Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1780: The hapless dragon

Qing Suyi was already a little disheartened. After all, this giant was not only huge in size and amazing in strength, but also immune to the magic.

This can't be done at all!

Although Xianyunzhou has some sects specializing in body refining, even if they come, there is no way to defeat this giant.

After all, the few who were directly photographed just now were disciples from the sect of body refining.

At this moment, seeing Xu Que's sudden look of intense fighting spirit, Qing Suyi was a little surprised: "Master Tang, you...didn't you just say that there is no way?"

Xu Que looked solemn and solemnly said: "The poor monk can't bear to see all fellow daoists suffer so much. It is said that if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell? Buddha, it is his duty to save the world."

The words could be described as righteous and awe-inspiring, tears filled the eyes of the monks around.

What is this called?

A master monk!


"It's nothing! The poor monk is already enthusiastic, and everyone retreats. The poor monk used the Buddhism Diamond Technique to suppress this giant today!" Xu Que interrupted Qing Suyi's words, his tone firm, and he couldn't refuse.


With a stern smile on Chen Mo's face, he waved his hand to signal the disciple of the Fish Demon Sect to move back.

Long Aotian also sneered twice, motioning the disciples of Tianmen to stay away from the battlefield.

Both gangs and Xu Que have enmity, so naturally it is impossible to come forward to help each other at this time.

As for the others, they couldn't help shaking their heads, feeling that the monk hadn't forced the count.

A Buddhist disciple in the realm of the fairy king actually pretended to suppress this giant with the secret method of Buddhism?

Simply wishful thinking!

Most Buddhist disciples are notoriously weak in physical cultivation.

Everyone knows that Buddhism pays more attention to a predestined method, and it is about comprehension. Asceticism does not work in Buddhism, except ascetic monks of course.

Therefore, most of their bodies do not practice cultivation. When fighting against Buddhist disciples, many monks adhere to the principle that being close is victory.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are Buddhist disciples who specialize in the practice of the Buddhist vajra secret method, but the strength of the physical body is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary monks, and it is definitely not the opponent of this giant.

What's more, the physical strength of this great monk doesn't seem to be that strong, after all, the cultivation base is there.

Where can the physical body be stronger for the cultivation base of the fairy king?

This time Fahui did not agree with Xu Que, but rather worried: "Brother, although you have the secret Buddhism practice, but..."

He didn't finish what he said, and he kept following Xu Que, naturally knowing that Xu Que had mastered the secret methods of Buddhism, but he had not mastered the exercises of body training.

Even if it is mastered, this giant is unprecedented in its intrepidity, and I am afraid that only the resurrection of the ancient Buddha that year can match it.

"Don't say it, the poor monk's heart is determined. Today it is the poor monk who is fighting for his faith!" Xu Que waved his hand and headed directly at the giant.

Just kidding, he became a sacred body dignified, and forced the king to be unparalleled in the world, and the ancient catastrophes were unable to force the sacred.

A two-hundred-foot giant is simply scum!

He flew all the way to the giant's side, and when he was about to tear off his clothes, revealing the large characters on his chest, his movements suddenly stagnated, and he remembered a very crucial question.

What's so special, the only person who has the Eucharist on the entire Xianyun Continent is you!

Now that there is another Eucharist, wouldn't it just expose your identity?

Xu Que was in trouble immediately. There was no way to conceal the physical strength of the Eucharist. Once the fight started, someone would definitely recognize it.

After all, this is not a rural place like Tianzhou and Dizhou. Although this group of Erques is not good at strength, they are quite knowledgeable.

But now it's all here, it's impossible to go down dingy, right?

What's more, if this giant was knocked down in public, it would be a big wave of pretense!

In Xu Que's eyes, the monks below were a bunch of leeks waiting to be cut. It would hurt the heavens if they were not worth it!

"I have to think of a way..." Xu Que felt his chin, thinking about it.

When the monks below saw Xu Que stepping forward, they had already stopped their movements, quietly watching Xu Que's behavior.

Seeing him suddenly stop, everyone suddenly talked.

"Why does this monk stop moving suddenly?"

"Strange, is there something wrong with Master Tang?" Qing Suyi asked worriedly.

Murong Yunhai frowned and stared at Xu Que.

Although the Tang Sanzang master had shown amazing strength before, it was only because Buddhism had a restraining effect on ghosts. Right now, this mountain giant, Buddhism's secret method could not play any role at all.

Chen Mo sneered again and again, his eyes filled with delight: "Huh, this guy is simply overwhelmed, thinking he is the reincarnation of a true Buddha? He still wants to fight against this giant!"

Long Naotian stared at Xu Que lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

As an excellent disciple of Tianmen, Long Aotian was very arrogant in his heart. In his eyes, Xu Que was just a small and insignificant role.

Even if the opponent punched him, Long Naotian thought he didn't need to be angry because of this little thing. On the road to becoming the emperor, such a small person could not attract his attention at all.

But now, this little character has actually stepped up, and in front of the many outstanding colleagues in Xianyunzhou, get rid of this giant who can't even handle it.

This makes him very uncomfortable.

"Wait!" Long Naotian suddenly said, jumped and flew out.

The other monks, including Xu Que, looked at Long Naotian with doubts.

What is this guy doing here?

I saw Long Yaotian flew to Xu Que's side, and stood proudly: "Retreat, this kind of task is not something you can take on."

Xu Que was stunned, and then went into a rage.

Mom sells batches!

Even if you spread rumors outside, now you dare to pretend to be more forceful than Ben Biansheng?

Today I really won’t give you a color look, don’t you know how many eyes the Lord Ma has!

"Er Gouzi, what's the point of the guardian of UU reading www.uukānshu.com?" Xu Que contacted Er Gouzi using the communication jade.

"The guardian will only attack the person who attacked him under normal conditions." Ergouzi heard the voice of flipping the book, "but if someone tries to single him out, he will enter a violent state."

Without saying a word, Xu Que slapped Long Naotian's shoulder hard with a palm: "Good brother, come on."

In Long Naotian's bewildered eyes, Xu Que landed directly, looking at Long Naotian, and said loudly, "Daoist, be careful, he is about to beat you up soon."

Long Naotian sneered, without turning his head back: "Joke, this disciple would be afraid? Besides, you really think you are the descendant of the Immortal Emperor, can you order this giant?"

As soon as the voice fell, a scream suddenly came.

"Brother, look ahead!"

When Long Naotian turned his head, a huge shadow of a fist gradually enlarged in front of his eyes! …

(End of this chapter)

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