Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1610: Wolves die

"Teacher Duan, civilization, pay attention to civilization!" Er Gouzi emphasized with a straight face.

"Which end did you stand on?" Duan Jiude was furious, and wanted to shoot Ergou to death, but he couldn't move now.

"Which one? The deity has always been on the side of Brother Que. Is it possible that you and Brother Que are the opposites?" Er Gouzi said, his face changed drastically, and he said in shock: "Good fellow, the deity doesn't even know it. , I got on the thief ship by mistake."

"My Nima, you..." Duan Jiude was annoyed, spitting in gestures.

"Okay, stop acting the two of you. Do your hands and feet under my nose, do you really think I can't tell?"

Xu Que shook his head to stop the scolding drama between the two dudes.

From the moment he entered this tomb, Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude had already secretly cracked the restriction and tried to escape.

Xu Que couldn't see what was in the tomb. He only found it strange. He couldn't sense anything. He broke in alone, fearing that he would just make Ergouzi and Duan Jiude's wedding dresses.

Fortunately, he was too lazy to stop it.

Seeing that the trick was revealed, Ergouzi and Duan Jiude didn't have the slightest embarrassment, and they smiled hippiely: "Brother Que misunderstood. We just know you can see it, so we didn't sneak it."


As soon as the voice fell, the virtual space exploded with a muffled sound.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude broke out of the prohibition control at the same time and swept out.


Xu Que didn't speak, and directly took out the small black stick and held it in his hand.

"Ahem, brother, the treasure is now, let him go if it doesn't pass, let's go in and check it out first?" Duan Jiude winked his eyes.

"Yes!" Xu Wei nodded, and stretched the black stick in his hand by more than half, making it even more handy.

Er Gouzi's eyes widened suddenly: "Brother Que, don't be like this, the deity is afraid, so put the stick away first."

"The tomb is so strict, there must be danger in it. I just take it out to defend yourself. How can you be afraid? Is it possible that you are the danger?" Xu Que said with a smile while stroking the little black stick.

"Brother Que makes sense!"

Duan Jiude immediately backed up a few steps in response, already tightly holding a large bundle of talisman seals in his hand, and was sprinkling poison powder on it.

"So that's the case, that deity must also be more vigilant!" Er Gouzi nodded suddenly, without any major movements in his hands, but engraved an array pattern every time he took a step.

The two of them marched together, toward the tomb path, seeming to be vigilant and guarding against the unknown danger ahead, but in fact they were guarding each other!


Suddenly, the two men and the dog seemed to have discovered something and stopped at the same time.

"Damn, why is there a restriction?" Er Gouzi scolded.

"It's no wonder that the conditions inside have not been detected, this restriction is quite hidden." Xu Que also frowned slightly.

But this also means that this mausoleum may not be that simple, and there may really be some precious treasures in it.

However, no matter how concealed the prohibition is, in front of the "bad dog", it will not last a moment after all.

Ergouzi and Duan Jiude are quite accomplished in this way, and each has its own advantages. Xu Que combined their proposals and his own rich and unique insights into the forbidden formation.

In the end, one hundred thousand points were used to install the force value, and the system broke the prohibition.

"Fuck! Lack of brother is awesome!"

"It's worthy of Brother Que, a mere ban, broke in an instant!"

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude were shocked and licked them quickly.

After all, they don't know what else is behind, if there are more powerful restrictions, they will have to rely on Xu Que.

"Small bugs, don't do six basic exercises." Xu Que waved his hand faintly.

Look straight ahead.

After the prohibition was broken, the front vision became clear, but it was still a passage.

It's just that this time a wave of void power came from the depths of the channel, as if the end was connected to another piece of heaven and earth, and the void fluctuations were very obvious.

"No, is there another world in this?"

"Could it be the gateway to Tianzhou?"

Both Ergouzi and Duan Jiude were shocked. There is no reason why such obvious void power cannot be sensed.

The group of people immediately became vigilant, and the ghost knew if there would suddenly be some bigwigs out there.

Who would be more appropriate to postpone the time?

The two gazes smashed into each other.

"Hahaha, just a little vacant fluctuation, trivial." Er Gouzi laughed immediately.

"Yes, what I thought it was, it seems that it is nothing more than that." Duan Jiude also stroked his beard, his expression unpredictable.

"It's not that I'm blowing with you two, just this stuff, I can hit several with just one punch." Xu Que pointed to the depths of the tunnel with a dismissive expression on his face.

"Brother lacking is awesome!" Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude gave thumbs up at the same time.

"Let's do this, Teacher Ergou has the best formation skills among us, or..." Xu Que suggested along the way.

"I agree, then Teacher Ergou will go first, the old man and Brother Que will be swept in the back to prevent someone from attacking from behind." Duan Jiude immediately cooperated.

"Don't don't don't, there are countless magic weapons for Teacher Duan, and the methods are endless, let's go first!" Er Gouzi immediately gave a humility.

"This statement is also quite reasonable!" Xu Weijian nodded, and looked at Duan Jiude again.

Duan Jiude smiled slightly stiffly: "Teacher Xu, Teacher Ergou, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, don’t look at me like this, the old man’s motto is that if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich you will benefit the world. The magic weapon is that Teacher Xu is the most powerful among us, and there are a lot of methods. Why not come and lead him?"

"Oh!" Xu Que immediately sighed deeply: "Teacher Duan made sense, but the two of them didn't know. I fought fiercely with the number of immortals in Jinghe City. Although I won, I also left a slap in the face. , Really weak...cough cough..."

As he said, he coughed violently, his fists continuously hammered his chest, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood on his hand.

"Look at the two teachers, I'm afraid my body is already dead, and there is not much time to keep it up." Xu Que said with a sad expression on his face.

Duan Jiude: "..."

Ergouzi: "..."

Damn, playing so hard?

The wolf is gone!


At this time, Duan Jiude suddenly said in surprise: "Here again, this feeling is coming again, very strong!"

"En?" Xu Que was slightly startled, seeming to feel something.

"Boy, old man, I really didn't lie to you just now. I did make a big discovery. When we first came in, we sensed a strange breath, but it disappeared in an instant, and now this breath reappears." Duan Jiude said .

Xu Que did not respond, but felt a little strange in his heart.

He also felt a strange breath, unfamiliar and familiar, and even a vague feeling of pulling him forward.

It's a bit weird!

Xu Que frowned!

It is clear that this is the first time I have come to Xianyuanzhou, how can I feel this way?

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