It turned out that the tower spirit at this time was controlled by the remnant soul of Hongjun futu spirit God in Hongjun futu formula. He taught the Hongjun futu formula to Lin Feng. After the tower spirit controlled by Hongjun futu spirit God finished speaking, Lin Feng had a no fighting skill skill in his mind.

Just like the Hongjun futu tower, it has nine weights, and Lin Feng is the first weight now, so the tower body on the first floor has been lit, and the first weight is actually quenching body, which makes Lin Feng absolutely suitable for practicing the Hongjun futu formula.

"Hongjun floating Tu spirit God?" Looking at the Hongjun futu tower that has lit up the first floor, Lin Feng is a little dreamy. You know, the spirit God of Hongjun futu is a mythical existence in the spirit realm. Now he has taught Lin Feng his fighting skills and skills. All of this is too sudden.

Lin Feng felt something was wrong. It seemed that since the emergence of the bronze tower, some new things had happened, and they were good things one after another. Now it was a good thing as big as heaven that hit Lin Feng's head, which made him a little incredible.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?" Taling, who has recovered his consciousness, sees Lin Feng looking at him without blinking, which makes him very uncomfortable, but he doesn't know what happened.

"You really don't remember anything?" Lin Feng looked at the tower spirit and asked. He always felt that there was something wrong with the tower spirit, but he couldn't say it. In fact, it was difficult. The tower spirit's memory was missing. It's normal to forget something now.

"What do you remember? I have lost my memory. What else can I remember?" Taling asked back at this time. Lin Feng had said something about his amnesia before, but now Lin Feng still asked, and he thought Lin Feng was very abnormal.

"Just now you..." Lin Feng just told taling what had just happened. Taling was also surprised. After all, he also felt in a trance just now. Then he saw a strange Lin Feng, and Lin Feng said it was the ghost of Hongjun futu spirit God. It was not easy to control him.

Just when Lin Feng finished telling taling what had just happened, the light on the lighted floor of the Hongjun futu tower suddenly flashed. Then Lin Feng was in a trance, and then he didn't know anything


"Lin Feng, wake up, Lin Feng!" I don't know how long later, Lin Feng heard someone calling him softly. The voice was very soft and pleasant, very nice, and there was urgency in the voice.

Slowly opened his eyes, Lin Feng saw a beautiful face looking at him. Lin Feng was stunned because he knew this person, which was always cold. At this time, Lin Feng was gently pushing his shoulder. When he saw Lin Feng wake up, the eagerness on his cold face gradually disappeared.

"Lin Feng, are you okay?"

"Boss, what's the matter with you!"

"What are you doing, locking yourself in the house alone..."

Shen Yang, Tian Tian and Tangyuan appeared at the door. Although they were surprised to see that it was cold and Lin Feng together, they still asked with concern.

"I'm fine. What are you doing? What happened just now?" It was Lin Feng who found that his posture with Leng Han was ambiguous, and his clothes were in tatters, as if something had just happened between Leng Han and him. The furniture in the room was back in 7788, but there was no Hongjun futu tower and tower spirit.

"Leng Han, why are you here? Didn't you go out for a walk? Didn't you go at all? You just stayed here all the time, with Lin Feng?" Seeing that Lin Feng is all right, Tian Tian is also relieved. At this time, he joked to Lenghan.

Because it didn't take long for Leng han to come back today. Leng Han said he had nothing to do and went out for a walk. He went out for such a long time. Now he still appears here. Although Tian Tian Tian knows Leng Han very well, he will never take the initiative with Leng Han's character. What happened with Lin Feng, but now this scene is really a little reverie.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"How did it get so bad at this time?"

Tangyuan and Shen Yang are not as ancient and strange as Tiantian. Although they see that Lin Feng is all right, they still ask with concern. Lenghan has long released Lin Feng and stood quietly aside when Tiantian came in the first time.

"It's all right. There are some accidents in cultivation. You don't have to be nervous!" Lin Feng stood up with a smile and changed his clothes with a wave of his arm. In fact, it was really an accident. He didn't know how Lenghan appeared here and was seen by them.

"Leng Han, I'm asking you something. Why don't you explain?" Of course, Tiantian didn't intend to let Lenghan go so easily. As soon as she dodged, she came to Lenghan and continued to ask. In fact, she really wanted to match Lenghan and Lin Feng, but their personalities were similar, and they were not that kind of extroverts.

