.

"What is this? Why is there no light?"

"Look, all the stitches on it are broken. Is this also a fighting skill?"

"No, it looks like a broken animal skin that can no longer be broken, but it really doesn't look like a good thing!"


At this time, at the moment when the black hole was closed, an extremely shabby fighting skill floated lazily out of the black hole. The stitches on the yellowish animal skin roll were all opened. Just like that, it floated in the wind. The color was very shabby and had no luster. Even the teachers were stunned at this scene.

What kind of fighting skill is this? I haven't seen such a fighting skill. The fighting skills here are the best in the fighting skill Pavilion. How can there be such a rag?

The teacher looked at the broken Qi fighting skill that finally appeared in the air. It was also a fog. What appeared here now, even if it was a low-level fighting skill at the prefecture level, it was also very powerful. It was definitely not comparable to the general low-level fighting skill at the prefecture level. But what the hell was this broken?

"Teacher, what kind of skill is this? You just said that the purple light is the medium-level fighting skill at the prefecture level, and the blue light is the low-level fighting skill at the prefecture level, but what kind of fighting skill is it?"

"Don't you want to be a baby at all? It's like picking up junk in the garbage?"

"This kind of fighting skill can also be used. It can't be that the aggressive skill skill of the fighting skill pavilion has disappeared. Let's fill it with such a rag?"

Looking at that ragged skill, he unconsciously mixed it with those prefecture level middle-level and prefecture level low-level skills. Lin Feng twitched their corners of the mouth. Who else can go back to compete for such a show? We can't use this opportunity to compete for a ragged one.

"I said taling, you didn't tell me that's it. That's it. Let alone competition, I'll take it directly now. Not only won't anyone compete with me, but I'm estimated to be laughed at by others!"

Lin Feng is very helpless to communicate with taling in his mind. He now suspects that taling is out of his mind, and even asks him to fight for Ping. Now it seems that there is no need to fight for this thing at all. No one will want it at all.

"This is the fighting skills Pavilion in the freshman city of Tianling college. I can't know all the fighting skills in it, but just remember that all the fighting skills here are the treasures of Tianling college!"

After a short absence, the teacher said sternly that he was sure that he had never seen such a fighting skill in this fighting skill Pavilion, but this is a high-level fighting skill flourishing area. It is reasonable to say that such a "special" fighting skill cannot appear, but now he doesn't know what's going on and how to explain it to Lin Feng.

In fact, the best explanation is not to explain. Naturally, the teacher knows this well, so he directly uses a few severe reprimands to alleviate the embarrassment. Anyway, he also knows that no one will take advantage of such a precious opportunity to choose a ragged one.

"You're very picky. If this skill isn't different, you won't have anything to do long ago. Only a person who knows the goods like me can see that this fighting skill is extraordinary. Just put your heart in your stomach and believe me!"

The tower demon said angrily at this time, as if Lin Feng didn't appreciate it, and even began to doubt his eyes.

"I don't know if I can find the treasure. I just know that as long as I rob the fighting skill skill, no one will stop me. There will be no less ridicule at that time!"

Lin Feng's hand gently rubbed his temples and suddenly felt a headache. He also had rich experience and excellent eyesight, but even with his knowledge, he felt that the skill in taling's mouth was like a rag, but the rag could fly.

But thinking of the various magical performances of taling during this period, he also plans to block a bet. Even if it's not a baby, he will admit bad luck and kill the arrogance of taling. If it's a baby, he will really make a lot of money.

"Boss Mo, what is this? Tianling college should take such junk out for us to choose. Isn't it a little too bad to take us seriously?" Miao gang was a little angry at this time. Although he was not a star student like Mo Chen, he was also one of the top freshmen in the freshman city this time. Such treatment was really miserable.

"This has nothing to do with us. For a while, as long as we don't want the rag, we don't know which unlucky guy went back to choose the rag..." a cold smile appeared on Mo Chen's face. Of course, he won't rob the ragged extreme skill. His eyes have been staring at the five poison celestial burial Sutra with black light.

"Look at the ink dust staring at the five poison celestial burial Sutra. If I can beat him, I must ruin his good deeds!" Tiantian looks at Mo Chen and Miao Gang very angry. Now they have been in a complete team with Mo Chen, making it difficult for each other. That's what they want to do most now.

"You go and grab the skills of your own mind first. I'm not in a hurry. I'll play well with Miao gang and Mo Chen!" Lin Feng is not as excited as Tian Tian. Although he also wants to clean up the ink dust and Miao Gang, he has his way, that is, they are dealing with these guys after ensuring that his people get the fighting skills first.

"Lin Feng, tell me what you think. I've been unhappy with this ink dust for a long time. Now I listen to your arrangement. As long as I can rub the spirit of this poisonous childe, I'll be happy!"

Qin Kai was also very happy at this time. When he was a freshman casino, he was close to Lin Feng because he couldn't stand ink dust. Now Lin Feng must deal with ink dust.

"Well, with you, the middle rank of the spirit emperor, it's much easier to do this. We'll do it like this... This... This..." Lin Feng called the people to his side and said his plan. Tiantian first stared, then nodded slightly at the corners of his mouth. Even the cold cold, the corners of his mouth also rose slightly.

Leng Han also knows what happened later. It is because Miao Gang wants to be light, thin and sweet. Lin Feng and Miao Gang have a relationship, and she can't tolerate it. Now if she doesn't teach Miao Gang a good lesson, she won't be cold.

"Teacher, will they fight when they compete for fighting skills? I'm timid. If I'm affected, I'll be unlucky. I don't have to compete for fighting skills. Can I stay with the teacher?"

At this time, tangyuan stared at the teacher with cute eyes and said, I have to say that the loveliness index of Tangyuan has increased a lot. When the teacher of douji Pavilion saw the lovely appearance of Tangyuan, it is also difficult to refuse the request of tangyuan.

"Of course, you will fight. Come here. You are absolutely safe by my side. Those fighting skills are obtained in vain. There are only a few low-level and medium-level fighting skills. If you don't fight, you can only choose low-level fighting skills at the prefecture level..."

The teacher of douji Pavilion waved to Tangyuan and motioned for Tangyuan to come to him. In fact, as soon as he came in, the teacher had noticed Tangyuan, because the appearance of Tangyuan was so special that even male teachers could not help touching it.

"If you are timid and afraid, hide behind the teacher like that little hairball!"

"Shen Yang, you are a loser. You see how wise it is to look at the hairball. You'd better follow the hairball to find the teacher for protection!"

Mo Chen and Miao Gang mocked this at this time and said that they are bound to win, because they have many people. Even if they really fight, they still take advantage.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth. If this spiritual realm only depends on your mouth, you may be invincible in the world!" Before Shen Yang spoke, Tian Tian stood up and mocked loudly. Although Mo Chen had many people, Lin Feng's tactics just now made her very confident.

"Don't quarrel. Remember, you can do it, but you must pay attention to discretion. If someone kills, I will do it. Competition is normal, but we must pay attention to the degree. The bottom line can't pass..."

At this time, the teacher of douji Pavilion scolded loudly. Although it is a competition for fighting skills that can show their magic powers, it will be really troublesome if it causes human life. That's why he is a teacher here, and his strength is already at the peak of the spirit emperor. It's very simple to clean up Lin Feng's freshmen, After all, maintaining the healthy competition of Tianling college is the key.

"Yes, sir!"

Lin Feng and the others should drink loudly, but they all look at each other. It's not good. The killer should be punished, but it's OK to lay a heavy hand. As long as they don't really take away the other party's life, it's estimated that it doesn't matter even if they break their bones and tendons.

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