Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1383: Although far away

Huh? Two dog teachers, amazing, really let you catch a seafood!

A group of people rushed to the side of the two dogs, and Duan Jiude immediately went forward and looked surprised.

Although the fish is a little small, it can prove that it has some extraordinary features.

Hey, what is the wisdom of this god, a small seafood in the district, how to get through the eyes of this god! The second dog immediately bounced himself proudly, and at the same time incited the little fish, proudly said: You should not be the most sensitive place, it is not the self-seeking way. ?

Let me go, take your dirty paws! Suddenly, the little fish in the hands of the two dogs, licking their teeth, revealing sharp and dense tiny teeth, vomiting words, yelling at the two dogs.

A group of people were shocked at the scene, this little fish actually has spiritual knowledge, it is really a fish can not look good, small does not mean weak!

By the way, what do you think, dare to suspect that the hands of the gods are dirty? This **** is still yelling at you, can you drop? The two dogs immediately irritated, stretched out the long tongue, and went straight to the small fish, and the saliva instantly covered the fish!

Hold the grass! Xu Wei and Duan Jiude instantly stunned a goose bump and straightened his eyes.

Mo Junchen and Liu Jingning, this time is also a bit sullen, feeling a bit disgusting.

After all, this fish was picked up by two dogs from some part of itself!

Mixed, you are a disgusting thing, let me go! The little fish shouted again.

Xu lacked this time and looked at it again. Some of them were wrong. This is actually a small yellow cockroach like a caterpillar!

Two dogs, do you want to check your back again, is there only one fish? Xu lacked an eccentric look at the two dogs.

The second dog stunned, and then seemed to think of something, suddenly a paw shot to his hips!


A loud and crisp voice sounded, the two dogs screamed, and the pain screamed, while glaring at Xu: Mom, kid, you deceive the gods to do it, there is no other fish at all!

You are stupid, I am letting you check, not letting you fight yourself! Xu lacked his eyes and shook his head.

Wait a minute, will it be that other fish have already gotten into it? Duan Jiude guessed.

Absolutely impossible, if there is, this **** can not know! The second dog has a face from the channel, and that place is the most sensitive place. Otherwise, it will not be the first time to show this little yellow cockroach.

OK, then you can torture this fish and see what it is! Xu lacks to say, look at that little yellow cockroach.

okay! The second dog immediately responded, turned to the flame just ran, and hung the fish in the hand at the top of the flame, and baked it directly: Say, what is your head? Seeing you so fine, is it a spy?

Xu lacked a few people in a flash of black lines.

Even the little yellow pheasant, I was so sad that I couldn’t help but scream: let me go, you are dirty and stupid, he is asking you to torture me, not letting you bake me, you are sick what?

Grass, do you dare to swear by God? This **** respect neng dead you! The two dogs immediately angered, and the paws were placed next, and the little yellow scorpion was thoroughly put into the flame.


With a fine sound, a white smoke emerged from the little yellow pheasant.

Ah! Xiao Huangqi immediately screamed, madly swaying and shouting: Don't bake, don't bake, I said, I said!

When the two dogs heard it, they took it out of the flame and sneered and sneered: Toasting, not drinking, and licking the bones!

Xiao Huangqi has already been black and white, and his body is white and smoked. He can’t talk to the two dogs.

Xu lacked and didn't want to waste more time. He asked directly: Let's say, what happened to this place?

Oh, you, the Terran, will soon be destroyed. When the big man of my sea family comes over, you all have to die. Even if you hide in this valley, you can't live! At this time, Xiao Huangyu took a slow breath and shouted again.

So these bans in Taniguchi are not arranged by you? Xu lacked his brow and asked, staring at Xiao Huang.

Hey, the Terran is insidious and cunning, knowing that my sea people are afraid of the flames, they will lay down this fire, and hurt my family's lives, but you have been hiding for a while, and you have not escaped for a lifetime. The pioneers of our family have already entered Nanzhou. As for this place, when the big man of my sea family comes over, any ban on formation will also be broken! Xiao Huangqi shouted loudly and confidently.

It reveals a lot of information, such as a part of the Haizu team, has been killed to Nanzhou.

And soon after, the Haizu will have a strong person to come over. From this little Huang Wei, the other person is called an adult, which is enough to show that the strong person has a very high status in the sea, and the strength may be somewhat insignificant.

I am going, kid, this adult who said seafood, shouldn't it be the strong person who can endanger the woman's life? The two dogs immediately looked to Xu and missed.

Duan Jiude and Mo Junchen and his party also looked at Xu.

They have been speculating that Xuanyuanrong will be dangerous, and it will be a shortage of Xu. It is sure that a strong person can hurt her life. Now this little Huang Yu said that an adult is coming, everyone will think of this possibility subconsciously!

Do you know if you ask? Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and looked at Xiao Huangyu. He asked: What do you mean by the Haizu adults?

Oh, the ignorant Terran, the strength of the adult of my family has been earth-shattering and has reached an unspeakable realm! Xiao Huangqi strongly touted.

Xu suddenly shook his head, obviously this small fish is only a small role, even the realm of touting the object is not clear, just blindly shouting here!

I now advise you, it is better to let me go. You don’t even know what role I have in this place. If I am dead, it means that the people who have been hiding in the valley have come out, and the main army of our family will also land immediately. The force of invasion. At this time, Xiao Huangyu said proudly.

Although its size is small, its eyes are full of arrogance and self-confidence, with a disdainful tone: according to the time, the pioneers of my family may have already entered Nanzhou at the moment, on the way of triumphant return. If you don't want to die, it's best to let me go now and roll yourself!


Oh shit!

The two dogs and Duan Jiude broke out swearing, and it was obviously irritated by the big words of this little scorpion, and they had to pick up their sleeves.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Xu lacked a few people and looked up.

There was a slap in the air, and the void was suddenly distorted, and black spots were raised. If the ink was low on the rice paper, it slowly expanded.

Soon, dozens of black spots in the air turned into huge black holes, and a burst of noisy noise came from it. When you listen carefully, it seems that a team is running wild, accompanied by various shouts!


Withdraw ~www.readwn.com~ Quick withdrawal!

The information is wrong. How can there be such a team in Nanzhou?

They claimed to be a squad, and there was an eight-headed snake. Why did we not receive any clues before the sea?

Not good, run fast, they catch up!

At this point, the black-pressed figure, 6 continued to appear from dozens of black holes, madly rushing to the side.

At the same time, a tidy and loud sound of the shock, from the rear of the group of wolf-shoulders - committing me to bomb the heavens, although far away! ...

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