Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1445: Day robbery, come down!

"what happened?"

The young woman, who looks young, frowned at this time.

Her dignified look is somewhat out of tune with the other nine singers who are in the banter.

When the two dogs and Duan Jiude passed by her, she clearly saw the eyes and expressions of the two guys, full of ridicule and banter, just like her as a mental retardation, and still a mental retardation that is about to die. .

This made her feel uneasy from the heart.

This is a kind of uneasiness brought about by the intuitive sense accumulated by countless experiences for many years!

"No, what is the problem? Why is this so? It shouldn't be!" The fairy king woman was full of doubts, but she could not find any reason to make herself so uneasy.

If there must be, then it can only be people who are in the same area with them at this time, Xu is missing!

This person, is it difficult to have variables?

Can a person have a variable in a fairyland?

Thinking of this, the fairy king woman shook her head slightly, her eyes swept toward Xu.

At this time, the lack of Xu has already given up and chased the ten celestial kings. Instead, he leaped and rushed to the sky.

This area is completely shrouded in the ban, and he is also in it, unable to fly too high, but it is also infinitely close to the gradual huge thundercloud that has been pressed down from the sky.

"Xu is flying in the sky, the old man is chasing on the ground, kid, come on!" Duan Jiude screamed and cheered.

"The lack of brothers fly freely, the two dogs will always follow each other!" The two dogs also shouted.

One person and one dog shouted powerfully, and the blood was boiling, but the speed at the foot did not slow down at all, and madly fled in the direction of Tianzhu City, as if running a slow step, it would die at any time!

However, everyone in the field has already neglected these two pit goods, and his eyes are tightly watching the lack of air in the air, full of puzzles!

It is a common sense to cultivate the immortal world.

Xu lacks the original control of a very good situation, at least with the ten princes in the situation of five or five, the result of who is born and who died, in fact, it is not easy to grasp!

But now, he actually gave up this advantage, and even led to the catastrophe, to break the suffocation, and dragged the ten princes to rob, which is really confusing.

A catastrophe in the district, for the king of the king, the degree of threat is absolutely not comparable to the suffocating!

So, what is the reason for him to do this?

Is it a mistake? Still another plot?

"You predecessors, there is no need to give him time to summon the robbery, now you can kill him. In your capacity, this little person is not qualified to rob you!"

In the city of Tianzhu, the regular section shouted louder.

On the surface, it is cheering, but in reality, I am worried about night dreams. I don’t know why, but he also has a feeling of uneasiness.

Once the ten princes couldn't solve Xu's lack, he worried that his end would be terrible.

Even the total feeling, it seems that many people secretly hope that he will die!

"Oh, we do things, but you can't take your fingertips!" A fairy king replied coldly, splashing a cold water in the regular section.

It is obviously more urgent in the regular period. Now, in this situation, it is impossible for the ten princes to rush to stop Xu.

After all, they have to rely on the robbery to flush the suffocation around them and the body!

What's more, even if they want to stop the lack of Xu, they can't stop it.

There is still a suffocating air around Xu, and when I rushed up, wouldn’t I vote for it?

Ghost knows if this guy wants to deliberately trick them into sending it to the door?


At the same time, the sky above the sky once again caused a loud noise, deafening!

Xu lacks the whole person to float in the air, a long flowing hair with the wind, arms wide open, the clothes are fluttering, magnificent.

In the air, a series of lightnings are intertwined, and the huge thunderclouds are also rapidly surging and continue to grow.

A Tianwei that suppresses suffocation is pervading the Quartet.

"Strange, how does this feel a bit wrong?" A fairy frowned and asked in a low voice.

"When did the heavenly robbery of the fairyland become so powerful?" Another fairy king also spoke.

The rest of the people are also looking at the situation, watching the situation in the air.

However, after the interest rate, the ten emperors, together with all the monks in the city of Tianzhu, were shocked.

"I rely!"

"what is that?"

"I just saw a dragon, a golden dragon, smashed through the thundercloud!"

