At this time, two students of Nanyuan dressed in gray clothes were nine points similar in body shape and appearance. They turned out to be twins, which was too few among practitioners, because it was very difficult for the spiritual family to have children, because their life span was too long, which made their growth cycle very long, the fertility rate very low, and the probability of giving birth to twins even lower.

However, if such twins have acceptable cultivation qualification, their power is also great, because there is a fighting skill called fighting spirit fusion skill in the spiritual realm, which can only be practiced by two practitioners who are highly consistent with fighting spirit, and their power is much greater than that of ordinary fighting skills.

"Be careful, you boy. These two little dolls should have cultivated the fighting spirit fusion technology. Although their qualifications are very general, if they exert this fighting spirit fusion technology with all their strength, it will still be enough for your boy to drink a pot..."

Old Hong's voice rang out in Lin Feng's mind and gave Lin Feng a brief introduction to the knowledge of fighting spirit fusion technology. Although this fighting spirit fusion technology is not a profound fighting technology, the strength and qualification of Ailong Aihu are all ordinary, but their strength is already the first level of Linghuang, which is still very difficult for Lin Feng now.

"These two guys are twins?"

"This is really rare. In my spirit tree city, there are no twins. Today is the first time I see twins!"


Li Xian and others looked at Ai long and AI Hu and sighed for a while. They don't know what fighting skills are. They just feel fresh when they see twins.

"The twins are a little strange. Do you feel it?" Mo Chen looked at Ailong Aihu who came forward with full confidence, and a bad feeling came out in his heart.

"You mean these two guys may use fighting spirit fusion skills?" Qin Kai also knew what Mo Chen wanted to express in an instant. As the young city master of Saipan, he certainly knew about the fighting spirit fusion technology, and there were this pair of twins in Saipan who also knew the fighting spirit fusion technology, but their strength was too low. Even if they had the fighting spirit fusion technology, they didn't do much.

The current AI long and AI Hu are completely different. They are the strong ones at the beginning of the spirit emperor. Although their strength is not very strong, they are definitely not mediocre. Before, their plan was that Lin Feng and Lenghan fought, entirely because of their superior strength, but now they meet AI long and AI Hu with fighting spirit integration technology, which has great variables.

"What's the matter with you two?"

"Didn't you say the previous plan was a win-win, but now your expression doesn't look like a win-win?"

Tian Tian and Shen Yang asked in a low voice at this time. Now Qin Kai and Mo Chen have serious expressions, and their eyebrows are all screwed together. Even if they are nervous, they know that things may change.

Qin Kai talked to Tian Tian about the integration of fighting spirit and skills. They also changed their faces. They really thought they would win, but now they are so tricky. If they lose the first game, they will have a lot of fun. It's strange if they don't lose the whole army.

"What should we do now? We have to find a way to inform Lin Feng and them?" Shen Yang said anxiously at this time. After he knew about the fighting spirit integration technology, his initial self-confidence had disappeared. I never thought they had such a situation in the first game.

"Yes, Lin Feng comes from a small place. He should not know that this is all about poor integration technology. Now he wants to remind Lin Feng and Lenghan?" Tiantian can't calm down in the future. If what Qin Kai said is true, they will be really miserable. To say that seeing this Lin Feng is definitely the worst among them.

"You have to be careful. They will use fighting spirit fusion technology. Let's not take the initiative to attack first, and take the opportunity to break them separately!" Just when Lin Fenggang wanted to inform Leng Han, Leng Han even gave Lin Feng a voice first and directly said the fighting spirit integration skills of Ailong and Aihu.

"This little girl is very unusual. She has a good insight. I believe his identity is definitely not simple. You have a good helper..." old Hong said teasingly, but there is a strong sense of ridicule in his words.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. He wanted to remind Leng Han. Fortunately, he didn't say it just now. Leng Han knew better than him. If he said it, he would become a big oolong. At this time, the opposite Ailong Aihu began to prepare to get rid of it.

"We will show mercy. You are lucky to be defeated by our brothers. It's no use coming here for a long time!"

"It will be unforgettable for you all your life. Although it's a little overqualified to use us to deal with you wastes in the north courtyard, since boss he Yao spoke today, let you go back to the north courtyard!"

