Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1698: Ancient Buddha is from the Bombing Heaven Gang

Xu Que couldn't help but sighed and took a deep breath. When he was about to bite the bullet and leave, the people around him were already attracted.

"Hey, look at everyone, there is a stone tablet here!"

"What's on it? Fried Tian Gang is awesome?"

"Fried Heaven Gang? What is that?"

"Have you forgotten? It's Xu Que outside before..."

"Hi! I remember!"

Everyone discussed for a while, and immediately led Xu Que to the topic.

It was just because Xu Que was involved in the wind and rain before, and even the people from Tianmen were slaughtered, and the Zhantian Gang had already been declared outside.

Seeing this stone tablet at this time, he immediately turned his eyes to Xu Que.

Obviously, they want Xu Que to give an explanation.

Why, in the place where the ancient Buddha passed down, there will be a stone stele of the Bombing Heaven Gang?

Xu Que scolded Ergouzi ten thousand times in his heart, turned around to look at the crowd, put on a solemn expression, and said solemnly: "Actually...it's not the truth, the ancient Buddha is actually a member of my blasting heaven."

"I think that when my Bombing Gang was first established ten thousand years ago, the former leader of the first generation of gang swore a poisonous oath to gather all peerless geniuses in the world to enter the Bombing Tian Gang. After that, every gang leader has taken this as his own responsibility. , I still remember the words from the gang leader back then, vowing to be the No. 1 gang in the world, how can we not let people's minds sway with such bold words!"

"This stone monument is what the ancient Buddha left here after joining our Exploding Heavens Gang in the past. It is to let future generations know what a great gang that our Exploding Heavens Gang is!"

Some words, deaf and awkward, people can't help but yearn for.

The number one gang in the world may not be a big deal in the mortal world, but where is it?

This is Xianyunzhou where the four heavenly gates are located!

Becoming the number one gang in Xianyunzhou, and even dragging the legendary ancient Buddha into the gang, what an act of admiration!

"No wonder Xu Que is so powerful... It turns out that the Zhantian Gang has such a long history of inheritance!"

"That said, doesn't it mean that the Bombing Heaven Faction came earlier than the current four heavenly gates?"

"Hush...hurry up and let people hear this. Are you trying to die?"

"Oh, yes, yes, just talk in your heart."

You must know that the four great heavenly gates now have absolute dominance in Xianyunzhou, and almost no other forces can compete with Xianyunzhou.

Even if the Bombing Heaven Gang had a glorious time, it was only past, and now it is the world of the four heavenly gates.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Xu Que suddenly jumped into the air, opened his arms, and said loudly: "Everyone, meeting is a destiny. Since everyone is here, it’s better to join my bombing gang together and becoming bombing sky Help! Make history with me!"

When I said this, the BGM sounded at the right time.

"Wandering! Wandering!"

"Thousands of miles of surging rivers never stop!"

"It's all talked about, world affairs!"

"Mixed up a trend!"

The song "Shanghai Beach" was played, and everyone seemed to see the thousands of species in this world, all turned into a torrential river.

Countless heroes and heroes stand in the river.

There are talented and intelligent people who fall down midway, there are people who persevere, who always walk on the river, and there are those who are the mainstay, who is so happy!

At the end of this big river, there stands a huge stone stele, and a line of the letter exudes majestic spirit, dragons and phoenixes.

The fried sky gang is awesome!

To this day, Xu Que's brainwashing skills have become more and more powerful, and even people with a firm Buddha heart, such as a small light bulb, can't help but have the idea of ​​joining the Zhantian Gang.

Of course, this is not only Xu Que's function, but also because he incorporates the secret Buddhism into it-to save sentient beings.

Using this method, the voices of words are all Buddhist sounds, allowing people to convert to my Buddha.

After some revisions, Xu Que directly became the version of the Purdue Sentences Bombing Tian Gang.

What I said is the voice of the Bombing Gang. Anyone who hears this voice will convert to my Bombing Gang!

"Brother Que... the ink on this hasn't dried yet!"

At this moment, Er Gouzi said again, wondering.

Because of Er Gouzi's own identity, he didn't have the slightest sense of Xu Que's words, and he kept squatting there with Duan Jiude to study the stele.

Joining the Zhantian Gang or something, the deity was originally a member of the Zhantian Gang, so what is there to join?

It's better to hurry up and find a way to get the ancient Buddha inheritance!

The atmosphere that had been in place was instantly ruined by Ergouzi's words.

Xu Que remained calm on the surface, but in fact the blue veins on his forehead violently cursed in his heart.

Damn you! Is Ergouzi's brain broken?

I was about to make these people lame just now, but you suddenly appeared, and I was wasting so much saliva!

This secret method has a big flaw, that is, it cannot be interfered by the outside world.

Er Gouzi's voice was as if his mother had installed a trumpet, and Xu Que broke the power all at once.

At this time, Xu Que felt like he was falling in love with the school flower when he was young, and finally flicked to the hotel, and his pants were all taken off. As a result, the school flower told him that he had come to his aunt as frustrated.

At this time, everyone gradually came over.

Basically all those present were immortal kings and others. After a little thought, how could they not understand what was going on just now.

"Bastard! You kid dare to use confusing tricks on us!"

"This son must be uneasy and kind, because there were so many people out there before!"

"That's right, I asked him to buy Buddha seals before, and I was miserable by this guy!"

The small light bulb gave Xu Que a meaningful look, and then suddenly said, "Benefactor Xu, what you just used is the method of saving all living beings in the tradition of ancient Buddha. Could it be that you have obtained the inheritance of ancient Buddha?"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

They have been looking for feelings here for so long, and the inheritance of the ancient Buddha has already been taken by this kid!

Not only is planning to swallow the ancient Buddha heritage, but also wanting to entice them to join the Bombardment Gang, it is simply shameless!

Xu Que was also lying in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Little Bulb, you little monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is so scheming!

"No! Absolutely not!" Xu Que said righteously, "I want to act honestly and honestly, and it is absolutely impossible for me to steal the ancient Buddha inheritance!"

Don't admit it, this is the basic principle of my bombing gang!

But how can everyone believe that, otherwise, why they have been searching here for so long, but they can't even find a trace of the inheritance of the ancient Buddha?

But you can’t do it here, UU reading www. uukanshu.com they can't do anything with Xu Que.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were already thinking about it.

After waiting for this place, he immediately took this kid down and forced him to hand over the ancient Buddha inheritance!

Xu Que didn't even need to look at it, and he knew what these guys were making in their hearts.

Just as he was about to find a way to flee, the system prompt suddenly came.

"Congratulations to the host, the ancient Buddha inheritance has been integrated, and the righteous madness sutra has been upgraded to the third level."

A huge force poured into his body instantly, far surpassing the limit he can bear in his current realm.

In the sky, a raging black cloud rolled over, and thunder bursts.

The Tribulation is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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