Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1692: The prince must not be delayed

In this battle, the Eastern Tang State showed their strong military strength, which was stronger than the former Qin State.

Just because they have mastered a weapon beyond the times-firecrackers!

That's right, after defeating Qin, Xu Que's pretense value reached an unprecedented number, so he did not hesitate to exchange the gunpowder gun manufacturing drawings and finished products.

With these two things, coupled with a large number of people and horses led by the Ministry of Industry for day and night research, successfully achieved mass production of firecrackers.

With the firecrackers in hand, the pace of the Eastern Tang Kingdom's conquest of the world has been directly accelerated countless times, or it is not an exaggeration to take shape.

Soon, the Eastern Tang Dynasty conquered Kyushu by taking advantage of its destruction.

Xu Que also relied on his unprecedented feats to be regarded as the sage king of Kyushu, and ascended to the throne of the Communist Party of Kyushu, and Xuanyuan Wanrong also became the sacred queen of the maternal ritual world.

Since then, Kyushu has no more wars and has entered a period of vigorous development.

Xu Que promoted the policies previously implemented in Dongtang to the world in one fell swoop and vigorously developed the economy. At the same time, he wrote "If you want to be rich, plant trees first", "As long as the sows are well raised, the wealth of the family won't run." Slogans such as “poor education cannot be poor”.

Under his leadership, the entire area of ​​Kyushu was thriving, showing vigorous vitality, even to the point where the people kept their homes closed at night.

Over the past ten years, Xu Que's reputation has reached its peak in Kyushu.

Looking at it for five hundred years, no one has ever achieved Xu Que, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the emperor of the ages.

The folks sang meritorious deeds for Xu Que, and there are even people who blindly worship that Xu Que is the reincarnation of a **** in the sky, and there is nothing in this world that he can't do.

At this time, the **** in the eyes of the world was sitting on the dragon chair with an annoying expression on his face.

Having spent ten years in this world as a mortal, even if Xu Que is the only sword **** in the world, his face will inevitably be left with traces of time and wrinkles quietly creeping into the corner of his eyes.

"Your Majesty, this matter is very important. You can't help but take it to heart." Gong Qiwei said with a sad face, "You are over thirty, it's time to leave an heir..."

He actually didn't want to stand up and say this, but he had been with Xu Que for the longest time. For fear that those old things would offend Xu Que, they would have to say it by themselves.

Xu Que glanced at Xuanyuan Wanrong who was sitting on the Phoenix seat, and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Gong Qiwei is a fool, I just refused last time. It hasn't stopped for two days, come again? !

Why don't you let Lao Tzu give birth to a prince? You feel uncomfortable, right?

"Okay, then you can ask the queen, is this something I can give birth to if I want to be born?" Xu Que waved his hand with a look of lack of interest.

What a joke, and gave birth to heirs.

He can guarantee that if he dares to touch this woman Xuanyuan Wanrong, this woman will definitely castrate herself after she goes out!

Gong Qiwei finished the task and breathed a sigh of relief. When he was about to retreat, the six books of Shangshu swept over like knives. Among them, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War was the most violent.

It is no secret that Xu Que became the sword god, but his strength is simply outrageous, and Shang Shu of the Ministry of War has long wanted to study it.

But he was worried that he would be hacked to death by Xu Que if he made this request, so he hit the prince with his idea.

As for where the prince came from, it would have to work hard for the emperor.

Except for him, the other books have their own ideas more or less, so they are so positive, including the ministers.

Of course, the main reason for the old undead gang of supervisors is to do nothing. Xu Que is too wise and martial, so they have to start from this aspect. After all, they still have to finish their work.

Gong Qiwei felt the sword-like gaze behind him, and he wished to slay himself in the hall. Before he died, he yelled: You are the one who forced me to death!

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wanrong, who had almost no sense of existence, suddenly said, "There is no room for delay in the prince, and it is not like the emperor chooses the concubine."

Xu Que sat up, his eyes shining brightly.

Choose your concubine!

Choosing a concubine, I don’t have to face Xuanyuan Wanrong’s cold face every day!


However, the officials were suddenly restless at this time, causing an uproar.


