Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1256: Closed-door practice

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"It's terrible. If you have been here for a decade and a hundred years, isn't it equivalent to practicing for thousands of years?" Duan Jiude felt that he had found the direction of the breakthrough in the realm. He was very surprised.

Mo Junchen shook his head: "No, if it is really soaked in the long-term, this golden jade liquid can only support for a few years, it will dissipate. This is a kind of spiritual liquid that needs relaxation. Although it is every year, Passing the fairy, but having the ability to repair itself, we are bathed in it, just like an exchange with it."

"Exchange? What do you mean?" asked the two dogs.

"This should be similar to the celestial element we absorbed it. It is also absorbing impurities in our body, but you also know that when we come to this state, there is no impurity in the body, but there will still be some drug residues!" Junchen explained.

"Oh, I understand, this golden jade liquid is like a scavenger, specializing in our garbage, and converted into a fairy yuan for us!" Xu smiled and made a metaphor.

"There is a similar point, but most of it stems from its own repair. As long as the source has not been exhausted, it can be a lifetime of two, two students, and a steady stream of recovery!" Mo Junchen nodded.

Duan Jiude confused: "This is not right. If you say that Jinzhiyu liquid can recover slowly, why is this pool jade liquid unable to achieve the effect of the gods? The old man I have soaked up now, I only feel Xianyuan Li continues to climb, but the soul and the soul, but not purified and perfect!"

"Well, this is still back to what I said just now. We are in exchange with it. This exchange is not only that it absorbs the residue of our medicine, but about our realm."

Mo Junchen said this, scratching his head: "What should I say? In short, if our realm is too low, this golden jade liquid will gradually weaken with our realm. If it is a **** bath Here, Jinzhi Yuye will gradually become stronger."

"Oh, I probably understand, that is, we are now in the bubble, this Jinzhi Yu liquid has begun to weaken?" Xu said.

Mo Junchen nodded: "This is the case, so I don't think we can still be in this bubble for a long time. In the first one or two years, we have to leave. Otherwise, this Jinzhi Yuye will not be sucked away by us, I am afraid the follow-up effect. It will become weaker and weaker, far less than the current effect!"

"Hold the grass, this is still got." Xu lacked a listen, immediately narrowed his eyes and shouted: "Two dogs, Duan Jiude, you are going out! There is Mo Hufa, you are a law-protection, this time you should shoulder The responsibility of the law of protection, how can you cultivate here?"

"..." Mo Junchen suddenly smoked his mouth and said that good blessings are shared?

"Help the Lord, you misunderstood, whether it is a few of us here, or you are here alone, the situation will not change! As long as we stay inside, this golden branch can not be restored, we must leave all of us, It can enter the state of self-healing recovery!

Of course, you don't have to worry that too many people will make Xianyuan go too fast. To some extent, the sacred elements contained in Jinzhiyu liquid are endless. The only thing to note is that we can't bathe in time. It’s too long! Mo Junchen said helplessly.

If the ancient records are correct, it is exactly like this!

After Xu’s lack of listening, I probably got some understanding of this Jinzhi Yuye. I immediately nodded and smiled: “Haha, I just joked with you. You don’t think I am serious? We’re going to help people, always It’s a blessing to enjoy the same difficulty, come and enjoy the Xianyuan, don’t be polite to me, just treat it as your own home!”

Two dogs: "Oh!"

Duan Jiude: "Oh!"

Mo Junchen: "Oh... cough, Xu help the Lord, in fact, I still have one thing to ask you!"

"Oh? What?" Xu lacked eyelids at this moment and was too lazy to lift up, half squinting, leaning against the wall of the pool, enjoying it, feeling more comfortable than a variety of hot springs.

"You just said that Taiyi Tianshu, do you really become the son of the election?" Mo Junchen asked, but in fact this is a nonsense problem. When Xu lacks the stone tablet, he has already seen it on the stone tablet. Xu's name is missing.

Just because of uneasiness or not knowing how to speak, Mo Junchen asked around the circle.

"Well, you have something to say, I know what this is." But to be honest, I was helpless at the beginning... I cough, forget it, I will talk about it later." Xu Weizheng intends to follow Mo Junchen. Spit the bitter water, telling him that he was helpless when he was chosen by Xuan Rongrong's body and wrote it to Taiyi Tianshu.

