Leng Han's heart seems to have a warm current. She owns the ice God's eye. Through the ice God's eye, it can be seen that Lin Feng is really worried about him, just like his father and his mother who has died for many years, but she hasn't seen such eyes for many years.

Since her father became the patriarch, her father's smile has become less and less, and the time to see her has become less and less. I don't know when, when her father saw him, he never had a smiling face again. He always frowned and forced her to practice. Since childhood, he told her that he must work hard to practice, so as to become a qualified patriarch, and only his own strength is strong enough, To contribute to the clan


A drop of crystal tears fell on Lenghan's beautiful face. She just felt that as soon as her nose was sour, her tears fell down. For a time, her mood was out of control, and Kude was even more sad.

"What's the matter with you? I heard someone attack you just now. Where are the people now?" As soon as Lin Feng saw Lenghan crying bitterly, he quickly asked. He just knew someone had attacked Lenghan, but he didn't know anything else.

"Sneak attack!"

Leng Han, who was still immersed in his memory, was suddenly stunned. Then he directly stabbed Lin Feng's throat with his ice sword. Just now, when he was chased and killed by three guards in the clan, she dared to make sure that there was no one nearby, but now Lin Feng said that there was a sneak attack, which was completely different. It turned out that Lin Feng had always dared to be behind secretly.

Moreover, Lin Feng is probably also sent by a powerful member of the family. At the thought of this, Lenghan's moves are even colder, because her current identity is absolutely impossible to reveal. More importantly, when she pretended to take a bath just now, she almost took a bath, and her clothes are very thin. That means Lin Feng saw it, He will never tolerate such a thing.


At the thought of this, Leng Han's eyes were colder. Although she had no hostility to Lin Feng before, she had no good impression. But Lin Feng's concern just now moved her. This move made her feel uneasy and her heart beat faster.

Leng Han knows what this feeling is. She even has a slight favor for Lin Feng, which is hard for her to accept. But Lin Feng is still a disciple, which makes her more angry, because the most important thing for her now is to improve her strength and practice. If she goes on like this, it will be difficult for her to calm down and practice.

But now it's impossible to let anything affect your cultivation, so the only solution is to kill the apprentice in front of you. The cold ice sword attacks Lin Feng with a cold murderous spirit.

What's the matter? Why is it an asshole to save people? Why do you have to kill people?

Although there were all kinds of doubts in his heart, this time was not a time to hesitate, because the cold ice sword was very close to his throat. He saw his body flash and directly avoided the cold ice sword, but the cold sword spirit still cut his right shoulder.

So fast!

Lenghan was also surprised at this time. Although she had known Lin Feng for some time, she did it for the first time. She knew that Lin Feng's strength was very strong, but just now she stabbed a sword without warning, which was equivalent to a sneak attack. And now she is very close to Lin Feng. Lin Feng can escape her fatal sword. This body method and reaction are really amazing.

"Leng Han, what do you mean, why attack me!" Having escaped the fatal blow, Lin Feng looked at Leng Han and questioned him loudly. He was kind-hearted and eager to save Leng Han, but Leng Han didn't thank him. He even attacked him directly. It's too explicit to avenge him.

"Shua Shua..."

Lenghan didn't answer Lin Feng's question, but gave the answer with several extremely sharp sword Qi, that is to kill you, and the reason is not to tell you!

"I'll go. It's a crazy woman!"

Lin risked and narrowly avoided the daosen cold and ran away with a strong murderous sword spirit. He is not a fool. Lenghan's strength is very strong. Even Lin Feng is not sure to beat him

"Lin Feng's speed is too fast. Are you sure this guy has the same strength as you?" Qin Kai looked at the direction of Lin Feng's disappearance in the distance, which was also bursts of depression. He and Mo Chen were the middle-level strength of the spirit emperor, which was a small level higher than Lin Feng, but now they can't see the shadow of Lin Feng. The speed is too exaggerated.

"You're right. I sometimes think this guy's abnormal and terrible. He's also the first level strength of the spirit emperor, but when he has something to do, he still feels a touch of pressure. Are you surprised?"

"The country bumpkin from a small place is so strong that I feel depressed. It's also the spirit family. Why is the gap so big?"


Shen Yang and Tian Tian also don't understand. Lin Feng's strength is absolutely invincible at the same level. Even if he jumps over the level, he can fight a war. Being friends with such demons must be strong in his heart. Otherwise, jealousy can suffocate you to death.

