Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1777: Do you call this the guardian?


Xu Que's fist immediately caused everyone to exclaim.

"My God! That monk beat the dragon to the sky!"

"Now it's okay, Long Naotian is the smallest person in Tianmen, and the monk is going to be unlucky."

"It's a good fight! It's too early to see Long Naotian, this guy is not pleasing to the eye, it makes him drag like two to five or eighty thousand a day."

It can be seen that Long Naotian's popularity among the monks is not good, and even Murong Yunhai cheered a little.

This name is too easy for people to misunderstand. Xu Que thought it was the rumored Long Aotian who came. At this time, he knew that he had called the wrong person, and he still felt a little guilty.

"I'm really sorry, the poor monk thought it was a shameless person who came, so he took the action." Xu Que quickly put on a kind smile, his hands clasped together, "Amitabha, please also ask the donor to atone for his sins."

Long Naotian was already ready to do it. Seeing that Xu Que's attitude was pretty good, he coldly snorted: "Next time you look at it clearly! Today, Ben Shao will not care about you. The astrologer in Tianmen told Ben Shao to get married with Rouer. Don't see blood..."

When Xu Que heard the words, his expression was stunned: "Donor, what did you just say?"

"Don't care about you?"

"No, the next sentence."

"Before marriage with Rouer?"

Xu Que turned his head to look at Murong Yunhai: "Is what he said is true? He wants to marry Fairy Yu Rou?"

Murong Yunhai's face was full of contempt: "You listened to him farting, Master never said that he wanted to find a Taoist companion for Fairy Yurou. This stupid lack of being outside all day long as Fairy Yurou's fiancé will be beaten to death sooner or later. !"

Xu Que took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the anger in his chest.

Damn, dare to spread rumors outside!

If I let this girl go out alive today, I won't be surnamed Xu!

Originally, he was already ready to do it directly, but if Murong Yunhai hadn't said that there was no such thing at all, he would have started fighting now.

"Everyone, the map shows that the first level of the Immortal Emperor's legacy is the guardian of the Primordial Secret Realm." Xu Que didn't want to see this idiot again, turned his head and said to Murong Yunhai and others, "What we have to do now is Find the guardian, defeat him, and you can enter the next level."

Whether it's the map obtained by Xu Que or the moiré stone obtained by others, there is an introduction to the assessment of the Primordial Secret Realm.

So it's not just them, more than a thousand cultivators in the room moved in unison, and began to look for guardians in this area.

Half an hour later, the scattered crowd gathered together, all of them were bitter.

"What's the situation? This place doesn't even have a bird. Where is the guardian?"

"Yes, I've been searching around here three times just now, and I didn't even find a fart."

"Should this level be fake?"

Everyone shared the information they had obtained, and found that no one had found the existence of the Guardian.

The environment here is so big, it is impossible to find it!

"Er Gouzi, where have you been?" Xu Que contacted Er Gouzi using a communication jade.

"We are at the outermost periphery. We don't know where the guardian is." Er Gouzi whispered, "Yes, there is a hint on the original map that the guardian is hiding in the most conspicuous place."

The most conspicuous place?

Xu Que looked around, except for the mountains, which are trees, or the wilderness under his feet, where is the most conspicuous... Wait!

He glanced up and down again at the mountain in front of him, and he was shocked from ear to ear.

Damn it!

No way!

"Everyone... I seem to know where the guardian is..." Xu Que said slowly, taking a sip of water.

When the other monks heard the words, they became excited, and they gathered around Xu Que and asked.

Xu Que licked his lips and pointed to the big mountain in front of him: "Look...this mountain does not look like a sitting person."

Everyone was stunned, flew backwards, opened the distance, and looked at the mountain from a distance.


"Nima! Just kidding!"

"Sun! This is the guardian?"

In an instant, one after another, shocked curses sounded, full of unbelievable emotions.

In their eyes, the mountain is like a giant sitting on his knees, and the top of the mountain is the head buried between his knees.

Murong Yunhai murmured: "Don't be kidding... This is not something normal people can beat, right?"

Although most mortals would describe them as monks by moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, they can indeed do this.

But that is limited to within the scope of the ability, such as moving a hill of a hundred meters long.

The mountain in front of me is so special that it is fifty feet long!

My group of people standing at the bottom of the mountain, even ants are not as good!

Don't talk about fighting, as long as the guardian wakes up, he just lifts his foot and steps on it, and one of the people on the scene can't run away.

"Should we think about it and discuss it in the long term?" Qing Suyi suggested cautiously.

The other leaders looked at each other and immediately yelled in agreement.

"It's worthy of being the pillar of the green bamboo gate, and it's really safe to do things."

"Meticulous thinking, clear logic, admire and admire."

"In the future, learn a lot from fellow daoists, hey, right, where is the way out?"

They have made up their minds, as soon as they go out, they will immediately bring all the fighting power in the sect.

As for whether you can come in... aren't there so many other sect people present? Tickets for admission will inevitably be reshuffled!

After all, there are only a thousand people present. Isn't it the same as scratching the guardian?


Just as they were about to evacuate, a sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Then, there was a series of "swishes" and "swishes".

I saw a streamer flying out of every monk, flying towards the big mountain.

"It's our moiré!" someone exclaimed.

When everyone did not react, a whole thousand moire stones flew into the mountains.

In the next second, a violent tremor came from the ground, and the whole mountain began to shake.

Xu Que said nothing, UU reading www. uukanshu.com turned around and ran back.

When the others saw it, they didn't even react until they heard Xu Que's roar.

"Run! This guardian is going to be resurrected!"

Everyone turned pale, and finally realized where the tremor of the ground had come from.

A giant sitting at fifty feet, standing up to at least eighty feet, such a giant standing up, can the ground not shake?

As they ran, everyone suddenly reacted, showing hopelessness on their faces.

The moiré stone is so sucked away, people like myself are like being kept here!

That's a fart!

Everyone looked at the mountain with a dead face, waiting for the guardian to wake up...

(End of this chapter)

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