But he only said half, just think of Xuan Rongrong's remnant soul still here, in case she is known to the truth, even if she will not be killed, I am afraid I can not continue to bathe this golden jade liquid here!

"Well, let's talk about it later!" Mo Junchen heard his words and nodded. In fact, he knew clearly. It doesn't matter if he says it now, because Xu is already the son of the election, this is the fact that no one can change, even if it is said What more is it for? Who can violate God's will!

"Right, Lao Mo, you said before that there are hundreds of Luoxian, three thousand Taiyixian, etc. in Tiangongyuan, or tell me about these realms. In fact, I know now that Tianxian is Jinxian. I don’t know much about it later!” At this time, Xu’s opening asked.

Although he is now only a fairyland, it is purely a chat, and by the way, add some knowledge points.

However, this time, Mo Junchen did not have time to open his mouth. The two dogs took the lead: "This **** knows that after Jinxian, it is Taiyi Jinxian, after Taiyixian is Da Luoxian, after Daluxian is the fairy king. Xianzun, Xiandi, the last peak is Dao Zun and Dao Di, because after the Emperor, can you really touch the Tao, or really have that qualification, ask your own way!"

"I rely on, there are so many realm divisions? When will I go to practice?" Xu was a bit stunned and felt that the road was getting longer.

However, what surprised him was Xuan Rongrong's realm. According to Mo Junchen's previous statement, Xuanyuanrong was the landlord of Tiangongyuan. Her realm should be Xianzun, even infinitely close to Xiandi.

Can such a existence, Tiangongyuan actually fell to the night to be destroyed? Xuan Rongrong is still lying in the hail for tens of thousands of years?

But what is even more frightening is that Xu was not mentioned at the time, and Xuan Rongrong mentioned that she was experiencing a nirvana and only came out for hundreds of years.

Then, after a few hundred years, what kind of realm should the woman reach when she comes out?

Moreover, Xuan Rongrong also sent some monks from Xuan Huangzhou to the four continents to see other Jedi, to see if other people woke up.

The amount of information in this is a bit horrible, like the level of Xuan Rongrong, more than one!

"In the big realm, the dog is right, but there are actually more grades in detail!" At this time, Mo Junchen added.

"Grass, who do you call the dog? This **** is a wolf, or a deputy lord, do you still have a little help?" The two dogs immediately yelled at Mo Junchen.

Xu Wei stopped the two dogs and asked Mo Junchen: "How is a classification method?"

"In fact, only Taiyixian and Da Luoxian are relatively fine. For example, Taiyi Xianren is divided into three classes. From the bottom up, they are Taiyi Sanxian, Taiyi Zhenxian, Taiyijinxian. Taiyi Jinxian Above is Da Luoxian, Da Luoxian is divided into two classes, namely Da Luo Sanxian and Da Luo Jinxian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mo Junchen smiled, but also looked at the two dogs.

On the strength, he feels that he is not weak, he can even kill two dogs, but since the last time he was kicked by the two dogs, he felt that the strength of the dog could not be worn. Even quite jealous!

"Taiyi Sanxian, Taiyi Zhenxian, Taiyi Jinxian..." At the same time, Xu Wei also thoughtfully touched his chin, and recited several realm divisions that Mo Junchen said, and fell into meditation. .

The three men and one dog gradually did not chat again. As time went by, several people also focused on their own cultivation.

Although this Jinzhi Yuye can actively introduce them into the body, they do not need to cultivate themselves, but they have already planned to stay here for a year or two, and improve their strength as soon as possible in a short period of time.

Therefore, in the past two years, you can’t rely on chatting. It’s better to continue to understand your own path while practicing.


Soon, one year passed.

Duan Jiude’s cultivation is the most obvious, and it is only half a step away from the fairyland.

However, it is reasonable to say that the fastest entry into the fairyland should be Xu Xiaocai, but he cultivated the Taikoo Five Elements, and the five elements of the body of the Tianling roots required a large number of cents to precipitate and accumulate.

Only this time, his precipitation and accumulated celestial elements have become extremely large.

This makes it difficult for Xu to find himself. After all, he is staying in this Jinzhi jade pool. For a year, he has been practicing in the continent for decades. How could he not break through to the fairyland?

"Hey, is it related to this hegemony?" Xu was sitting in the golden pool and suddenly realized what it was.

His eyes closed for a year, and the first time he opened.

Then, looking down at his body, Xu was stunned on the spot!



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