"If I think Lin Feng is powerful and terrible, although I can't say that the same level is invincible, the middle level of Linghuang like Qin Kai can still be defeated, but there's nothing to do in the face of Lin Feng. Think about it carefully. This guy is really unpredictable!"

Mo Chen said at this time. Indeed, he is the most powerful of several people, but in fact, he knows that there is a good thing. Although Lin Feng's full strength can't beat him, he can't beat Lin Feng.

"What do you see in the distance?"

"Like two figures?"

"Lin Feng can't be chased and killed. Everyone hurry to help!"


The crowd was surprised at first, and then quickly reacted. That place was where Lin Feng disappeared, and one of the other people was probably Lin Feng. This is certain, and they were a team. Now, they must unite, and Mo Chen's strength was the strongest and, of course, the fastest. He turned directly into a black streamer, Running towards the figure.

But when the leading ink dust rushed forward, it suddenly settled down, and Qin Kai, who followed closely, almost hit ink dust.

"What are you playing with? It's time to help. Don't say you're afraid at this time, Lao Zi..." Qin Kai was about to complain about Mo Chen, but he was stunned when he saw the people behind Lin Feng.

"What are you two doing? Don't go to help!"

"The key moment is not suck, can you do it?"

Then Tian Tian and Shen Yang came to complain that their strength was not as high as Qin Kai and Mo Chen, and their speed was a lot slower. They chased them hard just now. Now they were really tired. They stood in place, lowered their heads and gasped heavily. They didn't look up at the direction of Lin Feng at all.

"You say it's true or false. It's hard for Lin Feng to go. At this time, she was taking a bath, and then Lin Feng took her..."

"Can't she? Her strength is not bad. She didn't have the power to fight me back at that time. If Lin Feng was like a overlord, he had to have the ability to bow hard!"

Mo Chen and Qin Kai were discussing with each other. Hearing these words in Shen Yang's and Tian Tian's ears, they completely confused them. At this time, Lin Feng and they had entered a lot from here. After all, Lin Feng broke out at the extreme speed. At this time, they saw the coming person in a moment.

Lin Feng only ran in front of him, and the icy sword Qi passed by him. Those sword Qi concentrated on the trees, and the trees immediately turned into crystal clear ice trees. When they hit the stones, the stones became big ice cubes one by one.

They are the ones who attack him behind Lin Feng. Now they are going to save Leng Han. This time, Tian Tian and Shen Yang are completely confused. How can they save people but be chased by the rescued ones? What's the situation?

Just when several people hesitated, Lin Feng and they had come near them. When they saw Tian Tian, Lenghan also put away the ice sword. You were attacking Lin Feng, but there was still a strong killing intention in your eyes.

"Leng Han, what's the matter with you? Didn't Lin Feng go to save you?"

"Even without you, you don't have to chase like this. Is it too much?"

Tiantian several people looked at Lenghan and asked. At this time, Lin Feng had hidden behind Tiantian. He knew that Lenghan and Tiantian were best friends. Even if he hurt anyone, he would not hurt Tiantian.

"This apprentice is damned!" Leng Han can't tell the truth, but peeping at the bath can explain his pursuit of Lin Feng.

"How can I be a disciple? If I am a disciple, they are also disciples. They also know about your bath!" Lin Feng has to tell the truth, because his scissors and Qin Kai's eyes have explained everything. Just as he thought, these people all think crooked.

"What, peeking at them?" Leng Han was surprised. When he was chasing Lin Feng, Lin Feng also tried to explain, but Leng Han could not believe it, but now Lin Feng says that these people have a share, which is obviously impossible.

Because these people are so far away, how can they see her taking a bath? Obviously, these are made up by Lin Feng, but when she was trying to expose Lin Feng's lies, Tiantian and they talked.

"It's this, not peeking at your bath, but eavesdropping!" Tiantian heard that Lenghan was chasing Lin Feng because of this. She would have a bottom in her heart. If she hadn't heard Lenghan say so, she really thought what would happen to Lin Feng.

"Eavesdropping?" It's Leng Hanmeng's turn. There can be eavesdropping in the shower. What's going on?

At the sight of Leng Han's expression, he knew that Leng Han didn't know what was going on. Tian Tian told Lin Feng about the arrangement of the spirit array. Only in this way could he wash away his grievances for Lin Feng.

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