Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 141: You are lying!

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On the altar, the tiger king smashed and spurted a blood.

Half is because the power of the Thunder Pool has made him unable to withstand it, and half of it is because of Xu’s lack of gas!

If there is no shortage of Xu in this mess, he can not only smash the baptism of the two thunder pools today, but also call for the sixth catastrophe.

But now, just because of this monkey, everything is gone!

The tiger king is really going crazy, cracking his teeth, watching the monkey who sings and sings under the altar, and wants to rush down immediately, tearing him into pieces!

Ke Lei has been motivated by him. In any case, he has to accept baptism and endure the power of this thunder.

A line of lightning is like a flood, constantly impacting his body, wherever he goes, the body is broken and cracked, blood is flowing!

He took a blood element Dan orally, let the wound recover, but the body became more tough, and immediately continued to bear the impact of the Leichi!

At this time, the lack of Xu under the altar has completely become a high-profile existence.

The skills of his star musician are very good, especially the sound of the piano, changed to rock style, plus many people are singing, the power suddenly increased, the influence spread instantly, almost led the audience!

The whole area of ​​the Leichi area seems to have become a personal concert for Xu. Su Linger stood in the crowd, grinning, watching the lack of Xu, who was singing and screaming.

"This Sun Xiaoyou... is absolutely!"

"It’s a stunning person!"

"Great King, if you can leave him in our tribe, my family will hope to see the sky again!"

"Yes, the king, under the heavens, only this Sun Xiaoyou is the best match for you!"

"Yes, it’s true, it’s a girl, a natural pair!"

The old man of several Tianhui tribes began to hint at Su Linger, and in the end it almost became explicit.

Su Linger is still ignorant, so she looks at Xu deficiency, with a touch of smile on her lips, it seems thoughtful!


At this time, an earth-shattering tiger screamed and suddenly came down from the altar.

Xu’s mass rock music was instantly broken by this tiger howling, and a majestic killing moment filled the audience.

All the people were shocked and looked up. It was the Tiger King who had already finished the baptism of the Leichi, and the robbery was over!

Xu lacked a bit of a mistake, exclaimed: "Where, you have not been killed by the Thunder?"

"Heroes, take your life!"

The tiger king screamed with anger and directly rushed down from the altar, turning it into a virtual shadow and killing Xu.

Xu lacked a corner of the mouth, is about to let the system untied to be banned, and then a stick to kill the tiger king.

But a white shadow suddenly passed by him.

The bang of the "砰", the tiger king and the white shadow were simultaneously shaken off by both sides.

Six white and bright tails also appeared in front of Xu Xiao, but Su Linger blocked the attack for him.

"Su Linger, do you want to gossip?" Tiger King angered.

"Hand over my sister!" Su Linger screamed coldly, and his body was also full of killing!

Tiger King suddenly laughed: "Hey, do you still know that you have a sister? Give me away, otherwise the king will tell you to regret your life!"

"If you dare to move the little seven, my demon tribe will not end with your Wan Yao tribe, you can try!" Su Linger did not give in, coldly responded.

At this moment, Xu Xiao was discovered for the first time. It turned out that Su Linger also had such a tough side. The spirit of the king is simply unacceptable. It is a king of the tribe!

"Ten demon tribe? Oh, this king has already passed the day robbery, this demon is the seat of the king to sit, you want to fight with my Wan Yao tribe, that is to fight the entire tribe!" Tiger Wang shouted, voice Resounding in all directions.

But the old man of the Tianhui tribe did not do it. The man with a beard and his eyes jumped out and yelled: "The tiger king, you are less fart! You just passed the five-day robbery, plus a thunder pool baptism, with us. The king’s six-day robbery is the same score. What qualification do you have to claim to be the demon?”

The tiger king sneered: "Someone in the place has seen that I have already spurred the sixth day of robbery, but it was interrupted by this monkey head, but still can prove that my strength is the strongest, this is the position of the demon. I should sit down!"

"Yes, Tiger King has just cited the sixth day of robbery, indicating that he has that strength."

"And later it also ignited the second mine pool, but it was still disturbed by the monkey head, so the tiger king should be eight points now!"

"The Tiger King is the most qualified candidate for the new demon."

The aliens of the Wanhui tribe stood up and shouted for their king.

Several old men of the Tianhui tribe suddenly blew up and roared: "You are all farting. If you are threatening our first king to play, our king has already spurred two thunder pools for baptism!"

"Who threatens your king, you guys and old guys are less dirty in the water, obviously you are not as good as people, don't make excuses!" The demon of the Wanxun tribe immediately retorted.

"Dare to do a group of animals that you can't recognize, and hand over Su Xiaoqi, or I will declare war with you!"

"When the war is declared, the war will be declared, will I be afraid of you?"


Suddenly, the two sides were quarreling and the scene was deadlocked.

The rest of the aliens also face each other, but they have not intervened, they are waiting for the results!

At this time, Xu Wei finally came out with impunity and waved his hand: "Well, don't quarrel, isn't it the position of the demon? Is there any competition, so many people here have not yet crossed? Robbery, how do you know that the position of the demon must be yours?"

"Heroes, you are not in this nonsense, is there any qualification for you to speak here?" The tiger brother also emerged at this time, glaring at Xu’s lack of way.

A few of the aliens behind him also screamed: "The ignorant generation, and quickly returned. In this Leichi area, in addition to our king and Su Linger, who can win more than six points?"

Xu suddenly sneered: "You guys are mentally retarded, don't try to know if you don't?"

"You shouldn't want to say you?" At this time, the tiger brother appeared a ridicule and banter on his face, and laughed loudly.

