Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1387: The world has changed

"You fart, you come, so many gods, no more honest, believe it or not, this **** deity cut your head?" The two dogs also shouted again, threatening to scare Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huangqi panicked and hurriedly shouted: "I swear, I said everything is true, but you misunderstood, the patron saint does not mean that it is a god, my family has some rumors, the power of the patron saint should be equal to you. The Emperor of the Terran, because it was hit by a fairy of the Terran, fled back to the bottom of the sea!"

"Xiandi level!" Xu lacked the look of a slow, and two dogs and Duan Jiude and others looked at each other.

Xiandi, although much weaker than the gods, can be placed at the moment, still a big trouble!

"According to time, there are still two days for that prophecy. Maybe before this, we can transfer Xuanyuanrong to the place first, and even find a way to let her out, maybe solve the crisis of the helper!" Mo Junchen suggested.

"Let her out? This is absolutely impossible. Although she does not dare to kill this kid, she will certainly not let us go. The woman is a madman!" Duan Jiude immediately shook his head and opposed the proposal.

Xu deficiency is also silent, although he believes that Xuan Rongrong does not dare to kill him, but after all, he is also a weakness of the woman. If she is caught and sealed, will she not lose face?

"How come?" Mo Junchen looked confused. "She is the wife of the lord, why wouldn't you let them go?"

Speaking of this, Mo Junchen looked confused and looked at Xu, full of doubts, as if asking, saying good vigor? Are you still afraid of a wife?

Xu lacked a look, he was not happy on the spot, took a deep breath, raised his chest and shook his head, and shouted: "Duan Jiude, what do you mean by that words, can't I still cure the girl skin? Go, I am going in with me. Today I will let you see what is masculinity!"

After that, Xu lacked the first step, and at the same time grabbed Duan Jiude and the two dogs who wanted to escape, and went straight to the entrance to Xiangu.

"Hold the grass, kid, let go of this god, this **** must go to pee!"

"Kid, have something to say, don't bring this, don't bring the old man to death!"

The two dogs and Duan Jiude immediately shouted.

Mo Junchen was slightly wrong, and some did not understand the reason why the two dogs and Duan Jiude were so scared, but when he saw that Xu lacked such confidence, he felt very relieved!

When the helper is so confident every time, he must be sure!

In his mind, he thought of it, and immediately with Liu Jingning and the presence of the bombing gang to help the public, including the eight-headed snake, have followed Xu Xu, step into the funeral valley!


At the same time, the sea area on the edge of the East.

In the turbulent waves, a million-strong marine army is standing on the bottom of the sea and waiting for it.

There are dozens of sea-going generals wearing gold and silver armor, turning into human figures, heroic and mighty, standing between the majestic seas, looking up at the sky, seems to be watching what is waiting.

After the interest rate, the sea suddenly surged, and a huge black shadow approached from the rear. It was a huge mountain turtle that floated from the sea.

"See adults!"

The Hai’s million-strong army, together with dozens of sea-going generals, immediately shouted in unison.

The giant turtle did not squint, staring straight ahead, and faintly said: "The world is going to change, and that one will soon be awakened. If one day, if you can’t get the funeral, you will be at your own risk!"

"Yes!" The millions of Hai nationality army screamed round and the sea waved a big wave.


North Sea waters.

In the territory of the Kunpeng family.

The heads of the Qiangpa people led the tribes, standing in the mountains of the North Sea, looking at the distant seas, looking dull and sighing: "The waves are dark, the murders are exposed, the harbingers of our ancestors, I can’t think of it in our generation. The world is going to change, the ancestors will return, and my family will soon rise!"

"The ancestors returned? Then...the thing of Tianzhou, is it true?" asked a middle-aged man from the Qiang Peng.

The head of the Kuangpeng nodded slightly and sighed: "Yes, the era of the Emperor's Emperor is open, and the ancestors of all ethnic groups will return. It will be a situation where the people of the world are standing, and the Terran has great trouble!"


West desert.

In the endless sea of ​​sand, many temples rang the bells and swayed thousands of miles.

In the center of the desert, there is a dilapidated old temple with many Buddha statues in it, rusting and mottled.

But this day, the bell rings.

The mottled rust on the Buddha image suddenly fell off and became new, with a holy golden awn.


An old man pushed in and looked at the change of the Buddha statue, his face was shocked, his hands were twitching!


He sang a Buddha's name with great enthusiasm and bowed to the ground!

In the dilapidated temple, there is a dense chanting in the vague!



The blasting gang has a rudder. It should have been the entrance to the Nanzhou secret environment. It has now been transformed into a bustling area.

The old site of the Nanzhou secret environment is still being vacated.

This day, the sky was clear, and in the old site of the Nanzhou secret environment, a sudden twist appeared in the void, and there was a ripple.

After the interest rate, a shadow took a step out of it.

She is long and fluttering, her face is stunning and cold, and she has a kind of unyielding and indifferent temperament. She has a spacious robe, but she can't hide her proud figure.

This is a stunning road!

She was silent and walked out of the old site of Nanzhou's secret environment. Her eyes looked around and her eyebrows glimpsed. It seemed that some of the changes in the surrounding environment were not used and some were not happy.

No one is now her existence, she did not go to find anyone, a pair of beautiful women chose a direction, they did not move again.

"Supreme treasure, I can pick you up, you... still?"

She whispered a whisper, with a trace of embarrassment and uneasiness, and full of expectation, the body shape into a streamer, plundering into the distance.

That... is the direction of the Five Elements Mountain!


At this moment, I am buried in the Valley of the Immortals.

Xu lacks a group of people who have already broken the entrance ban and stepped into it.

According to Xiao Huangqi, when the Haizhou Pioneer came up, they hit the Dongyu monk by a surprise, and most of the Dongyu monks in the rear circle came to support. As a result, they were ambushed. They were killed and killed. The casualties were heavy and they finally fled. The funeral fairy valley!

The Haizu Pioneer Army used the funeral fairy valley as a holy place, and no one dared to chase it in. The Dongyao monk also laid a ban on the entrance directly, and was able to survive.

But this time, after Xu’s group of people stepped into the funeral valley, they felt a repressed breath rushing toward them.

Although there is no danger in the past, everything around me makes everyone feel depressed and even suffocated.

"No, ~www.readwn.com~ This place... is far easier than this one!" Mo Junchen said, his face is extremely dignified. If he is a big enemy, he is as strong as him. He feels very uncomfortable here. .

"Grass, this **** respects and smells the smell of blood, and at least tens of thousands of people have died in the vicinity, and they have just died!" The two dogs yelled, very excited.

Duan Jiude looked around and his face changed dramatically: "Mom, the mountain in this place has changed. It is a huge melting pot, and all creatures will become sacrifices."

After that, he quickly touched out the ancient tortoise shell, and when he swayed a few times, he took out a few bronze coins, and then the whole face turned into a bitter face, looking at Xu’s missing: "Nine deaths!"



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