"The devil in the belly pocket, brother Miao is the devil in the belly pocket!"

"True or false, it's a shame this time!"


At this time, even the younger brothers who came with Miao Gang hid in the crowd with their faces covered. They didn't feel anything after Miao gang did so many bad things, but this belly bag crazy devil is really tasteless. They will still study in Tianling college in the future. If this thing gets out, it will be a fart!

At this time, more and more girls gathered around. Miao Gang wanted to say tiger teeth, but he couldn't say it. He was really suffocating. Now he hates Lin Feng and them to the bone, but he has no way.

"This guy lives in the inn ahead. Let's go to his room now and see if there is any recently lost belly pocket. If he did it, we'll go to the law enforcement team for an explanation!"

I don't know who shouted like this in the crowd. It really echoed. Many boys also helped. After all, if you were cruel to Miao Gang now, you would get the hearts of many girls.

In this way, more and more girls gathered to discuss the story. They added up Miao Gang's frame and went to his residence. In situ, only Lin Feng and them were left. Looking at the distant Miao Gang, they were shivering with discounts.

"Tangyuan, have you put it all?" Looking at the distance, Lin Feng still had bursts of evil sweat in his heart. After all, the girls just now were a little crazy. Lin Feng saw with his own eyes that brother Xiong scratched Miao Gang's face. The deep scratch almost dug out Miao Gang's eyes.

"Don't worry about me!" Tangyuan vowed that he had already disposed of those belly bags when Lin Feng and his colleagues were testing them, and all of them had been disposed of in Miao Gang's room.

"It turns out that you are the crazy devil in the belly pocket!" Tian Tian looked at Lin Feng and said that his eyes were not ordinary contempt. Even Lenghan and Qin Kai looked at Lin Feng with a different flavor.

"What are you watching me do? It's made of glutinous rice balls. What does it have to do with me?" Lin Feng was confused when he saw the people's strange eyes. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him, doesn't it?

"Lin Feng, it's not that my brother doesn't help you. You said it was tangyuan. Even I don't believe it. How can he like a girl's belly pocket as a monster?" Qin Kai looked at Lin Feng and said meaningfully. At the same time, he also picked his eyebrows and secretly thought that Lin Feng raised his thumb.,

"Fortunately, Tian Tian didn't lose his belly pocket in our family, otherwise my brother wouldn't have to do it!" Shen Yang was the same as Qin Kai. He said it was very annoying, but secretly he gave a thumbs up.

"I don't see a man like you!" Tiantian looked at Lin Feng and said contemptuously. Then she turned and pulled Lenghan away, while Qin Kai and Shen Yang followed closely, leaving only Lin Feng and tangyuan.

"Now you're satisfied. How can this be my belly pocket?" Lin Feng shook his head with a bitter smile, and then walked in the direction of Lenghan and them leaving. At this time, Tang Yuan didn't dare to pit again, but his mother didn't regret in his eyes. Those belly pockets are all his efforts these days. Now it's so cheap, Miao gang. When he has a chance in the future, he must find Miao Gang to settle accounts!


One morning three days later, the sky was clear and the weather was super good. On the square in the center of Xinsheng City, the promoted freshmen were elated one by one. For Lin Feng's top and top students, Tianling college was the place where the dream began, but for ordinary freshmen, as long as they could graduate from Tianling college, it was a thing that could be used for life.

"Aren't we going to Tianling college today? How can so many people go?"

"You don't know everything. Now you're talking about how we go, but don't let us go. It's too shameful!"

Shen Yang and Tian Tian blocked Qin Kai there and asked, because Qin Kai said he knew everything before, but now he regretted it. Why did he say such big words, while Lin Feng and Lenghan stood aside and listened quietly.

"Brother Miao, look at Lin Feng. They are still joking there. That time, they hurt us badly. We must find such a place, or we really can't mix up!"

"It's shameless. There are still people who frame people with belly pockets. Those girls hit me like crazy that day. Now I'm afraid when I think about it!"


Miao Gang's younger brothers looked at Lin Feng not far away talking and laughing. They were almost mad. They knew later that Lin Feng had done all these things. Because this fact was too embarrassing, they had no face to find Mo Chen to stand out for them. Moreover, even if Mo Chen came forward, it seems that they can't beat Lin Feng and his gang.

