Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 265: Kill the fire! Liberation of the Yuan Dynasty!

The loud and majestic singing voice came from the mouth of Xu’s four-star musician, and instantly rang through the entire Imperial City, purifying everything.

Everyone is staying!

In the murderous eyes of the people, there was a trace of clarity, which seemed to be freed from the sacrifice of the Fire Emperor.

The female emperor also stunned, full of surprise, unbelievable.

Looking at Xu's lack of serious and serious face, she realized that this little guy is not only playing something bad, he always has a righteous heart!

Otherwise, how can you make such a **** and uplifting song?

In the air, the Fire Emperor was also dumbfounded, watching the horrible power of his body dissipated in horror, and instantly anxious.

"No, no... stop and give up, shut up!" His screaming anger shouted.

However, his snoring did not work, and it was thoroughly overwhelmed by Xu’s lack of majesty and loud voice, and was crushed by the justice of his singing!


In fact, Xu is also out of fear for this international song.

This supremacy, the song that represents freedom of liberation, is inviolable.

It represents the spirit of a great nation, representing the inviolability of the sacred, and the indomitable strength!

Xu deficiency now adapts it to save the people, but it is also a good heart.

At the same time... also for the sake of force!

However, he is only a four-star musician. After only one song, he wants to change the world and change their ideological concepts that have been subtly changed for generations to generations. This is certainly impossible.

But to influence them in a short time and let them wake up from the fire emperor's sacrifice, it's simple!

"This is the last fight,

Unite to tomorrow! ”

Xu Xiaoyue sings more and more, and many people are infected.

They no longer slammed the ground, no longer beheaded, and they stood up, and the solemn and tidy eyes fell on Xu’s body!

"No, little beast, you little animal, give up and shut up!"

The fire emperor roared and slammed into Xu.

The majestic power of his body, which has been hard to gather, has dissipated more than half of it at this moment, but it is still very strong, and its strength is comparable to that of the simplification period.

Crazy killings, from his body!

"Don't hurt my Tianxianggu disciple!"

At this time, the female emperor had a glimpse of her eyebrows, and she sipped from her side and stopped in front of Xu.

The green onion refers to a little out of thin air, and there is a ripple in the air.


The void in front of Xu’s lack of body instantly became water. With the flooding, the water gathered into the sea, a vast sea, and waves!

I rely on!

When Xu missed his eyes, he was very surprised.

The strength of the female emperor is too fierce. It is easy to display such a powerful law, and it can be done with just a finger.

This is too hard, I have to learn!

Xu’s eyes are hot and hot!


However, such a strong law, it is difficult to resist the fire emperor who has the blessing in the faith.

Even though the international songs that have been lacked by Xu have weakened most of them, they are still strong.

He carried Longyan, like a golden dragon, and slammed into the sea, his body suddenly stagnate, and immediately the sea water burst open and disappeared!

"Little girl, hurry to escape, see how I cure him!"

Xu lacked a loud drink, opened the system automatic hosting function, continued to play the national anthem, and at the same time pulled out a sword, the trend is to display "killing a sword" to kill the dog emperor.


Just then, several icicles suddenly traversed in front of him, and the female emperor stepped on the sword of the supreme cloud.

She is still calm and watery, gentle and dignified, watching Xu lack of smile: "Little guy, concentrate on playing!"

Xu lacked an eyebrow and chose to kill the Emperor. He must first break the last half of his power.

Although the international song is playing at this time, there are still a small number of people who are still awake and continue to be sacrificed by the fire emperor, and the vitality is being consumed!

"You, help out to wake up the compatriots around you, the battle has not yet won, comrades still need to work hard!" Xu looked at the part of the wake-up monks and the people below, shouting.

A monk reacted very quickly, and immediately the vibrating arm responded: "My old horse is willing to go to war, kill the emperor, and liberate the fire country!"

"I am willing too!"

"Killing the fire, liberating the fire country!"

"Killing the fire, liberating the fire country!"

Soon, with a small number of people, more and more people stood up and shouted, and the voices rang all over the place, and some people woke up.

But... there is still no way to make the entire imperial city awake.

"No, this is not enough, it is forcing me to enlarge!"

Xu wrinkled his brow and immediately called out the system, entered the system mall interface, quickly purchased a manuscript, and simply made changes.

Immediately, the big hand waved and threw the manuscript down, just in the first place to stand out and shout the monk!

Xu lacked and shouted: "Old horse, your surname is Ma? OK, you will call Marx later, and the one next to you... Yes, it is you, you are called Engels. You two quickly hand-drawn drafts Go down and speak out loud."


The two monks below suddenly took a look and spread the manuscript to see it. Suddenly, "The Declaration of Independence?"

Xu lacks eyebrows and picks one: "Hey, isn't the co-production declaration? Rubbing, buying the wrong one, forget it~www.readwn.com~ The Declaration of Independence is also OK, and let it go, let everyone go through it, get familiar with it, I don’t believe this dog emperor is still dead!"

At the same time, the rest of the people are still shouting "killing the fire, liberating the fire country"!

The fire emperor and the female emperor were in the war, and the more they became more and more annoyed, they finally couldn’t help but roar and roar: "Let you, this group of people, but a group of fish and people, is the king of a country, the king wants to die, the minister has to die, now I want you to sacrifice, do you dare to swear?"

"Fart, don't listen to him, come, Marx, you have finished reading you first, shouting out loudly!" Xu lacked to urge the monk named Ma.

The surname Ma’s monk was excited. The Declaration of Independence saw his blood and his bold thoughts completely broke his long-standing concept.

Hearing Xu’s lack of calling him, he couldn’t care for himself or was it called Marx. Zhang mouth shouted: “We believe that some truths are self-evident: people are equal in life, and creators give them a number of Inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

"Well, Engels, it's your turn!" Xu lacked the man's road next to the monk of Ma.

The man did not hesitate, and shouted: "We appeal to the world's most lofty justice, explaining our solemn intention..."

Read and read, the rest of the people who received the manuscript, also joined in.

The sound is getting bigger and bigger, and finally, the end of the sentence, resounding through the clouds:

"We solemnly declare ... the fire country, since then, to abolish all obligations to the royal family!"


Almost at the same time, the fire emperor on the cloud and the female emperor spurted a blood!



[The fourth is sent, everyone remembers to vote for the reward, the next chapter of the Fire Emperor will take the box lunch, I promise! 】

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