Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1265: Lake under the treasure

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"Xu Lao, do you like it here?" The female disciple vaguely felt a slight fluctuation in the look of Xu, and asked curiously.

"Yes, I like it too much!" Xu nodded.

The female disciple suddenly smiled and could understand Xu’s lack of such feelings. After all, this piece of Taoyuan was not abandoned, but their Yaochi’s banned land for hundreds of thousands of years, even if these peach trees are no longer the past, they are still Yaochi. One of the most beautiful lines!

"Children, can I sit alone here for a while? I like this too much. Here, I think of the kind of goodness that I walked with my wife when I was young!" Xu had a tear in his eyes and looked at the woman. The disciple asked.

"Of course, Xu Lao, then I am outside. If you want to go back to the room later, I will show you the way!" The female disciple nodded and smiled.

Here, she is not worried that Xu deficiency will enter other forbidden places. After all, there is only one entrance and exit in this Taoyuan Garden. Moreover, this Taoyuan Garden has been abandoned, and there is no need to worry about what this sick old man will do.

"Okay, thank you, you are such a good boy, have a chance to take a shower together!" Xu lacked a kind and smiling smile.

"Xu Lao is polite... Hey?" The female disciple just turned and left, but suddenly reacted. It seems that there is something wrong with the latter half of the old man.

Take a shower together?

This... This old shame is what I want to do?

"Well? What happened?" At this time, Xu lacked a serious look at the female disciple, with a slight doubt on his face.

"Xu Lao, you just said together..." When the female disciple saw it, she couldn’t help but stunned. Did she just get it wrong? But not right, obviously heard the word bathing!

"Oh, I just said that I have the opportunity to watch the sunset together, because I have a trick to the sun and want to pass it on to you, but this boxing method needs to be in the sunset to learn deeper and learn faster! Xu Xuan once again said with amiableness, the tone is very mild.

The woman nodded so suddenly, and she passed a blame and awkwardness in her heart. How good is an old man, how can he use his own ideas to frame him? It’s obvious that he didn’t pay attention. Oh no!

In the end, watching the woman's head with her head down, Xu's face showed a gratifying smile, really a good boy!

There is only one person in the Taoyuan Garden.

The clear green lake, the crystal clear peach trees, the pavilions, the corridors, the old man, this is a beautiful view, carved jade, antique!

Xu lacked a slow pace and came to the pecan tree that was left by the two dogs to leave the paw prints. He carefully examined it and raised a smile on his mouth.

The two dogs left a breath here, leaving a mark, only to show that there is something in the underground.

Xu Weifang also tried to detect with the gods, but there was no discovery. When Xu lacked to open his eyebrows, Xiaojin’s body was integrated into the consciousness of the gods, and the perception of the surrounding was instantly enhanced.

He felt this piece of pecan forest, deep in the bottom of the lake, a terrible fairy.

This kind of horror is not a fear, but a terrible energy that is unimaginable. Its richness is not as weak as Jinzhiyu.

"It seems that this piece of peach forest is not a soil problem, but a group of things in the underground, taking away the essence of the soil and the nutrients, and even sucking away the fairy yuan of these peach trees!" Xu lacks a glimpse of the eye , already see the clue.

Now in his eyes, there are countless 缕仙元 under this piece of 蟠 林 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The Taolin forest will not wither, but it is far from the scented tree that is far from being able to survive.

Therefore, according to the female disciple just said, the Madonna of Yaochi used a myriad of Tiandi Dibao to rescue these peony trees. It is only a way to cure the symptoms. At most, it delays the wilting of these peach trees.

"Hey, you still have to be shot by this sacred singer. After all, what you lack is still the holy water of life!" Xu lacked a corner of his mouth, and found a small jade bottle from the system storage space, which contained the holy water of life. .

When I was in the secrets of Nanzhou, Xu lacked all the holy waters of the souls and dried them all the time. It was extremely precious. It was not only the love of the refiner, but also the treasure of the refining pharmacist.

It can be used not only in refining but also in alchemy, but the most fundamental and most targeted role is to promote the growth of all elixir plants.

Nowadays, these peach trees only provide them with a variety of heavenly treasures, but they do not actually provide them with vitality.

It is like a person who is ill. The doctor only gives you blood transfusions, but he has not removed the symptoms in your body. No matter how much blood you lose, you will die sooner or later.


Xu lacked the jade bottle and poured a whole bottle of Shengling holy water on one of the peach trees.

In the next moment, the whole peach tree slammed and gave off a powerful life. The lake was centered on this tree, and it was a piece of film.

When Xu lacked his hands and put together a few French seals, a powerful water-lined fairy condensed between the palms and slammed into the lake!


This tree is surrounded by the peach trees that have been watered by the holy water of the soul. The lake instantly recedes on both sides. Xu lacks the obvious sacred water to swim in the tree, nourishing the peach tree, and then there is a large piece of fairy, also crazy The roots of the tree rushed toward the mud in the ground.


At this time, Xu lacked the palm of his hand and pressed it again. He went straight into the mud, and at the same time, the water was converted into a fairy, and became a fairy, a sacred yellow gas, driven by the fairy of the peach tree. Next, all the way down.

Soon, just less than a few interest points, Xu’s lack of eyes instantly brightened up: “Catch you!”

He pressed the palm of the hand in the mud, and the five fingers suddenly grasped. The deep yellow gas in the depths of the ground, the earth and the fairy, instantly turned into a big hand, and held the terrible Huimang.


Xu deficiency quickly picked up the hand in the mud, splashed out of the mud, and then the mud was also rolled out of a pothole, followed by a group of Huimeng bound by the fairy line!

At the bottom of the lake, there was a collection of Huimang, which had been known for many years. It was suspended in the air. The whole scene was full of glory and radiance. The whole piece of Taoyuan was filled with a rich scent, and then the fragrance spread. ~www.readwn.com~ Deaf!


Xu lacked the form, and couldn’t take care of what this group of things was. Immediately, with a heart and a wave, he threw the group into the system storage space and isolated everything.

"Xu Lao, what happened?"

The next moment, Huimang was just hidden, and a figure hurried over, it was the female disciple who had just left.

She looked at her face with a look of horror. Just now she felt a terrible fairy power outside, and immediately rushed back. I was afraid that Xu was missing something in the Taoyuan Garden.

However, when she ran in, everything had subsided. The fairy in the Taoyuan Garden was only a little richer than before, but obviously it was not the kind of terrible degree she felt outside. It was far from unmatched. .

"Well? Nothing is ok, I am old, some dazzling, I want to come over and take a look at this peach tree. Well, I am finished reading it, I will go back to the room!" Xu smiled and took a cane. Slowly set foot on the lake and slowly landed.

The female disciple did not doubt him, nodded slightly, but just looked away from the curious look of this piece of Taoyuan, and wondered how the auspicious aura in the Taoyuan Garden was so richer than before, and there was a flash of light. Where did the scent of the eternal scent come out?

In the doubts of the full female disciple, she also took Xu deficiency and sent Xu Wei to the room smoothly.

Closing the door, Xu immediately called out the system interface and opened the storage space.

Although it was decided before that the people who did not hang Yaochi, but this time is purely a creation and a gas, it is a fool, and the group of Huimang knows that it is an extraordinary thing.

However, when he looked down on the square of the system storage space, he was a little dumbfounded.

"This is actually..."



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