Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 12: Some forced to have to install!

The villagers in the cellar suddenly changed their faces.

"Not good, those fairy people are coming."

Xiaorou is also panicked, busy looking to Xu:

"Xu brother, you are going! It’s too late to leave."

"Yes! Xiaorou is right, you have to leave quickly, no more."

"Xianchang, go, we can hold it."

"Yes! Big deal, we fight with them..."


Everyone is anxiously urging.

Xu lacked a heart and suddenly trembled!

These simple villagers, hard to take the lead, not only did not give up their own, but also tried to cover their own escape.

At this time, if you are really greedy and ran away, are you still?


At this time, another loud noise came, and the whole mantle was shaking, as if it were going to collapse, the gravel continued to fall.

Then there was a sound coming from outside!

"You guys are daring and daring."

"Is the mortal in the district, dare to cover the enemy we are going to hunt down?"

Followed by the villagers’ pleading for the far crying:

"Xian Chang is alive! We really don't know where he is."

"Yes, long, we didn't see him again when we woke up. He has already left."


"Oh, that can only blame you for being unlucky, kill me."

"Xian Chang, spare us..."


"Do not……"

"Ah! Village head..."

Suddenly, countless screams came in.


Repair the immortal, repair your sister!

Even these simple mountain people have the heart to kill!

Laozi fights with you! Killed you to pay for it!

Xu lacked a pair of fists and clenched, trembled and completely angered.

He turned directly and rushed to the top.

"Xu brother, you can't go..."

Xiaorou and other villagers had no time to react and wanted to stop him, but it was already late.

Not so much, Xiao soft bite his lip and immediately chased it up.

"Xiaorou, what are you doing?"

Da Zhuang and a group of villagers did not have time to stop her. After shouting, they bite their teeth and chased them out.

And Xu is as mad as it is, and the eyes are flushed.


The cabinet that was exported was directly crushed by him. Xu lacked the whole person and rushed out like a beast, and quickly rushed to the entrance to the village.

What caught his eye was a very cruel picture.

Many villagers fell in a pool of blood, and they still had a look of panic before they died. Others fell to the ground and were begging for mercy.

And the more than a dozen immortals in the air, Zheng Yu Jian vacated, hands behind his back, high above, indifferently overlooking all this.

At this time, the swordsmanship of several fire yuan aura condensed, ignoring the petitions of the villagers and directly falling towards them.

"Give me a hand!"

Xu lacked anger and roared, and quickly rushed over, in front of the villagers in the millennium.


He was seriously injured on the spot by Sword Mang, and a blood spurted out of his mouth and spilled directly on the ground.

"Xu brother is missing..."

"Xu Xianchang..."

The villagers were all stunned, including the young people who followed and ran out, and the eyes were moist.

All along, they all felt that they were in front of the immortals, but they were ants in the district, and they could pinch them to death with one finger.

But now, Xu lacked the position of life, directly rushed to grab those fairy tales and saved their villagers.

This deeply shocked the hearts of the villagers, and the feelings and sorrows turned into tears.


“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’, and the 50-point load.”

The system's prompts sounded up.

Xu lacked it, ignored it, raised his head, and stared at the group of cultivators in the air.

The cultivators have been stunned and recognized Xu’s lack of sneer.

"Oh! It seems that this shrinking turtle is willing to come out?"

"If you come out early, these mortals will not die."

"Although I don't know what you are from, I heard that you have stolen the treasure house of Tianwuzong, and it was only wanted by Tianwuzong. Then you don't want to leave alive today."

"The things you stole are now ours."

"Oh, but we didn't expect that you would actually run for this stupid mortal to die. I really don't know if you should be stupid or stupid or stupid and stupid? Haha..."

Those who cultivated the blood of the villagers with their hands were laughing.

They are high above, looking at Xu with a pitiful and ridiculous look, as if Xu is not the ant under their feet, they can be crushed with a single step.

However, at this time, Xu lacked support for the body, and looked up and swept over the cultivators.

“Before, I like to force it.”

Suddenly, Xu lacked a faint saying, interrupted the laughter of the immortals!

Although the tone is dull, it reveals a kind of emboldened, powerful, and vocal!

The cultivators in the air are all glimpsed, and they look at each other and fail to understand the meaning of Xu’s lack of this sentence.

