Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1763: Big fish hooked

Er Gouzi was stunned, and excitement broke out in his eyes: "Fuck! The kid is you, you are not dead!"

While speaking, he raised his hand and placed a restraint to prevent people from hearing their conversation.

Xu Que's face turned black suddenly: "You think I'm dead, right? So you slandered and cheated outside under my name?"

Er Gouzi said with a pleased smile: "How could it happen? We are not thinking about your fate, the so-called scourge for a thousand years... No, it's just that Teacher Duan said, if there is nothing wrong with you, if you hear the movement we made, it must be. Will come to us."

"Hehe, good you are a Duan Jiu De, I remember it." Xu Que sneered twice, and passed the Lingshi in his hand, "Take it."

Er Gouzi was stunned: "What's this? Is it a meeting gift for me? Everyone is so familiar, don't do this set..."

Even though he said that, Er Gouzi quickly grabbed the Lingshi with eyesight and hands, and without seeing any movement, the Lingshi disappeared in his hand.

"You think very beautifully, this group of guys brought you a deal." Xu Que stretched out his hand, "Give me the treasure map, and prepare to hijack me later, otherwise these guys will definitely catch you. ."

Er Gouzi looked proudly: "Joke, can this bunch of waste wood stop the deity? The deity has already broken the restrictions they laid out!"

Xu Que thought about the same reason. Only Ergouzi appeared here, indicating that Duan Jiude was still hiding in other places. One inside and one outside, what prohibition could stop them?

"Okay, at that moment we will hit twice, and then I will be seriously injured and fall to the ground." Xu Que handed over a piece of communication jade to Ergouzi, which he had just exchanged from the system, "I'll go take the fake The ghost valley treasure map fools them, and we will leave after a wave of treasures."

The treasures on these two idiots in front of them just balance their devilish energy.

At this moment, it was Er Gouzi's turn to be stunned: "What fake map? This map is real."

"Really... wait, really?" Xu Que suddenly pulled the map and spread it out, "You two have a broken brain? You can also take out the good things?"

Er Gouzi quickly explained: "No, this treasure map is really correct, but the methods in it are not available to the gods and teacher Duan, so I want to give those idiots to explore, and I and Duan. The teacher is so mixed in the back."

Xu Que looked at Er Gouzi up and down, and said suspiciously: "Isn't Ghost Valley a so-called dangerous place? You two have the courage to follow up?"

Er Gouzi looked in other directions, and said with a guilty conscience: "Um...Isn't there they exploring the way... Actually, there is not much danger in it..."

"If you don't say anything, I will arrest you now and give it to those guys."

"We are life and death brothers!" Er Gouzi suddenly widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Countdown, three, two, one..."

"The entrance of the Primordial Secret Realm is in Ghost Valley." Er Gouzi said quickly.

Damn it!

Xu Que immediately understood the cause and effect. Ergouzi and Duan Jiude discovered the entrance to the Primordial Secret Realm. However, because of the dangers in Ghost Valley, they decided to treat these explorers as cannon fodder, and they sat behind them. Harvest!

"I'll just say, how do you two have the courage to go to Ghost Valley." Xu Que glanced at him and made a plan. "After a while, you will do what I said!"

The Immortal Venerables who surrounded outside Ghost Valley began to become impatient.

A full quarter of an hour has passed since Xu Que went to trade with Ergouzi.

Everyone felt strange. It should be Xu Que that, after confirming that he came here, he decisively sent out a signal, summoned everyone to swarm up, and captured this cheap dog.

However, this person started talking as soon as they met, and even the transaction was completed, but Xu Que still did not send out a signal.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Did something accident happen?"

With the shamelessness of a wicked dog, middle-aged men find it difficult for their impoverished imagination to figure out what the other party would want to do.

Among the Four Tianmen, the worst-tempered Ye said to stand up, his face full of irritability: "I can't wait, a dog that can't even reach the Immortal Venerable, you should be so careful, it's shameful!"

The faces of the people around them were a little ugly, and these words were tantamount to scolding all of them.

"Perhaps, it was Daoyou Tang who discovered something, that's why it was delayed for a while..." The middle-aged man wanted to make a round, but he heard someone yelling when he was halfway through.


He turned his head abruptly and saw that Xu Que had already fought Er Gouzi.

"Today the poor monk is going to act for the sky!" Xu Que roared, golden light splashed in his palm, and slapped Er Gouzi with a palm.

Er Gouzi was full of disdain, and the first step was a punch, smashing the palm prints: "It's like a gangster!"

Immediately afterwards, Er Gouzi directly took out a long knife, put it on Xu Que’s neck, and shouted at the people around him: "Listen to the deity. Whoever dares to take a step forward will want this deity. The great monk fell to his head!"

Ye Shuo laughed and said, "Do you think we care about this guy's life?"

But apart from him, everyone else hesitated.

After all, Xu Que's broad-mindedness and profound knowledge has made many people have a good impression of him, and it is inevitable that he will hesitate to start.

Xu Que suddenly yelled at this moment: "Don’t hesitate, everyone! Cast your most powerful spells to blast me! Let the poor monk and this evil dog full of evil perish together today! As the saying goes, if I don’t go to hell, who goes to hell, The poor monk is willing to exchange this humble life for the peace of Xianyunzhou!"

It can be described as a thrilling voice, crying blood, and tears filled everyone's eyes.

What is Buddhism?

Look at this ideological consciousness, look at this moral standard, I don't know how many times it is higher than them!

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, UU reading www.uukanshu.com waved his hand and said, "Since Friends Taoist Tang has said so, then we..."

Immediately afterwards, he heard Xu Que yell again: "Even if he tells you that the ghost valley treasure map in my hand is true, don't believe that the ghost valley is the entrance to the Primordial Secret Realm. All these are evil dogs. A fabricated lie! Everyone, quickly destroy me and this evil dog!"

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly struck by lightning.

They thought that Xu Que and the wicked dog had a deep hatred and would shout such words. There was only one possibility.

The map is real! The entrance is also real!

But in order to let people like myself kill him and Ergouzi together, that's why they said these were fake!

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said anxiously: "You must save Fellow Tang! Don't hurt him... and the map in his hand!"

Xu Que and Er Gouzi looked at each other and nodded slightly in unison.

Very good, the big fish is hooked!

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