"Empress, you must never choose a concubine!"

"I Dongtang has practiced monogamy since the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is contrary to etiquette to choose a concubine!"

"If the emperor is like this, the people will definitely follow suit. Where is the relationship! Where is the law of heaven!"

Xu Que: "..."

What's the matter?

Seeing all the ministers who were dying to live, Xu Que was very puzzled.

If I understand correctly, are we still in the feudal dynasty?

Has this begun to implement monogamy?

I really don’t know how to say that your traditions are still open...

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Xuanyuan Wanrong suddenly spoke, giving him a meaningful look.

Xu Que suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

I just kicked the ball, you **** kicked it back to me?

Ben forced the sage to not pick up your broken ball.

"Since the Queen Empress can't make up his mind, let's discuss this matter later! Retreat." Xu Que took a sentence and stood up and retreated without hesitation.

However, the matter did not end in this way.

Choosing a concubine is naturally impossible, so I can only find a way to convince Xu Que.

From this day on, the officials and ministers began to follow Xu Que 24 hours a day and night.

"Your Majesty, do you think that cloud in the sky looks like a newborn baby?"

"It's not like, get out."

"Your Majesty, I heard that there has been a nest of tigers in the suburbs recently. The family is happy, how happy, why don't we go take a look?"

"Lao Tzu, this is the imperial city, where is the **** tiger from?"

"Your Majesty, if you don't give birth to a prince! Weichen will jump from here!"

"Come here, get the coffin ready for Mr. Zhang."


Being annoyed by everyone, Xu Que had to tell the truth: "It's not that I don't want it, it's the queen who won't let it!"

The queen won't let it?

Everyone looked at each other, what is going on?

Gong Qiwei, as Xu Que's confidant, was once again pushed to be taken advantage of.

"Your Majesty... The empress you said that the empress does not allow... Why is it not specific?"

"You're talking nonsense, why don't you let it?!" Xu Que gave him a white look, thinking that the big guys are all grown-ups, do they need to be so obscure when they speak, "It means literally, Xuanyuan and I. So far, Wan Rong has never had an intimate relationship. Isn’t that straightforward enough!"

The ministers were all stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

The emperor and the empress have never before!

This...what's the reason for this?

Where is the relationship?

It's terrible news for Dongtang!

"Could it be that your majesty can't do it?" Gong Qiwei upholds the principle of bold assumptions and raised a reasonable question.

Xu Que widened his eyes and said anxiously, "What can't be? Who can't, where can't, do you know that you are responsible for saying this? I am now the Communist Party of Kyushu. You don't want it anymore, do you?"

After speaking, Xu Que became more and more angry.

He is a dignified master of Kyushu, yet he is still a virgin without sex?

Damn, is there any reason?

After Xu Que left, everyone at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com gathered to discuss.

"You said, is what the emperor said is true or false?"

"It should be true." Someone hesitated.

"What if it's really the emperor? You haven't tried it again!"

"The imperial physician can use my personality as a guarantee. The emperor is absolutely normal."

"In that case... what the emperor said, really meant that the empress did not allow it..."

"But it's very normal for husband and wife to have sex, why don't the empress women not allow it?"

"Is it because the empress is afraid?"

All the ministers suddenly fell into confusion and did not know what to do.

In the end, the imperial doctor came up with a solution: "The old man has a good recipe that can stimulate the body's function and make them produce **** desires. At that time, you only need to live in the same room with your majesty and the queen, and it will happen naturally..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at the imperial doctor with horrified eyes.

Unexpectedly, you, the old immortal, would actually do this!

It's a pity to be a doctor!

"The old minister is willing to dispense medicine boldly for the continuation of the Eastern Tang Dynasty!"

"The old man is also willing to boldly prescribe medicine for the continuation of the Eastern Tang imperial family!"

As they said nothing, a group of people rushed to the imperial dining room and put the medicine in the dinner that night.

Even the old people were not ashamed to buy the guards and ran to listen to the corner at night. After they were sure that they were correct, they left.

The next day, Qunchen received the news.

Today, the emperor is in ill health and will not go to court anymore!

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