Although Lin Feng and his staff are not many, they are all experts. This combination is now the most powerful combination in the freshmen. At this time, Mo Chen is staring at Lin Feng. Now he has listed Lin Feng as the first strong enemy.

Just as his freshmen were talking noisily, President Zang Yin and city Lord Gan Hai appeared on the high platform. Their smiles were still so kind, as if nothing had happened. But when they looked under the stage, they were obviously stunned and unnatural when they saw Lin Fengzhi, but they immediately returned to normal and talked on the stage.

"Look, the boy over there is Lin Feng. He can destroy even the bone test spirit stone. What a talent?"

"We all belong to the North Hospital. I've got internal information. Which deacon on the stage is not a deacon at all, but a vice president of the North Hospital. This time, Lin Feng was planted in front of the Vice President..."

Naturally, there are some well-informed people among the freshmen. They have learned the news of President Zang Yin. They look at Lin Feng with some schadenfreude. A freshman offends a vice president, so we can imagine his school life of Tianling college.

"Lin Feng, I received the news yesterday. I haven't had time to tell you that the old man on the stage is Zang Yin, vice president of the North Hospital. You may be in trouble and destroy the root bone test stone in front of him..."

Qin Kai gathered Lin Feng around them and whispered. Now he is also worried that Zang Yin will take revenge against Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng did so when he knew that he would destroy the root bone test spirit stone, and said provocatively, which is a little too much.

"I don't think so. This Tianling college is one of the five courtyards. Isn't it so tasteless?"

"At least Zang Yin is also a vice president. Let's not be so suspicious..."

Shen Yang also expressed their opinions one after another, but Zang Yin still didn't think bad about it. After all, a vice president of the North Hospital is a real spiritual strong man. How can such a strong man argue with a small spiritual emperor freshman.

At this time, on the stage, President Zang Yin took out a purple crystal stone in his hand, and then threw it into the sky. The purple crystal stone burst into dazzling light, and then a strong light was emitted from the stone columns around the square, shooting at the purple crystal stone. A lavender light curtain slowly shrouded the whole square

"Is it a transmission array, or is it such a huge transmission array?" Lin Feng was already in his mind at this time. He would also arrange the transmission array, but the array that transmitted all the people in the whole square was different.

The more people there are in the transmission array, the higher the requirements for the transmission array and the greater the energy consumption. Now there are so many new students on the square. Even Lin Feng is amazed at the large-scale transmission array.

The purple spar thrown into the sky by President Zang Yin should be the start switch of the transmission array. A transmission array of such a scale cannot be turned on often. It should be started only after the freshman examination

"I'll go. There are all such transmission arrays. It seems that the Tianling college is one of the five courtyard of the spirit realm!"

"We really didn't choose the wrong college. The stronger the college is, the better it will be for us!"


Looking at the gradually formed light curtain, all freshmen are shining at the bottom of their eyes, and the faint purple light curtain is also surging in their hearts. Such things can only be done in a courtyard like Tianling college. Things like transmission array are impossible in Lingshu city.

When the freshmen were shocked, the large-scale transmission array had begun to start. Just for a moment, the scene outside the hood had changed. On the white clouds, there were golden phoenix flying in the sky with long colored Phoenix tails. In the distance, the mountain was like a sharp sword directly inserted into the blue sky

"Is this the north courtyard? It really looks like a fairyland!" Looking at the scene here, Lin Feng also sighed and sighed for a while. When he first arrived at the world of ten thousand days, he also felt that it was like an immortal residence in the sky, but compared with here, the world of ten thousand days was a little luxurious pigsty

"It's really beautiful. Look at the mountains in the distance. They are purple and yellow. This is really a fairyland, isn't it?"

"Wow, you smell the aura here. It's so pure. It's many times richer than the aura in Xinsheng city!"


A sound of shocked exclamation sounded one after another. All the freshmen were stunned by the scene in front of them. It was not the same as the city where they lived and grew up. Without a spirit tree, it was a continent, or that kind of boundless continent.

"Qin Kai, you're stupid. Didn't you say you've seen the world?" Tiantian looked at Qin Kai, who was shocked and had nothing to add, and said sarcastically, because this guy always said they were Hicks coming here.

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