Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1618: No, no


"Fuck, fuck!"

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude instantly exclaimed and opened their mouths wide.

Nima, where is Xianjing?

What about such a big piece of fairy crystal, how can it be said that it is gone?

One person and one dog wanted to see Xu Que in amazement.

They knew very well that this giant fairy crystal was extremely hard. Just arrived early, Duan Jiude and Ergouzi had already knocked countless times with the fairy weapon, but they hadn't shaken it, and they couldn't even leave a trace on it. Scratches.

As a result, when Xu Que came, just stretched out his hand and touched it, the entire giant fairy crystal was actually taken away, and the original position was sunken into a huge pit, leaving only a creamy white stone skin on it.

"Brother Que, what is this technique? It's so amazing!" Er Gouzi's eyes lit up immediately.

"With this technique, this whole piece of fairy crystals under the abyss valley belongs to our three brothers." Duan Jiude laughed heartily, biting the word "brother" extremely hard!

"You don't want to be six, but I don't pass it on to men or women, so I don't pass it on to you for short." Xu Que smiled and sighed in his heart. The system is still awesome.

As long as the storage space function of the system is used, this immortal crystal has no owner, and it will be finished as soon as it is collected.

"Damn, the deity knows that this kid doesn't..." Er Gouzi was about to curse. After meeting Xu Que's gaze, he immediately turned his head away and stopped cursing.

A big man can bend and stretch without shame.

"Boy, you have a part when you see it, you can only swallow it..." Duan Jiude didn't give up, looking at Xu Que just about to persuade.


Suddenly, the entire abyss suddenly shook and made a loud noise.

Amidst the sound, a beast roar was vaguely accompanied by a weird voice, but it vaguely carried a sacred and majestic aura.

"I'm going, there really is the voice of a monster, isn't it really a dragon, is it?"

This time, Xu Que and Duan Jiude also heard them, with a look of astonishment.

"Damn it, it's Dragon Yin, this deity is very sure, certain and affirmative." Er Gouzi jumped up excitedly, he could actually see the same clan.

Although it is not necessarily the ancient dragon clan, but the dragon clan is a family, wouldn't it be a good thing to be caught as a mount?


Xu Que stared at the compass in his hand, frowning slightly: "It can't be Longyin, this place is the land of Fengshui Dragon Pond. There are only dragon veins. How can there be dragons hiding in this place."

"Dragon veins are also dragons!" Er Gouzi cried out brainlessly.

"Teacher Ergou makes sense!" Duan Jiude also nodded.

"Fart!" Xu Que cursed directly: "Longmai is a kind of feng shui adjective, and it is completely unrelated to the dragon clan. Only a fool will think that the dragon vein will become a real dragon. If you two don't understand it, stop BB!"

"Then... Could it be under the dragon vein, or there is a real dragon hidden in the dragon vein?" Er Gouzi's brain was wide open.

"Impossible, you two quickly shut up, don't hinder me from exploring the cave."

Xu Que waved his hand impatiently, and continued to stare at the pointer on the compass, constantly counting.

"Damn, this kid is getting worse and worse, starting to think that we are hindering him." Er Gouzi whispered BB, and slandered Xu Que with Duan Jiude.

"Oh, the world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not old. Fortunately, we are born and die for him. Any danger is at the forefront, but he wants to swallow this fairy crystal." Duan Jiude shook his head and sighed with disappointment.

"Teacher Duan, you can't say that. Brother Que left the stone skin of Xianjing at least, and it can be regarded as a mouthful of soup **** to drink." Er Gouzi was very optimistic, and after speaking, he climbed up the stone wall. , Grabbed the stone skin left by the giant fairy crystal.

Compared with the giant fairy crystal, the stone skin is significantly softer.

With a muffled "bang", Er Gouzi easily patted it with a paw, and the entire layer of stone skin instantly shattered and fell off.

But the moment the stone skin fell, a layer of golden shining was revealed inside.


Er Gouzi screamed immediately.

"My Nima!" Duan Jiude swept away his gaze, and was taken aback in an instant.

Xu Que turned his head and looked at the sound, immediately dumbfounded.

What was exposed under the stone skin were patches of golden scales, each of which was very huge, and looked smooth and crystal clear. Under the shining of the fairy crystal, it was golden.

"Dragon... Dragon scales?"

Xu Que was shocked.

It turned out to be dragon scales!

"Hiss!" Duan Jiude took a breath and looked at Xu Que with weird eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Er Gouzi also cast a strange look in his eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Xu Que suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, like a awn on his back, like a knuckle in his throat.

Nima, how can there really be dragons in this place?

Such a behemoth, even if the compass didn't calculate it, why didn't the system detect it?

This wave of pretense can't be forced, and the ship capsized in the gutter!

"Ouch!" At this time, Ergouzi cried out strangely: "How come there are dragon scales here? Didn't some people say that there is only Dragon Vein Feng Shui Bureau here, and there are no real dragons?"

"No, no, no one doesn't know what dragon scales look like, right? Old man, it's the first time I've seen it, but this thing must be dragon scales, right?" Duan Jiude also began to incarnate as a yin and yang person.

One person, one dog crazy output, and finally caught the opportunity to slap Xu Que, how could he miss it.

Xu Que turned black for a moment and didn't want to talk.

He took the compass, quickly calculated, and kept reciting the formula silently, and at the same time, with a move of his mind, he called out the system to probe the existence of the dragon scale.

"Ding, the detection is complete, no complete dragons have been found." The system prompt sounded.

Xu Que frowned suddenly, not a complete dragon?

What does this mean?

Excluding the two dogs, does it mean that the dragon scales are just dragon scales, just buried in this place, but in fact, there is no real dragon behind the dragon scales?

But... it's not right.

Only from the physical body, the dragon scales are clearly on the body. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is neat and orderly, it is just a section of the dragon body stuck in the wall of the fairy crystal mountain.

And no matter how you look at it, this place is a tomb feng shui bureau with dragon veins!

And even ordinary Feng Shui bureaus will avoid places where the sound of water flows.

As the saying goes, to listen to the sound of the running water for the grave, to stop the children and grandchildren from thriving, the flood rushes into the property, and the catastrophe burns the hall.

How could someone keep or plant a water-like dragon in a burial bureau?

Isn't this anxious to make future generations suffer?

What's more, the system also tested it again, proving that there is no complete dragon race here.

and so…


Xu Que's complexion condensed, his figure leaped, and he swept directly toward the mountain wall, pressing one hand on the exposed golden dragon scales.

"I'll rub, brother, do you want to grab this too? It's my compatriot!" Er Gouzi howled.


Xu Que laughed suddenly, turned his head to look at Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude, and sneered: "Come here, come and touch and see if this is a dragon scale."

"Huh?" Both Ergouzi and Duan Jiude were taken aback.

What else can it be if it's not dragon scales?

"No, no, no one can't distinguish between real dragon scales and fake dragon scales, right? No one would treat dragon veins as his compatriots, right?" Xu Que ridiculed wildly, ruthlessly.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude understood the meaning of these words, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Damn it."

"This thing...is it dragon veins?"

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