Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1637: Tianmen really has face

"Good guy, someone really dares to buy it!"

"Who was the masked man just now? I asked for ten places!"

The crowd onlookers were shocked.

That was a total of 300 million fine crystals, but some people bought them directly, and it was several times more expensive than auctions.

"It's great to have money!" someone said with emotion.

Some people started, and some daring poops came together.

Without a cup of tea, Xu Que sold all the 60 spots in the plan!

And some small sects who came to inquire at this moment couldn't help showing a look of disappointment.

See it!

Xu Que couldn't help sighing: "Oh! I didn't expect you to support us so much! Then let's sell the last ten places, as a reward for new and old customers!"

As he said, Xu Que couldn't help but shed a few tears: "The last ten places, clearance sale!"

Hearing this, the small sects who came afterwards were all overjoyed!

It's just that when someone handed over the storage ring, Xu Que shook his head: "Dao Fellow, you are not enough immortal crystals!"

"How come, I obviously put 30 million immortal crystals." The purple-robed boy was a little trapped.

"Friends of Daoist, these are the last ten places. After they are sold, I can only wait for another chance to grab the Tianmen, so the price will be relatively more expensive!"

Speaking of this, Xu Que thought for a moment, and stretched out a palm: "From now on, a quota of 50 million immortal crystals!"

Everyone was shocked at the moment!

what did he say?

We have to wait for another chance to grab Tianmen!

Is he crazy? Even if you are going to grab it, you shouldn't say it so openly, right? What's the difference between this and looking for death!

"Friends of Taoism, don't you have three people? Or don't grab them anymore. You keep three places and only sell seven places. But you have to follow the original price. How can the price be raised?" Someone persuaded. .


Xu Que immediately took the case and said vigorously, "What do you think we are when we bomb the sky gang? How can you share the Buddha seal with customers! And it is a reward, naturally you have to sell ten spots! Otherwise, wouldn't someone want it? Saying that we blasted the sky to help without words!"

"At that time, we will blow the sky and help you be responsible for the list of untrustworthy! If you say 50 million is 50 million! Otherwise, how can you be worthy of you!"

After shouting, Xu Que couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and said, "Isn't it that I can't afford it? Forget it, next one!"

"That's right, I can't afford 50 million immortal crystals, so let me go! Don't delay my purchase of quota!" a white-clothed woman opened the mouth.

Hearing this, Xu Que immediately pointed to her and shouted: "This customer is insightful, come and come, hand in the money, and I will make arrangements for you!"

At this time, the purple-robed boy couldn't help yelling: "Who has no money!"

At the end of the speech, he just took out three storage rings again: "Friends Taoist, I want to buy two! The rest will be my just apologized!"

After the blood was injected, the purple-robed youth shouted to the white-clothed girl: "I have money!"

Looking at the vigorous young man, and at the 120 million immortal crystals, Xu Que praised, "The son is magnificent!"

The purple-robed boy turned his head and waved his hand: "Small things! My son has money! I hate others for saying that I'm poor!"

After the quota was sold out, Xu Que closed the stall directly.

After that, he knocked on the door of the Tianmen stronghold in full view: "Hey! Brother Tianmen, have a discussion! You will give a billion immortal crystals, and I will never touch your Buddha seal after blasting the heavens!"

"It's only 20 million places! It's cheaper, do you want to think about it!"

The jaws that everyone had just attached were once again shocked and couldn't put it back.

"Twenty million, worthy of the Tianmen! Actually let the Zhantian Gang take the initiative to discount! The face is so great!"

"Hey! It's a pity, I am not a member of the heavenly gate, otherwise I would need to spend 50 million to buy a quota!"

Listening to the words notified by his subordinates, Liu Zhiyi, a powerful immortal king, almost fainted from anger!

"Too much bullying! Too much bullying!" Liu Chou stomped and roared, "The four elders are about to arrive in Chu'an City! By then, I think he dare not be so arrogant!"

When have their Tianmen been so insulted!

But the opponent is someone who can easily kill the Six Elders in seconds, and Liu Zhiyi really doesn't have the courage to face it!

He can only bury his head in the sand like an ostrich, pretending that he can't hear anything.

Seeing that there was no response inside, Xu Que couldn't help sighing: "Hey, I don't know how to take the opportunity! This is a 40% discount! Don't even need a 40% discount? Then borrow some Xianjing, the auction is about to start again, we have to shoot! "

When everyone on the scene heard this, they almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

I wipe, is there such an operation?