Xu lacked a bright spot: "Hey, you are a little silly. It’s quite smart. It’s good, it’s in this big holy, Sun Wukong!”

When this statement came out, everyone in the audience was a glimpse, followed by a burst of laughter.

"Haha, is this monkey stupid? Actually want to compete for the position of the demon?"

"In the Jindan period of the district, the light of rice grain, dare to compete with Haoyue?"

"It's really not self-sufficient, whimsical!"

"Hurry and retreat to the head of the monkey. It’s not a matter of cooking some feces or playing a song!"

"What you need to get through the sky is strength!"


Xu lacked to hear this, and his mouth was raised: "Strength, just as I have!"

After that, he jumped and jumped to the stairs of the altar... and walked up step by step!

When everyone saw this scene, they suddenly laughed again!

"Haha, is he intentional?"

"Even if the altar is not going up, you have to take the stairs!"

"Maybe I want to save some real power, so I can kill it!"

"What is the use of this real power in the province? I think he can only attract three smashes at most!"

"Yes, after all, it is only a golden period, and the highest in the four or nine days can only lead to three!"

Many aliens have shaken their heads, and they can’t help but think that Xu’s lack of it will only go out!

On the other side of the Tianhui tribe, several old people also have a stiff expression and are slightly embarrassed.

In their opinion, Xu lacked the words just now... It’s a bit overwhelming, and they are a bit shameful!

Su Linger also passed a trace of horror in her eyes, but she looked at Xu’s back step on the altar. She never spoke.

In the vagueness, she believes that this amazing monkey is probably a miracle!


At this time, Xu Xiaoji had already stepped into the altar, and the entire altar immediately gave a loud noise, once again shrouded by the majestic lightning. Once someone went to the robbery, the altar would be blocked.

Under the field, the people of the Wan Yao tribe looked cold and cold.

Suddenly one person reacted and surprised: "Yes, we can also disturb him and let him not get through the thunder!"

"Yeah, let's do it with the people's way, just do it!"

"Haha, good way, when he summons the day, we sing and sing the song that humiliates the monkey!"

The group suddenly became excited and discussed revenge.

Tiger King is staring at Xu Xiaobing, a cold chill, full of his eyes!

He has decided that when the monkey is robbed, whether or not Su Linger stops, he must die!

At the same time, Xu Xiao has already stepped to the center of the altar and stared at Tianzhu.

But after a while, the days of robbery did not mean to come.

However, he did not know how to call for the robbery. After all, the robbery of others has already arrived, but they have all been suppressed to this day.

And he is not, his catastrophe, just right today.

But the system did not say, when the day of the robbery will come, this Nima will be paralyzed.

Xu lacked helplessness, and thought of a move, called out the system, and asked: "System, when is the day of robbery, it will not want me to wait here? That is boring!"

"Hey, there are four hours from the host's catastrophe, please be patient!"

"I rely on, four hours, isn't it eight hours? No, I am very busy. Is there any way to take the initiative to attract the robbery?" Xu lacked words.

"Yes, but it will increase the difficulty of the robbery again."

"Afraid of the wool, let's talk, what?" Xu did not care.

After a moment of silence, the system responded with a sentence: "Please force the host to force it, you can call it!"


Xu lacked a brow and picked it up.

This Nima is too simple.

Immediately, he looked into the sky, took a deep breath, and said: "It is said that when I was born, there was a cloud in the north of the sky, gradually getting far and near..."

When everyone heard Xu’s inexplicable opening and talking about his birth experience, he immediately calmed down and seemed to want to hear what the head of this wicked monkey was.

However, Xu’s lack of success has attracted everyone’s attention, and he has become more affectionate and said: “That cloud, after floating in my house... turned into a word: handsome!”

When I heard this, everyone immediately filled the line with black lines.

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 30 points for the value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 50 points for the value!”


After hearing so many tips for success, Xu lacked more strength. Like the machine gun, he continued to say quickly: "My father cried after screaming for a month and a half, and he did not believe that I was killed. The child whose genetics was inherited, rushed to my mother's bed with a knife several times, waving and saying that I would be smashed into meat and mud, and my mother would survive with death. Grandpa's glaucoma for more than ten years, one It’s unclear whether the rice is a dog or not. However, when I appeared in front of his eyes, the old man was tearful and sullen, and he poked his eyes. From then on, he said that he did not want to see anyone again, so as to avoid endless troubles..."

Everyone has to faint, never seen someone boasting so shameless and shameless...

However, Xu’s face is a sad expression and continues to shout: “Women all over the world are crazy for my appearance~www.readwn.com~ even a female fly is resting on my shoulder. To be proud, everyone is crazy about me, chasing me, I... no freedom at all. So I, desperately, fleeing... I finally fled to a mountain, I questioned God, why? Why? To me? I am so angry, I hate this day! I hate this place! Why? Why am I so handsome? No! I have to resist this fate, I don't want to rely on a face and do nothing, this is not buried. What is the meaning of my talent and life?"

Looking down, Xu lacked his gaze, pointing to the top of the thunder pool, almost shouting out loudly: "Actually... I am not handsome!"


In an instant, a deafening thunder blew, as if the gods were horrified.

Xu lacked the scalp and felt numb, as if he heard a "you lie" in the air!

The next moment, the whole scene of the sky is discolored, the clouds are dense, the wind is whistling, and the thunderous and terrible thunders are like a dragon flying through the clouds!

The thunder robbery has not yet come, but this movement has been more terrible than the slaying of Su Linger and the Tiger King!

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