Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1716: This scene seems familiar


A violent explosion sounded, and the air wave rolled in an instant, and the golden light splashed in all directions, filling the sky, stabbing the people around them unable to open their eyes.


The surrounding Immortal King and Immortal Zun worked together to blow away the smoke and dust.

The golden light gradually subsided, and after seeing everything in front of him, everyone in the audience opened their eyes wide.

"what's the situation?!"

I saw Xu Que squeezing the Dragon God's neck tightly and pressing it to the ground. As for the unmatched spear, it was stuck to the ground with cracks.

Xu Que stretched out his hand and gave a "clang" sound, and the spear instantly shattered into countless fragments, turning into thunder and gradually dissipating.

"The gun is gone, why are you stabbing me to death."

Xu Que sneered twice, and with a sudden force of his right hand, he wanted to smash Dragon God's neck.

However, the Dragon God burst out a violent golden thunder, violently shook, and abruptly blocked Xu Que.

"Dare to stop?"

Xu Que let out a low growl, and suddenly raised his right foot, a burst of brilliance bloomed.

Xiaocheng's Holy Physique combined with a hunk of 100,000 outfits forged, gathered into a frenzied force, and stomped on the Dragon God fiercely.


With a crisp sound, under the horrified gaze of everyone, the legendary dragon **** was directly trampled into pieces, just like the golden spear before!

Like fireworks on a flat ground, the fragments burst into golden thunder and poured into Xu Que's body.


Xu Que stretched his waist hard, making the sound of bone explosion all over his body. As his body stretched, the light of thunder was gradually absorbed and became stronger.

"It's too weak, too weak. I fell down before I could exert my strength. This time of the Ancient Catastrophe is not good enough."

Xu Que looked into the air, raised a middle finger, and provocatively said, "Is there any better way to fight?!"

Although the strength of the dragon **** just now really exceeded his expectations, if it hadn't been for the improvement of his cultivation level, his body had become tougher, coupled with the magical technique, he would not be able to avoid that shot anyway.

If he had received that shot, he would not die or be half disabled now, and there would be no chance for the next Heavenly Tribulation.

But now, since even the legendary Dragon God can't hit him, what else is there to be afraid of?

The mere ancient catastrophe is simply rubbish!

"I want to hit ten!"

Xu Que shouted loudly.

Everyone looked at each other, it was difficult to conceal the horror in their eyes.

That's the Dragon God!

Known as the leaders of the Eight Departments, the powerful Shura people in the second stage are just the subordinates of the Dragon God!

Xu Que's toughness has far exceeded their expectations!

"Unprecedented Fajue..." The old monk could tell at a glance that the exercise technique used by Xu Que had reached the stage of a fairy-level Fajue.


At this moment, a deafening sound resounded in the thundercloud.

However, after the sound, the large black clouds in front of him suddenly dispersed, as if the catastrophe had ended.

Everyone was stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"How did the robbery end?"

"It is reasonable to say that there are at least three catastrophes..."

"Could it be that the robbery was afraid of this guy... so he took the initiative to retreat?" Someone boldly guessed.

If Heavenly Tribulation understands what these people say, everyone will definitely agree.

That's right!

It's this kid!

Every time I'm just like a crazy person, don't hollow out Lao Tzu and let me go!

Is it easy to accumulate such an ancient catastrophe?

If you chop twice more, your inventory will run out!

But seeing the robbery escape, everyone sighed in relief.

Xu Que's Heavenly Tribulation was really too terrifying, and if he came two more times, everyone present would not be able to bear it.

"Fuck! What's the situation? The two catastrophes are over?"

Xu Que was dumbfounded, he hadn't absorbed enough yet!

Don't look at smashing the Golden Dragon and Dragon God just now, but the lightning actually absorbed was not even one-tenth of what he needed.

This disperses, then how long will it take for me to have the opportunity to absorb it again?

"Don't leave! Come back to me!"

Xu Que shouted, picked up the little black stick and rushed towards Jie Yun.

Everyone present was stunned, their jaws almost fell to the ground.

The catastrophe took the initiative to leave, so why did you call it back?

Really have no temper?

However, no matter how Xu Que yelled, Tianjie Yiqi Juechen, as if not planning to turn back.

"Hey, if you leave today, you won't give me face!"

Xu Que immediately became angry, and directly exploded all the remaining power in his body, and the unparalleled breath rose wildly.

The beginning of the fairyland!

Mid Fairyland!

Late Fairy Kingdom!

The pinnacle of the fairy king realm!


The remaining powerful force of the ancient Buddha inheritance turned him into the realm of Xianzun all at once!


With unparalleled power in his body, Xu Que couldn't help but let out a long roar to release the pressure brought by the rapid breakthrough!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"This... what's so special?"

"Didn't he just break into the Immortal King Realm? Why is he in the Immortal Venerable Realm again?"

"What kind of monster is this kid! I have never seen such a continuous breakthrough!"

Among the immortal kings present, one counts as one. Whoever breaks through is not ready for all kinds of preparations, for fear of accidentally failing to overcome the catastrophe.

This kid is good, even if he breaks through, he actually survived two catastrophes at once!

Even if the Emperor Xian dare not play like this here!


A low roar sounded, Jie Yun, who had already left, returned again, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com gathered on Xu Que's head again.

For some reason, everyone heard a hint of aggrieved feeling from the thunder.

Think about it, I'd rather leave for the third time if the thunder robbery doesn't fall, and the result is abruptly summoned back by this kid's breakthrough.

Has the Tribulation ever been so suffocated?

"Hmph, want to leave without my consent?" Xu Que raised an open arc at the corner of his mouth, and hooked his finger at Leiyun, "Come on, let me see what kind of strength Xianzun Leijie is!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was movement in Leiyun.

I saw a large number of golden thunders blooming in the black clouds, converging into a golden light composed of thunder, which fell on the ground like a tunnel.

Then, a golden illusory light and shadow slowly descended from the clouds.

Xu Que sneered: "Hey, who is this time..."


Before the voice fell, a muffled sound suddenly sounded, and then the people disappeared.

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look around, and was stunned.

Xu Que, who was still smiling triumphantly, was suddenly blown into the air by a huge force, and fell to the ground fiercely, directly smashing a huge pit.

This scene stunned everyone present.

Even the old monk couldn't react to what happened.

But soon, everyone saw a golden light and shadow, like a sharp arrow, shooting directly at Xu Que.

Er Gouzi was stunned, and suddenly muttered: "Teacher Duan, do you think this scene is familiar?"

Duan Jiude nodded solemnly and said: "It's true... quite familiar."

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