Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1728: You are my father from today

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

Heavenly Tribulation belongs to the experience given to the monks to reach a certain level by the Heavenly Dao.

After the test of the tribulation, the cultivator will enter a new realm, and at the same time, the strength will be greatly increased, and the understanding of this world will be deepened.

Although, when crossing the tribulation, if there are other people within the scope of crossing the tribulation trying to help, then the tribulation will also be included in the participants.

In this way, the power of Heavenly Tribulation will also be doubled.

But logically speaking, a situation like Xu Que has obviously offended Tiandao not lightly.

Everyone has reached a consensus, even if people like themselves do it now, most of them won't be involved in the catastrophe.

Unfortunately, as soon as he practiced, he suffered a merciless blow.

"What's the situation?"

"Why would the tribulation attack that fellow Daoist?"

"Impossible... Heavenly Tribulation's current goal should only be this kid."

Everyone had stopped their offensive pace and started talking in a low voice.

At their feet, there was a scorched human body, the immortal venerable who was directly hit by the ancient catastrophe just now.

This situation is equivalent to being attacked, so this Immortal Venerable suffered a heavy injury. Although he is not dead, he will be unable to get up for a while.

While everyone was puzzled by this situation, they also felt deep fear.

Did the catastrophe just now come true and was communicating with that kid?

So...Shall we recognize him as a dad?

Are you kidding me? !

Our dignified fairy king, who is not a powerful hero outside?

Now let us recognize this **** as a father?

Simply wishful thinking!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" An Immortal Venerable waved a big hand and said righteously, "Even if it makes me die and the ancient catastrophe slays me to death, I can't recognize this **** as a father!"

At this moment, Xu Que's voice came again: "What? Are you going to kill them in the Ancient Catastrophe now? Don't go too far!"

Damn it!

Everyone suddenly felt horrified, and suddenly looked up.

I saw Xu Que's face flushed red, and shouted at them hoarsely: "Friends of Daoists, run away! Heaven is about to bring down the ancient catastrophe to kill you!"


As Xu Que's voice fell, golden ancient catastrophes emerged from the Thunder Net, and behind him condensed into fierce golden dragons.

The mighty power is flooding the sky and the earth, without facing the ancient catastrophe before, now they are close, and everyone feels the pressure that destroys the world.

This is really the ancient catastrophe that extinguished gods, Buddhas and demons!

They can't run away even if they fall down!

"Father!" The headed Xianzun directly knelt on the ground and shouted in a loud voice, "Father, I finally found you!"


The eyes of the people next to him are almost staring.

Didn't you mean that you would not recognize him as a father if you killed him?

A little bit stubborn, can't you give in so soon!

Xianzun, who was the first to kneel, completely ignored the gazes around him, and said in his heart: Damn, if you don't kneel, you'll have to be hacked, can you **** stand it? Why don't you just call him father? I can't even remember what my father looks like. I call him twice to commemorate his old man.

The immortal king Xianzun present were all old monsters who didn't know how many years of cultivation, and the blood relatives in the world were basically dead.

For the rest, I don’t know how many generations of grandchildren have gone.


Another burst of thunder sounded, and the golden dragons became more and more massive, and the thunder lingering around them was extremely terrifying.


Facing the incomparable power, everyone took a breath.

Looking at each other, there was almost no hesitation, and they knelt down.

Suddenly, the "plops" sounded one after another.

"Father! My boy finally saw you!"

"From today, you will be my father!"

"Go away, they are my father!"

"You guys are too shameless, it's obviously that I haven't been a father for many years!"

In order to prevent being undercounted, everyone scrambled to recognize the identity of their son, for fear that their actions would slow down and the ancient catastrophe would be smashed.

In the distance, Ergouzi and Duan Jiude, who were arranging the ban, saw this scene, and Qi Qi was dumbfounded.

"What the hell? Why did they all admit that Brother Que is a father?" Er Gouzi said as he reached out and touched Duan Jiude's magic weapon.

Not to be outdone, Duan Jiude backhanded the bag of spirit grass beside Er Gouzi and was equally surprised: "Could it be that these people are the illegitimate children of this kid? How many women does his mother have?"

"I don't know... It's a pity. He just didn't learn so many advantages in this god." Er Gouzi couldn't help but reappeared in his mind the strong figure of the warden. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "And aesthetics." Not as good as the deity, tut tut..."

Duan Jiude knew who Er Gouzi was talking about, and said with a weird expression: "To be honest...Sometimes old man I envy you for having this confidence, at least not to be disgusting."

"what do you mean?"

"Praise you for being handsome."

On the other side, Xu Que looked at the Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables who were kneeling in front of him, and they all blossomed happily.

The so-called communication before was purely composed by him.

Those Golden Dragon Thunder are actually the ancient catastrophes he absorbed into his body.

Through this piece of thunder net under him, he absorbed a large amount of thunder in the blink of an eye. The thunder reserve in his body broke the meter in an instant, so he naturally found a place to release part of it.

A bunch of silly people, Lao Tzu just released the ancient catastrophe in his body a few times, and he actually bluffed you.

How did you cultivate to the Immortal Venerable Realm if you were so deceived?

"You Xianyunzhou is at this level of IQ?" Xu Que cast his eyes on the human-shaped lightning that represents Emperor Yongzhen in front of him, and said in a low voice, "You want me to surrender just like this? Let's eat shit!"

The humanoid Lightning that represents Immortal Emperor Yongzhen has no expression on his face, but if you look closely, you can see that the corners of his eyes are twitching slightly.

It is true that these gang of fairy kings and goddess have too low IQ!

Rao is only a human-shaped lightning with a touch of self-consciousness, and he has a feeling of self-confidence.

"If you want me to say, you might as well give me the position of Emperor Immortal, I will definitely do better than you."

"Look at you, you are not as handsome as me, not as good as me in the same realm, and your subordinates are so stupid."

"Are you suffocated by the immortal emperor?"

"Hurry up and retire. Go home and find a piece of land to raise pigs. Maybe it's better than being an emperor."

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Xu Que spoke more vigorously.


Suddenly, a small cracking sound rang.

Xu Que raised his head in astonishment, and found the human-shaped lightning representing the Immortal Emperor Yongzhen. At this time, it was like a piece of broken porcelain, with dense cracks appearing all over his body.

A breeze blew by, and the human-shaped lightning "clap" shattered into a pile of small thunder fragments, dissipating in the air.

Xu Que was stunned, and he was immediately happy.

Shouldn't this girl feel too embarrassed, can't listen to it and just leave?

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