AI long and AI Hu shouted arrogantly at this time, and then they both broke out in an instant. Two groups of blue fighting fires erupted on them, rendering the surrounding space blue. After that, a dragon and a tiger gradually entangled in the air behind them, and they also changed frequently to urge their own fighting spirit

"Their brothers are so serious that it seems that the north courtyard has no last chance!"

"I think it's nothing for us this time. I was thinking of being in the limelight. Now I don't have a chance!"


At this time, the students of the south academy were very disappointed. They knew the strength of Ailong and Aihu. Even they could not defeat them. This time, the south academy directly sent their strongest opponent, which was beyond many people's surprise.

"I sent Ailong and Aihu at the beginning. Is it a bit of a fuss?" Minglei looked at Ailong Aihu who was urging the integration of fighting spirit. He was a little puzzled. You know, Ailong Aihu is the leader in the early strength of Linghuang among the freshmen in the south hospital. This is the standard ox knife for killing chickens.

"I'm also for insurance. Since this ink dust dares to choose such a competition method, it must have something to rely on. I just want them to know that in front of the Jedi strength, any conspiracy is a joke. In front of our South courtyard, their north courtyard will always be a joke!"

He Yao's eyes narrowed slightly and said that he now has absolute confidence in AI long and AI Hu. Although the north courtyard is the same as usual, it is still worthless and worthless in his eyes. No matter what it is, it can't be better than their South courtyard.

At this time, the fighting and integration skills of Ailong and Aihu have begun. A black dragon and a white tiger are formed in the air, and the black dragon is wrapped around the white tiger. The dragon and tiger are like a set of integration, opening to Lin Feng and Lenghan and looking at the big mouth of blood

"What can I do? These two guys seem very powerful. Can Lin Feng and Lenghan resist?"

"If it's an ordinary opponent, it's absolutely no problem, but now it's obviously not an ordinary opponent?"

Tiantian and her friends were also anxious and looked at the sky in front of them. The black dragon and white tiger in the sky intertwined with each other and rushed towards the forest wind. AI long and AI Hu also turned into two long rainbow and rushed towards the forest wind and cold cold. It was obvious that they wanted to win the battle.

"Spread out!" Lin Feng said to Leng Han, and then galloped to one side. The best way to deal with such integration technology is to separate them. We must not be hard with them, or we will burn ourselves.


Leng Hanwei nodded and ran in the other direction. She also felt the threat of AI long and AI Hu. Although she could defeat it, it would expose her real strength. He came to Tianling college to practice, not to show off.

"Cunning boy!"

"What kind of skill is this!"

AI long and AI Hu also yelled and scolded loudly. Although their fighting spirit integration technology is powerful, the speed of consuming fighting spirit is also extremely amazing. If Lin Feng and Lenghan avoid fighting in this way, they will really be in trouble.

"Lin Feng, this guy has many ghost ideas!"

"It's a good way. Even if it costs money, it can kill them!"

"Lin Feng and Lenghan's individual combat ability is definitely above them. This is really a good way!"

Seeing that Lin Feng and Leng Han have a very tacit understanding, they start the guerrilla war. Mo Chen is also very determined. Even if elong and Aihu have strong fighting and integration skills, they can't attack two scattered targets at the same time

"You attack one first, and breaking each one is the king's way!" He Yao smiled faintly and then commanded loudly. He was the captain of the south hospital. He was extremely rich in strength and combat experience. He saw through Lin Feng's tricks at a glance.


AI long and AI Hu recovered their composure as soon as they heard he Yao's voice. In fact, the reason why they made such mistakes was that they rarely fought with people, either one against many, or two against one. This two against two was the first time, and this first two against two was really depressed enough to be against Lin Feng's slippery opponent.

However, after he Yao's reminder, they also selected the target, that is, they took the initiative to attack Leng Han and threw Lin Feng aside. In their eyes, men are always stronger. This is because Lin Feng and Leng Han run in two directions. Even if Lin Feng wants to rescue, it's too late.

At the thought of this, the two of them resolutely gave up Lin Feng and rushed towards Leng Han. With the blessing of fighting spirit fusion technology, their speed was also greatly improved. Even compared with the middle level of Linghuang, they were no inferior. This is the advantage of fighting spirit fusion technology. They can not only have strong attack power, but also instantly improve their own strength, To achieve leapfrog combat in a short time.

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