Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1375: Maybe this is big.

"The trough, is this too fierce?"

"The resurrection of the Shennong clan, the main vine of the golden vine, was actually taken away by Xu."


"That's true, I was in the secret of Tianxiang Xianyu, and I watched him squatting with the resurrection of the golden vines in the mountains, and swaying out, it was scary!"

"Hey, the Shennong clan is not going to be finished. The resurrection of the golden vine is an important foundation for their rise in these years. Now that the main vine is lost, does it mean that it will be declining?"

"It is normal. Over the years, the major forces in Tianzhou have risen and fallen. I should take it for granted!"

"The main reason is that this time is a little too sudden. Xu is too embarrassed to say that he is too embarrassed. If you say that you are awkward, then the big resurrection of the golden vine, the main vine, is like a mountain on his shoulder. I am afraid that the Shennong clan will be here. Quickly vomiting blood!"

"No way, if you have the strength of someone, even if you go."

"Oh, envy!"

"Maybe, this is Dalat!"

In various places in Tianzhou, many monks are talking about this matter. Some people are shocked, some are feeling, and some people say that they are jealous and revered!

Representatives of the major fairy tales, after receiving the news, were also astonished.

The Shennong clan is also the representative force of the Taiyin Xianyu in the 14th National Sect, although its strength is lower than that of the Tiangong Academy and the Shengzong of Ziwei Xianyu, but in terms of status, everyone is still at the peak of the equalization.

But only overnight, the most important underground of the Shennong clan was actually taken away by Xu. This will not only cause major trauma to the Shennong clan, but soon, the Shennong clan will even represent the position of the Taiyinxian domain. Can't keep it!

The high-level big men of many big forces are all worried.

Just a lack of him, you can make the big forces like them fall into a declining crisis. Who exists, who dares to ignore and ignore!

Even if most of the forces themselves do not believe that there is any contradiction with Xu Xiao, they are still very taboo, a big man who can control their thriving power will always be a thorn in the hearts of many sects!

The interior of the Holy Family.

All the elders and deacons, including the sovereigns and other powers, are now gathered in the Chamber of Deputies!

Looking into the audience, the strong people of the Great Luoxian and Taiyixian realms add up to a dozen, so the lineup is anywhere, it is enough to shock the existence.

But now, everyone is frowning and looking dignified.

An elder of the elders level said: "According to the ancestral training, the prosperous world is approaching. If I have not guessed wrong, the Xu lacks him, it will be the existence of the king, so... for my safety. The old man thinks that the door should be opened early!"

"No, there is a saying in the ancestral training. Before you decide whether the prosperous world is coming, you must never open the door. Now it is just a lack of him. How can we be sure that this will be a prosperous life?" A middle-aged man immediately got up against it.

The old man sneered: "Xu lacks such a powerful strength, he can freely shoot in Tianzhou, enough to prove that the rules of heaven have changed. The prosperity is sweeping back. When will the door not be opened?"

"I think it is still necessary to wait. After all, this world has more than just our saints. What's more, the Shennong clan should be anxious now. Even the main vines of the resurrection of the golden vines have been robbed. They will certainly not sit still, maybe Open their doors early, so we can wait and see for a while!" The middle-aged man spoke again, denying the old man's advice.


The old man took a picture on the table and suddenly got up and shouted: "Nonsense, if you really say what you said, we are really sitting still!"

Is it difficult to wait until our holy sect is persecuted by Xu, and then forced to open the door for help? The old man thinks that there is no need to do this. As today has changed, the pre-emptive talent is the wise choice of my holy house! ”

"Elder Li, I think that you are too embarrassed! We don't look for the trouble of missing him. How can he come to us for trouble and even persecute us?" The middle-aged man looked indifferent, compared with the old one. Annoyed and anxious, middle-aged men look too light and light, just like everything is strategizing!

"Oh, the old man is worried about the sky? The elders, do you forget the marriage of the lucky body Jiang Hongyan? Jiang Hongyan is Xu’s daughter-in-law, and the old man does not believe that he will not care about this matter!" Coldly laughed.

Everyone in the audience looked at the two elders, and you were silent about each other.

The saints who are at the top of the upper echelon are also expressionless and do not say a word. He does not prevent the old man from quarreling with the middle-aged man. He even likes to see this happen!

His aim is that a sect does not need to be united, but must have internal competition, so that they can stimulate each other and strengthen each other, making the overall strength of Zongmen more and more powerful!

Therefore, at this moment, watching the quarrel between the two elders, the sovereign does not speak, the rest will not intervene, after all, this situation is not the first time, everyone is used to it!

"What kind of care does he have? I have a Taoist deity in my Ming family. It is a rare physique that has been seen since ancient times. What is even more rare is that it appears in the same era as the Tianyun body. We are in harmony with each other. In order to let the descendants appear more powerful blood, strengthen my holy sage, and benefit the cultivation of the immortal world, is this also wrong?" The middle-aged man, the elder, said in a positive manner.

In his eyes, it seems that the birthplace of the birthplace is a matter of heaven and earth. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Oh, strengthen the holy sage, and benefit the sacred world? The elders, are you making these excuses to treat all of us here as fools?"

The old man directly pointed his finger to the middle-aged man and smiled and said: "You do this, you just want to give you a home to cultivate a **** of heaven, but the old man is here to warn you, it is best to break that thought, Xu lacks him. Just looking for your liquidation will be fine, but with his character, it is very likely to anger our holy sage!"

"Elder Li, your thoughts are still too old-fashioned, and things are very conservative~www.readwn.com~ It really does not meet the current environment of Tianzhou!"

The middle-aged man shook his head slightly and continued: "I always feel that this is no big deal. We haven't mentioned any marriage with Tianyun in the near future. What's more, Xu lacks him and now he is carrying a resurrection. The main vine, it is estimated that you are looking for a place to collect everywhere, how could it be that we will come to us to make trouble?

Of course, even if he really came, what? My holy sect is one of the hegemons of Tianzhou. Is it true that he really dared to ignore the influence behind the door and directly tear the face with us? This is impossible! ”

After that, the middle-aged man’s mouth raised a sly smile, completely ridiculing Li’s ignorance and timidity, and did not know the overall situation.


Suddenly, a whistling whistle came from outside the Chamber of Deputies. A saint disciple plundered from a distance and shouted with horror: "The singer and the elders are deacons, and Xu is missing him to visit!"


In an instant, there was a muffled sound like a heavy object in the quiet chamber.

The middle-aged man who was still ridiculing Li’s elders fell directly from the chair and sat on the ground, full of surprise and unbelievable.

"This... how is it possible? The old madman, actually dare to come?"



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