Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 199: Fire King

Today, there are countless loads!

Xu deficiency has become accustomed to the feeling of being surrounded by the arrogance of the force, and profoundly understands the sacred words of the slogan: "If people do not force, what is the difference with salted fish?"

Therefore, Xu deficiency has always been kept in the middle of the year, or in the good state of rushing to the road.

However, this day the dog's system, I do not know how to calculate the forced value, the amount of forced value obtained each time has been more and more.

Although I still can't figure out how the system is calculated, the system can't tell, but Xu lacks speculation, which is related to the realm of the realm and the number of people present including the realm!

However, for a forced king who can force it anytime and anywhere, Xu Wei did not care too much about these details. As long as it can be loaded, as long as it is installed, it is enough to have a forced value.

This cultivation of fairyland will one day be filled with him!

In a state of silence, Xu lacked his gaze to the guards under the stage. He was arrogant and shouted at the garrison: "Come on! I have to play ten..."

"Ye... Ye Shaoxia, this is a one-on-one matchup."

The Guards were shocked, quite speechless, and they came back to God. They could only smile and touch a plaque, and they were shot down on the ground, and they were sent to the outside of the martial arts field!

The three major factions of the Five Kingdoms, the elite Tianjiao of Jian Jianzong, Ye Changfeng, who is known as the son of the sword god, is so defeated!

Even the first pass failed to pass, and it was so fierce!

Just because he met a person... Ye Liangchen, a native of the legend.

This is beyond the expectation of many people, and it is also unexpected that the **** supervisor outside the Golden Temple!

As a close-up **** of the Fire Emperor, the general manager understands many hidden secrets.

As far as he knows, Huo Huo’s recruitment of Hummer is not really casual, but a few Tianjiao talents are the best candidates in advance!

For example, the head of the four great talents of Mingsheng College, Zhao Wei!

For example, the son of the sword **** of Jian Jianzong, Ye Changfeng!

Both of them are the most valued candidates of the Fire Emperor, and Zhao Wei is still placed in the first overall.

It is a pity that the day before was bombed to help a man named Li Bai defeated, holding a word to visit the Imperial City, even if it is not a ruin, it has already lost the qualification to become a Hummer!

Therefore, the fire emperor will put the first overall position on Ye Changfeng, but now, Ye Changfeng can not even pass the first level, and the person who caused this reason is actually a blaster!

This can scare the old eunuch. After seeing Ye Changfeng being sent off the court, he immediately turned around and ran back to the Golden Temple.

This is the face of the red fruit!

Moreover, it is still the face of the Emperor!

What is the end of this fried gang?

The old **** was strange, how he had never heard of it before, and there was such a gang that was so arrogant and cool.

At this time, in the Golden Temple, a middle-aged man sat on a dragon chair, and his bones were strong and strong, such as shaking his head!

He wore a robes embroidered with flames, his body squatting, his chest wide, and his hands and feet, all revealing the imperial domineering of Tiancheng and Megatron!

This is the fire emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Ji Mingwu!

Beside the fire emperor, standing two women, it is Princess Yanyang and Zi Yan!

At this point, the two faces looked indifferent, but there was a trace of worry in the eyebrows.

These days, they also know the story of the bombing of Li Bai, and deliberately find someone to find a "Li Bai smoking map", the results, the spot was stunned!

Where is the man above, Li Bai! Clearly, there is no shortage of flowers, no, accurately, it should be Xu deficiency!

Six years ago, my grandfather, Xu lacked!

At that time, the two men suddenly had a blank mind, and they all came up with three words: he came!

The coming, will come!



The old **** hurriedly ran back to the Golden Temple, and immediately fell to the front of the fire emperor. He trembled: "Returning to the squat, the old slave just... just saw that the sword of the sword was defeated by Ye Changfeng!"


Not only the Fire Emperor, but even the Princess Yan and Zi Yan are moving!

They are all very aware of the strength of Ye Changfeng. They have already entered the Yuan Ying period, and they are talented in the kendo. It is one of the tens of thousands of years of martial arts. How could it be defeated?

"what happened?"

The face of the fire emperor sank, and the scorpion was as deep as the valley, and asked coldly.

The old **** trembled: "The old slave just saw it with his own eyes. Ye Changfeng was defeated by a saint named Ye Liangchen, and only used two tricks!"

"Two strokes? Will Ye Changfeng defeat? This... What is Ye Liangchen's origin?" Fire King's heart was amazed, his brows were wrinkled, his face was not angry, it was daunting!

"Your Majesty, Ye Liangchen claims to be... is a local!" the old **** replied.

"Local people? We have a prince named Ye Liangchen in Beijing. How can I not know?" Fire Emperor frowned.

The old **** was busy and responded: "The Ye Liangchen also claimed to be a person who bombed the heavens. He had a four-star sword. The sword method was also very detached. According to the old slaves, if you do not use the real forces, I am afraid that no one is his opponent."

"Frying the sky, how is it the person who bombed the sky?"

When the fire emperor heard these three words, his face was filled with doubts!

This is not the first time he heard about this gang name. It was already before Li Bai~www.readwn.com~ He has already received the news. Some time ago, at the Tianxiang Valley trial point, there was a mysterious less Xia, claiming to be a blast of flowers, is indispensable to the Jindan period, and set foot on the eighth floor of the Spiritual Tower, which disappeared without a trace!

Therefore, the Fire Emperor has been secretly sending people to look for, but there is no gain.

Until the day before yesterday, a talented man who claimed to be a tyrant to help Li Bai, with his amazing talent, successively defeated two great talents of Mingsheng College, and spread ten famous poems of the ages, as well as several ancient and absolute, to make the imperial city raging!

But what made him angry was that his sister, Mrs. Ya, was in the fire of the country, and she could not have any relationship with any man.

But the night before, he summoned Mrs. Ya, but found that her sister seemed to be emotional to Li Bai, so the next day, he sent someone to ban the Bianyuan in Daming Lake, imposed house arrest on Mrs. Ya, and secretly sent a ban. To investigate the whereabouts of Li Bai.

The result is still no gain!

Unexpectedly, today, at the meeting of the pro-consultation, there was a bombing day to help Ye Liangchen!

Fried Tianbang, fried Tianbang, Huohuang has already become bored with this gang.

However, for the personal person in the bombing gang, the Fire Emperor was very interested, and his face was slow and he thought about it.

He did not notice that the Yanyang princess and the purple sable next to him had already looked amazed!

Both of them are staring at each other and looking at each other. They almost reached a consensus with tacit understanding. The so-called fried Tian Bang Ye Liangchen will definitely be a fake!

Who else besides him?

He also claimed to be a native of Beijing. Indeed, he was originally a Beijing citizen.

Only him can only have this strength!

"It seems that I have to go to the Ye Liangchen who will blow up the sky for a while!"

At this time, the fire emperor suddenly stood up, with a hint of light smile, and walked outside the hall.

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