People didn’t buy it, but did you change it to borrow it?

Is your loan a serious loan? Will you pay it back?

"Tsk tusk tusk, this blasting sky gang is really fearless, it is clear that the people of the sky are playing to death!"

"However, they are the first to be able to oppress Tianmen and dare not resist, they are still the first in tens of thousands of years!"

"Now they can still be arrogant, but do you want to know how many immortals are in Tianmen?" someone said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and suddenly they were stunned!

Yes, now they dare to be arrogant, but because there are only immortal kings in the Tianmen stronghold, if those immortals from the Tianmen are present, I am afraid it is really hard to say.

However, Xu Que had already started knocking on the door frantically, "Open the door, fellow, open the door!"

"You have the ability to be inside, don't you have the ability to open the door?"

"My fellow, we really just borrowed Xianjing, and don't do anything else!"

"Hurry up..."


With a loud noise, the entire gate of the Tianmen stronghold suddenly burst and fell towards the inner courtyard!

"Fuck! What kind of material is this! It's not durable at all!" Xu Que murmured.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at everyone who was already dumbfounded.

He shrugged his shoulders and said innocently, "Hey! Attention everyone! This door is broken by itself, it has nothing to do with me!"

Everyone: "..."

This is the style of the Explosive Heavenly Gang's wicked dogs?

So upright...


"Ah, fellow, your door is broken, then we'll come in!" At this moment, Xu Que shouted slyly, and immediately took Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi and walked in.

People outside wanted to follow up, but they didn't have the guts.

But before long, there was a heart-piercing scream from inside.

When everyone heard it, they knew that it was Liu Zhuyi's voice.

The cry was too miserable, what kind of tragic torture has been experienced!

Everyone couldn't help their scalp tingling.

Until a moment later, the screams ceased.

Xu Que came out carrying a teenager whose face was as swollen as a pig's head.

Although the boy's appearance changed drastically, everyone recognized that it was indeed Liu Xunyi, who was unusually arrogant at the auction before...

Liu Zhiyi's heart is ashamed at this moment!

He has never seen someone as shameless as a dog who wants to be wicked, and he has never expected that someone would dare to break into the Tianmen stronghold and emptied it directly!

What about borrowing only Xianjing?

This is simply a bandit! robber!

"Everyone, everyone testifies for us. When we went in, Young Master Liu was already like this. I don’t know where he fell. Anyway, it was definitely not us. We are now worried that he will be in danger, so we can only Take him with him and protect it!"

At this time, Xu Que explained to everyone, holding Liu Zhiyi's collar.

Everyone was too lazy to talk about it anymore, they watched silently, but didn't speak.

On the contrary, it was Liu Zhuyi, and he had the strength to speak.

He was dying and raised his hand, UU reading www.uukanshu.com pressed Xu Que's arm: "Xu...Master Xu, no, grandpa, you are my grandpa, I think I'm pretty safe, don't bother..."


Before he finished speaking, Xu Que suddenly carried a large bag of unknown objects and fell directly to Liu Zhuyi's head.

Suddenly, a stench spread!

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Why did this packet of stinky tofu juice leak? It's careless!" Xu Que said with a "surprised" expression.


Next to him, Er Gouzi stared at Liu Zhuyi for an instant, his eyes flashed with a gleam, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but drool.

Stinky tofu juice!

So many stinky tofu juices are all the essence!

"Look at it, everyone, I'm not wrong, look at this dog, how cruel!"

Xu Que pulled Liu Zhiyi back and pointed at Ergouzi and said, "I was worried that Gongzi Liu would be bitten by a dog, so I decided to protect it. But when it comes to protection... Gongzi Liu, we can pay for this protection. It must be clear."

Everyone suddenly twitched their lips!

Pour **** on a person's head to seduce a dog, and then forcefully protect it?


Suddenly! A scream sounded!

Er Gouzi had already stretched out his tongue to lick Liu Zhuyi's sideburns and hair, and raised his head and closed his eyes, revealing an expression of enjoyment.

Then, it turned its head to look at Xu Que, frowning and complaining: "Brother Que, how can you be so wasteful? The stinky tofu smells like scum and it's not delicious anymore, it's not authentic!"

[Three shifts delivered. Ask for recommended ticket, ask for monthly ticket! 】

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