Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1785: Men can't say no

After confiding in each other, Xu Que finally asked what was going on.

"What's the matter with Xiao Rou? Why would she suddenly ignore you?"

The women looked at each other and seemed to have guessed that Xu Que would ask this, but in the end it was Su Yunlan who took the initiative to speak out.

"You know what happened to Xianyunzhou. I won't go into details. Let's start with the establishment of the Taiyi School." Su Yunlan said seriously, "Rou'er was already valued by the four immortal emperors at the time, and they were jointly trained. , And Xiaorou often interacts with us, but..."

She paused, glanced at Xu Que, and continued: "But from a certain day, Rou'er stopped coming to Yipai anymore. I tried my best to go to Tianmen and find Rou'er, but she didn't remember at that time. I'm... Later, Tai Yi Pai was squeezed out, and I was forced to move here."

In a few words, the narration of this ups and downs of experience was over, but Xu Que's eyes were full of compassion and love when he looked at the girls.

Even if Su Yunlan didn't say it, he also knew how much suffering the girls had experienced in Xianyunzhou.

Without the blessing of Yurou, these girls would be first-class stunning even if they were placed in Xianyunzhou. I don't know how many people would covet them.

But Su Yunlan just took Madam Ya and the others, holding on all the way, abruptly waiting for Xu Que's arrival.

"Thanks for your hard work." Xu Que said seriously, "From now on, I, Xu Que, swear that I will never let anyone bully you again!"

"What are you talking about, we had a good time." Su Linger was the first to smile into tears, wiped the corners of her eyes, and turned the subject away, "What are you going to do with the Demon Sect? I heard that their suzerain is very strong. powerful."

"Strong Mao, don't they want to buy Tai Yipai? I will let them go bankrupt in the past two days!" Xu Que waved his hand and said with a high spirit, "You guys have a good rest today, and I will fix them tomorrow."

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

Xu Que was thinking in the room what he would do to make the Demon Sect bankrupt.

Although what he said during the day was arrogant, but after all, the master of the Demon Sect was a powerhouse at the half-step immortal emperor level, and he had to deal with them in a legitimate way.

At least, you can't involve Tai Yi Pai.

While he was thinking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the house.


A bright face appeared at the door, and it was Madam Ya.

"Why are you here?" Xu Que questioned.

Mrs. Ya gave him an annoyed look, then pushed him down directly, leaning over and pressing down.

Being swept by the red wave, it is the so-called little love wins the newlyweds, and the affection is strong for a while.

The starlight outside the house is more dazzling, and the sound of insects is lowered, seeming to be afraid of disturbing the two people in the house.

About an hour later, Madam Ya walked out of Xu Que's room with a blushing face, her face radiant, and her skin seemed to be getting better.

Xu Que sat on the bed, moving his shoulders, and said with emotion: "Mom...women are too scary, as if they were about to eat me."

Before he was ready to rest, a soft call came.

"Xu Que..."

Su Ling'er blushed and stepped into the door.

It was another hour when Su Linger left Xu Que's room.

Xu Que wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to lie down to rest when the door of the room was suddenly pushed open again.

"Xu Que."

Su Yunlan has a pair of water-like eyes, hiding countless emotions.

Xu Que's legs trembled when he heard it, and he felt that he was not very well.

The three of you did it deliberately!

Come one by one!

It was another hour, Su Yunlan quietly left Xu Que's room.

Xu Que was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

What is the hardest way to accept the grace of beautiful people?

Even with his physique far surpassing Xianzun, facing three people at once, he felt a little overwhelmed.

The main thing is that these three are more ferocious than the other, like wolves and tigers, and they can't wait to swallow them alive.

No one can stand it!

"Huh... it's finally over."

Xu Que shook his hands and tried to close the door. Suddenly a slender palm protruded from the crack in the door, blocking the door.

Xu Que opened the door and found that it was Mrs. Ya again.

"Ah...it's getting late, so let's rest earlier." Xu Que hurriedly stopped the door and sneered.

God knows these women, since their cultivation level has been improved, they seem to be a lot stronger than before, and they are just sitting on the floor and sucking soil!

Madam Ya smiled, and turned her body sideways. Behind her were Su Ling'er and Su Yunlan.

"The official...the concubine wants to serve you together."

It was such a seemingly light-hearted word that immediately awakened Xu Que's inner enthusiasm.

Just kidding, men can't say they can't!

It seems that tonight, the Silver Spear King Qiji Lang will be out again!

"Huh! Eat me a stick!"

Xu Que stretched out his arms and directly embraced the three beauties and entered the room.

This time, Dianluan pours the phoenix until dawn.

Early in the morning, when the sun fell from the clouds, Xu Que opened his eyes with enjoyment and looked at the jade body beside him, feeling a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

Last night was really an extremely chaotic night, Xu Que couldn't think that Madam Ya would actually bring Su Yunlan and Su Ling'er to the room.

Faced with this situation, how many men can bear it?

Naturally, the gun is on the horse, and the horse is galloping!

However, with Xu Que's physique, it was natural that a few people were so tired that they had not been able to wake up until now.

Of course he wouldn't disturb Qingmeng. He covered the quilt for the three girls, stroked the delicate faces of a few people lightly, and Xu Que got up and left the room.

Men can't say no, they should do what they say.

Having said that if you want to bankrupt the Demon Sect today, you have to bankrupt it!

However, I have to consider the bankruptcy law.

The Taiyi School’s current address is located on the east side of Wuduyu, and Yumozong is on the west side of Netherworld, which is adjacent to each other. The two sects face each other.

The disciple of Yumozong who was educated by Xu Que yesterday has escaped. uukahnshu.com now wants to catch two to ask about the situation, but they can't do it.

So Xu Que called Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude, the two of them took the teleportation array directly and came to the Netherworld.

As soon as he landed, a few immortal kings were oncoming.

"Several daoists should come from other domains, right?" One of the immortal kings smiled and said enthusiastically, "Would you like to buy a local guide book of the nether domain, which records the customs of the nether domain in detail? Power distribution."

"Okay, get a copy, how many spirit stones."

"One book only needs one fairy."

Xu Que was shocked at the time: "Fuck, a fairy? Why don't you grab it?"

The immortal king and the two partners behind him unanimously took out their weapons and sneered: "Yes, it's robbery."

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