"Tian Tian, our strength has always been at the same level. I think we often competed in those years, but it seems that we haven't done it for a long time recently, otherwise we'll go out and practice?"

Leng Han didn't change his expression at this time. Looking at Tian Tian's cold face, he said that it was already the appearance of Leng Han when he was angry.

"Forget it, I can't beat you. If you like Lin Feng, you can point it out directly. What's wrong with this?" Tian Tian is not stupid enough to fight Leng Han. The evil degree of Leng Han is no worse than that of Lin Feng. Lin Feng can be as good as the Qi tiger beaten by ink dust, and Leng Han can abuse Qin Kai.

"What are you doing? What's wrong with Lin Feng?" At this time, Qin Kai's voice sounded, and then Qin Kai appeared in front of the people. He was shocked to see the miserable situation in Lin Feng's house.

"Leng Han and Lin Feng spent a few hours alone here, and then it became like this. When we didn't come here just now, some people still had some clothes......" Tiantian is a person who doesn't fear big things. At this time, of course, it's necessary to muddy the water. He said something secretly at once.

And now they all know that Qin Kai is so close to them and tries his best to help them. In itself, he wants to pursue cold and Tian Tian. In this way, he also wants Qin Kai to die. It is undeniable that Qin Kai is excellent, powerful and handsome, and his family background is also excellent. If he pursues a girl with similar life experience, he must be within reach.

But Leng Han is not. Although she wants to match Lin Feng and Leng Han, Leng Han told her before that now Leng Han is to concentrate on cultivation, because Leng Han has many things she doesn't know. For example, Leng Han is excellent now, but who knows how hard it is to cultivate.

In the days when Tiantian interacted with Leng Han, Leng Han had no other pastime except eating and sleeping. It was just cultivation, cultivation and re cultivation. It was this kind of hard work that made today's achievements, but Qin Kai's pursuit undoubtedly interfered with Leng Han.

She didn't know why Leng Han did this, but she knew that Leng Han was carrying a lot. It seemed that she wanted to seize all the time to practice and didn't want to waste a second. In this way, Qin Kai stopped pestering Leng Han and indirectly helped Leng Han.

"What, cold and forest wind?" Qin Kai then looked at Tian Tian and exclaimed. Although Leng Han didn't mean anything to him, it seemed to mean nothing to Lin Feng. Now the key is that he is interested in Leng Han. Before, he also asked Lin Feng if he is interested in Leng Han, but Lin Feng said he didn't want to think. Now it's interesting between Lin Feng and Leng Han. Of course, he can't accept it.

At this time, Lenghan saw that it was difficult to explain things. She simply didn't explain. Originally, she wanted to clean up her mouth. But now when she saw that things were in trouble, she simply left. Anyway, she didn't want to waste time here. She went directly to find a place to practice the ice fighting skills she just got today.

"Tian Tian, do you really like this? There seems to be nothing between Lin Feng and cold?" Shen Yang then approached Tian Tian and asked in a low voice. Although Qin Kai is a chatterbox, he is really good. Tian Tian seems to have gone too far in teasing him.

"You dare to comment on what I did now. Is it itchy again?" Tian Tian whitened Shen Yang's eyes, but this eye directly frightened Shen Yang into shivering, and he didn't dare to speak any more.

At this time, Qin Kai shrugged his head and walked to Lin Feng. There were tears in his eyes. Looking at Lin Feng, he said sadly, "I wish you happiness!"

After saying that, he turned and left. The bleak appearance really made people look distressed. Even Tian Tian felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but there was no way. It was hard to say whether Lenghan meant anything to Lin Feng, but it was absolutely meaningless to Qin Kai.

"At this sad time, only wine is a real friend!" Qin Kai gave a big drink, and then gradually disappeared in the corridor. The staggering steps and lonely figure really made the viewer sad and the listener cry.

"Boss, did you really sleep cold just now?" At this time, tangyuan came close to him. Although his action was very hidden and he wanted to whisper, his voice was really great, and even the whole floor could hear it clearly.


It seems that something fell on the stairs and then rolled down. You don't have to think about it. This unlucky person must be Qin Kai immersed in lovelorn. In fact, the sound of Tangyuan means to Qin Kai. If Tangyuan dares to be the first, no one dares to be the second.


Lin Feng also knocked a violent chestnut on the head of Tangyuan, directly patted the Tangyuan on the ground, and then said angrily, "just talk more!"

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