The villagers also stayed staring at Xu, and their hearts were squatting tightly.

With both hands on the ground, Xu lacked to stand up slowly. The injury just now was restored by his system's repair function.

And his mouth flicked a smile, like a self-deprecating, continued: "It feels good to force, but I know that it is not a glorious thing."

"Today, I obviously can escape."

"But I didn't! I chose to stand up."

"because I know……"

"Sometimes forced, I have to install it."

"Some people, even if they are forcibly loaded, must do their best to guard!"

"I asked myself not to be a good person, but I never hurt innocent!"

"And you guys..."

Xu lacked his head and screamed in the darkness of the black ink. He screamed: "You guys, a **** of the shit, squatting with a little **** and spells, deliberately bullying and killing these simple mountains. People! Good! Today, you don’t want to leave alive!"


In an instant, Xu lacked a burst of blue and bright, and the light beam rose into the sky.


A scream of screaming from his body suddenly shocked the Quartet and changed color.

The faint blue glory turned into nine dragons in the air, circling and entwining.

All the immortals in the room were moving.

"what happened?"

"What is this law?"

"Is there such a big movement, is it the ancient fairy?"

"It must be, only the ancient immortals can have such a movement."

"Tianwu Zong's wanted order said that this person only had ten layers of training period. He did not expect to be promoted to the first floor of the foundation period so much, and there must be other treasures on his body."

"Kill him and win the fairy."


Immediately, more than a dozen cultivators were put in the eyes, full of greed, stepping on the flying sword, turning into streamers, and rushing to Xu.

Ancient celestial surgery? This temptation is too big.

"Looking for death!"

Xu lacked standing in the same place and made a roar.

He clenched his fist and rushed straight to the first cultivator.

“Longteng has changed nine times, the first change!”


Immediately, a light dragon rushed out of Kowloon and poured into Xu’s head and wrapped around him.


Xu lacked a punch and the sword of the cultivator was hard, and the body was shaken back two steps, but the cultivator was unscathed.

"Oh, not self-sufficient, the district built a base period, but also dare to fight against me in the knot period?" The immortal sneered a sneer, continue Yu Jian to Xu Xu.

"Is it a knot? Good."

Xu lacks sneer, his eyes are cold and chilling, urging five roots, and thoroughly transforming the dragon to the nine, and the fist is once again rushed to the cultivator.

"Longteng has changed into a second change, open!"

"The third change!"

"The fourth change!"

"The fifth change!"


"The ninth change, open..."

In an instant, the nine dragons are all poured into the top of Xu's head, no longer wrapped around the body, but completely condensed into a huge dragon shape, which will be wrapped in Xu.

He rushed to the cultivator, and he fell like a dragon from the sky.

A stalwart of the world, suddenly covered the audience.

"How can this be?"

The cultivator suddenly became a white face~www.readwn.com~ was shocked by this sudden momentum, and there was a strong fear inside.

He wants to run, but it is late!

Xu deficiency seems to be turned into a dragon, and his fist is like a dragon head, falling directly on him.


Suddenly, the cultivator did not even have a scream of screams, and was smashed on the spot, and there was no residue left.

There was a moment of silence on the field, the needle was audible, and it was terrible.

"Hey, congratulations to the host 'Xu deficiency' to kill Liu Bei, a cultivator of the knot, and get 10,000 experience points."

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s lack of success, and get a ten-point load.”

The system prompts to sound.

Xu’s gaze did not stop, and swept away, staring at other cultivators who had come from all directions.

But the group has been scared.

When the Tang Dynasty was strong, he was actually smashed by the base period and instantly annihilated?

Grass, this guy... is it really just a layer of foundation?

Tianwuzong that group of bastards, also said that only the training period, this mother is catching up with the Golden Dan period! How are you playing?


"Go back to the slamming door and let the elders come and kill this person."

Immediately, the remaining cultivators have made the effort to suckle, crazy to stop their flying swords, and turn to the direction to escape.

Xu’s face showed a sneer of coldness: “I said it! Today...you don’t want to leave.”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s “Xu deficiency” for the success of “Three Thousand Thunderstorms”, which consumes ten points.

Thousands of Thunderstorms, from the fighting of the sky, the law of the class, the three levels of realm: thunder, thunder, three thousand thunder!

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