"No, that is... the ancient catastrophe!"

"More powerful than the purple scorpion god... the ancient catastrophe?"

"Yes, it is, exactly the same as the rumors, the golden dragon, the **** of the gods killing the ancient catastrophe!"

"My God, there have been rumors, Xu lacked him once also spent an ancient catastrophe, did not expect ... there must be his father!"

Many monks in the city of Scorpio exclaimed.

The face of the ten fairy kings has also been extremely gloomy.

Obviously, this is beyond their expectations.

"This is trouble!" The old man of the Shennong clan sang.

"It seems to underestimate him, but I did not expect that this small animal qualification is so powerful, it has led to the ancient catastrophe!" Another Shennong clan's fairy king cold channel.

"Unfortunately, he is still a trick, although the ancient catastrophe is powerful, but it is not impossible to spend!" A fairy king shook his head, but in the eyelids, still full of dignity.

After all, the ancient catastrophe was not able to be spent casually. If they had been practicing for many years, they were rich in experience, and they had a large amount of panacea and a variety of fairy instruments. At this moment, I am afraid I have to fall into fear.

However, they can survive from the last period of the last generation of the law, the nature is not to be underestimated, or have the confidence to withstand this catastrophe!

"Xu deficiency, I have to say, you are indeed beyond our expectations, even in our time, the younger generation, the talents that can be as outstanding as you are, there are only a handful!" Wang man, smiled lightly.

He flashed a glimpse of appreciation, but soon turned into a fierce cold man, Shen Sheng said: "Unfortunately, you have made a mistake. There is no strong backing, genius like you, destined to be killed in cradle!"


In the air, Xu lacked a sudden low head, black and ink-like eyes, full of banter, with a look down on everything, squatting in the world, watching the ten kings.

The next moment, the facial features on his face gradually unfolded and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

In this laughter, with a sly, with a publicity, full of arrogance and hegemony, resounding between the heavens and the earth, even overshadowed the roar of thunder over the sky.

He is laughing!

What is he laughing at?

The ten princes, together with the monks of the Scorpio City, are all inexplicable.

But this laughter shocked their inner uneasiness.


The next moment, Xu's lack of laughter suddenly stopped, a pair of sharp eyes, suddenly stared at the young man who looks like a fairy!

"You said that I don't have a backing?"

Xu lacked a slight raise in his mouth and shook his head: "I don't need to rely on mountains, because I am a mountain myself!"

"I don't have the world, I fight the world myself!"

"I am not a soft persimmon, I can take it for you!"

"I am not a thorny ball, it will make you stab!"

"I am not a piece of iron, it will make you hurt your feet!"

"But... From now on for a million years, I want to let the whole Tianzhou know that I, Xu deficiency, is the light that is above all of you. I can make you green on your head and bring you Come to the dark!"

Speaking of this, Xu’s voice suddenly enlarged, his arms raised upwards, his face was full of madness, his long hair was flowing, just like a demon came.

He looked directly at the Scorpio, just like the order of the heavens and the earth, and screamed loudly: "Heaven, come down!"

Bang -!

In an instant, a loud noise was heard in the sky, all the mountains in the square were shaking and the ground was cracked.

The golden lightnings of the arms are thick and mad, condensed into a dragon that blooms with glare and golden awns, accompanied by a ruinous momentum, descending from the sky!

However, Thundercloud is still bursting!

The first Thundercloud was cracked by the golden dragon, revealing a darker sky behind!

It is not the nightfall, but the four more huge Thunderclouds, like four million magic soldiers, are galloping, will destroy everything!

"This... what is this?"

"No~www.readwn.com~ impossible, this is impossible..."

"How can there be a five-day catastrophe with five heavens?"

In an instant, the ten emperors stayed on the spot, and the heart was shocked. They were scared by their lives.

In the city of Scorpio, there are countless monks, legs are soft, sitting on the ground, the whole portrait is scared of the soul!

Is this a robbery?

What the **** is this fucking?




[Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the fifth more blood will be opened! 】

(End of this chapter)

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