Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 2 Chapter 144: Sky anger

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and reward 40 points for the value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s ‘Xu’s’ and the success of the game, rewarding 60 points for the forced value!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of success, and rewarding 80 points for the value!”


With the system sounds that sounded in succession, the third thunderstorm on the Scorpio was finally surging like a sea of ​​gold.

Thunder, one is stronger than one!

The power of the third thunderbolt is even more terrifying than the previous two!

However, in the horror of everyone, Xu lacked the golden iron bar in his hand, forcing the thunder to be a huge number of times more than his body!

With the egg hitting the stone and the arm as the car, these words are used to describe the current situation of Xu deficiency is the most appropriate!

But his body, strength, including momentum, is far beyond everyone's imagination!

The third thunder, he can still block, and crazy to swallow!

In the thunderstorm, the prison of Pluto was like a dry sponge that suddenly touched the water and absorbed it with madness.

5%, 6%, 7%...

The accumulation of energy in Pluto's prison body has been rising!

“Hey, the power of the Thunder is detected, and the ‘Charge of the Prison’s Thunder’ has been absorbed 10%!”

Until the system prompts to sound, the third thunderbolt is completely dissipated!

The lightning festival was restored to a calm, and the whole audience was silent. Only the thunderclouds on the Scorpio were still boiling, and the violent atmosphere became more and more intense!

Xu lacks a clear feeling that his body is changing, as if there is a thunder force swimming in his body, each meridian contains a strong lightning, the muscles of the whole body become distinct and full of explosive power.

"Ha ha ha, this is really a little like Sun Wukong!"

Xu lacked a big laugh, looked down at his body, and his eyes filled with expectations.

If you can absorb the nine-thunder thunder, then your own Pluto's prison body is likely to reach a terrible realm, bringing an extremely powerful enhancement.

"Booming up!!"

At this time, a deafening loud noise suddenly erupted on the Scorpio, as if the Thunder exploded, and there were people in the whole place who had eardrums and squeaking!

"Look, that...the thunder has changed!" Suddenly, some people were scared and pointed at the scorpio, and the trembling voice said.

Everyone heard the sound and looked up to the sky, and then the audience was in awe!

"Purple... purple thunder, how can this happen, this world, there really is such a robbery."

"How... Maybe, the ancient thunder in the ancient records, but now it has reappeared!"

"The ancient purple scorpion god, a kind of thunder that should not appear in this world, has appeared!"

Many old people have recognized this purple thunder, which is extremely shocking and shocking.

Xu Wei also looked up to see the changes on the Scorpio, and the lightning like a dragon turned into a pure purple, without the slightest erratic lightning. Just a handful of it, it was comparable to the previous three blue thunders. The power of the together, with the ruin of the gods, is shocking!

The crowd under the altar can no longer sit still, and there is a lot of turmoil!

"Heavenly punishment, this is a day of punishment, not just a day of robbery!"

"The monkey's provocation finally led to the wrath of the sky."

"The sky is full of anger, it will be a charcoal!"

"All of us, we may have to be buried today, finished, and finished, this monkey head is causing big trouble!"

"I am afraid that the altar can not withstand this power!"

"Fast, we will kneel down and pray for heaven, otherwise the holy land of my family will disappear into this punishment!"

"Right, pray for the sky!"

Many aliens were terrified and lost their blood.

"噗通", slammed a large piece!

They kneel on the knees, and sincerely pay homage to the heavens, such as the weak ants, praying for the heavens to spare a life!

The several strong men of the Tianhui tribe are also full of panic, and they never thought that Xu’s lack of such a big event!

Raised the sky, attracting punishment!

Su Linger was also pale, and in front of such Tianwei, she felt a deep sense of powerlessness and fear.

However, the stalwart figure above the altar is still standing.

One person and one stick, standing on the ground!

"Qi Tian Da Sheng...Sun Wukong!"

Su Linger whispered, recalling the title he claimed when he saw them on the first day.

Qitian Dasheng, and Qiqi!

At this moment, she realized that the power of Sun Wukong is far beyond her imagination!

The Tiger King, as well as the many aliens of their Wan Yao tribe, have long been stunned, and some people are scared to lose their blood and tremble.

The ancient purple scorpion **** thunder, this is the punishment of heaven, the thunder of heaven!

Is the monkey in the process of robbing, or is it pulling the gang together?

"Heaven, we have always feared you, it is not a group with this monkey!"

"The sky is fortune!"

The aliens of the Wanxuan tribe are so scared that they cry into pieces. They don't want to be killed by such a fine, they can only ask for mercy.

But God did not seem to hear their voices, and the purple scorpion was still brewing, and the power became more and more magnificent.

This punishment is like trying to punish Xu’s disrespect, driving him into hell, never surviving!

However, the lack of Xu is not changing color, the eyes are full of ecstasy!

If it is to let the Pluto prison body absorb this **** mine, it will be a great creation!

Therefore, this creation, he has to be fixed!

This forced, he also set!

"come on!"

Xu lacked a golden iron stick in his hand and yelled at the sky!


Heaven seems to have given an angry response ~ www.readwn.com ~ with the suffocating Tianwei, four purple sacred gods, suddenly fell from the sky!

This time, four thunders have come together!

"Ha ha ha ha, come well, save time! Just right, today I will be a Sun Wukong! Let you see, what is called Qitian Dasheng!"

Xu’s lack of laughter rang through the whole thunder pool!

He waved his golden stick, and he was so powerful that he smashed the world.

"Longteng nine changes, the first change, open!"

"The second change, open!"

"The third change, open!"



"The ninth change, open!"


Xu lacked the illusion of nine dragons, irrigating from the top of the head, the addition of nine times the power, instantly made him strong!

This is his, the most powerful strength!


Four purple sacred gods, suddenly arrived!

Xu lacked a face to condense, waved iron bars, and displayed "flame points and waves" and "walking", transforming a large number of sticks, covering the entire altar.

"I want this day, I can't cover my eyes!"

Xu lacks screaming and angry, and the iron rods swept out. Countless sticks instantly merged into one, and the most powerful force broke out, smashing into the void!


The first 缕 缕 霄 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神!

"I want this place, I can't bury my heart!"

Xu lacked another sigh, and a stick swept forward.


The second 缕 霄 霄 霄 雷 砸 砸 砸 砸 砸 砸 砸 砸

"I want this being, I understand what I mean."

"I want the buddhas, all smoke - eliminate - cloud - scattered!"

Such as the thunder and ears, wearing a cloud-like anger, continue to tell from the Xu gap.

The last two 缕 霄 霄 霄 雷 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后 最后

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