Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 293: Is this still Fujiwara?

No... Didn’t you miss it?

Is this what the Fujiwara brothers would say?

Silly - forced? Mental retardation?

How can these words be said from the mouth of the Fujiwara brothers?

It’s hard to be done, and Fujiwara’s brother was also anxious by Ye Changfeng, and began to talk nonsense?

And he just said that he once defeated Ye Changfeng in one stroke?

I rely on it, really fake?

Is Fujiwara brother bragging?

Is this Nima still the innocent Fujiwara brother?

Everyone was a little bit forced at once and could not react.

This story is also changing too fast, right?


"you wanna die!"

At this time, Ye Changfeng, who was re-raised by the scandal, became angry and sullen, and screamed coldly and raised his sword to rush to Xu.

Xu lacks a smile, and the big sword in his hand suddenly slams forward, instantly transforming countless virtual shadows, overwhelmingly, directly covering Ye Changfeng.

With his current strength, there is no need to use any special means at all. Just a swimmer is enough to crush the wind and wind!

The nine-layer period of the Yuan Ying period, dealing with the fourth floor of the Yuan Ying period!

This kind of battle is meaningless at all, no suspense!


Ye Changfeng just approached, and was instantly shrouded in a vast force, his face changed dramatically, and immediately felt bad, and his heart retreated.

The number of the broad swords that can be seen before Xu’s absence is already falling towards him.

The sound of "砰" was muffled, and the imaginary shadow was shot on Ye Changfeng. The whole person was shot on the spot and fell heavily on the ground. The mouth immediately coughed up a blood.

In an instant, the audience is silent, and the needle can be heard!


Xu lacked the momentum of the nine layers of the Yuan Ying period, and released it without disguising, shocking all the people present.

"How can this be?"

Everyone is wide-eyed and unbelievably looking at Xu deficiency, his mind is already blank.

How come there are nine layers of such a young Yuan Ying period?

Is this still the original Fujiwara brother?

How to change to be like a person!

Where is the innocent temperament?

Why is there only such a strong and maddening momentum?

My goodness, what is going on here?

No, no!

It must be our eyes that deceive ourselves!

The fault is not the Fujiwara brother, but the world!

What's going on.

Is it because of our self-blame, are there hallucinations?


Ye Changfeng fell to the ground, his chest, his face pale, but also full of anger and panic.

He couldn't believe this scene, and he was defeated by Xu's lack of a move!

What made him more difficult to accept was that this was not seen for a few days, and Xu’s lack of time went into the nine layers of the Yuan Ying period!

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible..." Ye Changfeng's mouth was filled with blood, and the konjac muttered.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

At this time, there were several broken sounds coming from not far away.

Xu lacked eyebrows and looked up. Several men and women appeared, just right next to Ye Changfeng.

"Hey, are you looking for help?"

Xu lacks a play and laughs.

He is not at all surprised by this phenomenon. Ye Changfeng is also a baby of Jian Jianzong. His identity is also very simple. Entering this place like Jian Jian will definitely secretly arrange for manpower to protect.

In the Xiuxian world, such protectors are very common.

However, due to the ban on the sword, the infants who are in a strong period of time can't come in, so Ye Changfeng, a few beggers, are just a few monks with nine layers of the baby.

Xu lacks nothing at all. With his current means, the eight-layer baby can be killed, how can he be afraid of a few ninth layers of slag?

However, he did not wait for him to ridicule the sneer. After the Guardians of Ye Changfeng took a medicinal herb, their eyes were already locked in Xu.

One of the women is very powerful. She is one of the nine tiers of the Yuan Ying period. She is the defender of Ye Changfeng. At this time, she saw that Ye Changfeng was hit hard, and her heart was naturally angry.

"Have your own knees, thank you for your sins!"

The woman shouted at Xu’s lack of voice, her tone was very strong, and her attitude was extremely bad.

Many of the arrogances in the field were stagnation, and apparently did not expect that this time, the sword-in-chief, the strong man who guarded the path of Ye Changfeng, had so many people, and he was always hidden in the dark and was never noticed.

This kind of strength is definitely a small one!

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes were involuntarily looking at Xu’s lack of sympathy, and my heart shook my head slightly.

This is over, I’m afraid I’m going to suffer!

Xu lacks a mouthful of praise, with a gentle smile, whispered: "Sorry, in the beginning of the next arrival, there may be some rules, if there is anything wrong?"

He whispered a little, and the smile on his lips suddenly became cold and his eyes narrowed. Zhang said madly: "What are you going to hit me!"


Everyone in the room suddenly took a breath of cold, and was completely scared by the transformation of Xu’s character before and after.

It is hard to imagine that a boy who was gentle and kind in the past second, this moment became so rampant and overbearing.

And in the face of several strong players in the same realm, he actually dared to take the initiative to provoke.

This is simply not to be killed!


Several beggers were also annoyed. Only one person was left behind Ye Changfeng to help him heal. The rest of the people shot at the same time, exerting a powerful sword and killing Xu.

The lion fights rabbits and uses all the power!

What's more, they also saw that Xu lacked strength and did not have a small flaw. They all used the most powerful force to besiege Xu.

However, Xu’s most fearless is the siege. He has all sorts of means, even if he only uses different fires, he can easily solve these few people.

But now ~www.readwn.com~ but he does not use the different fires, but instead holds the old broad sword, directly to the face of the female guardian.

Obviously, Xu deficiency cannot be a gentleman. Every sword he stabbed was very simple and neat.

But everyone saw the mouth twitching again and again!

Because this guy, each sword is dedicated to the lower body skirt of the female Guardian, very shameless and wretched, completely deliberately irritating!


At this time, the chill around the area became colder and colder, as if something was approaching.

No one can detect this on the spot.

The female Guardian is also more and more annoyed, full of madness!

She has been practicing the immortal world for so many years and has never encountered such a shameless play.

"Today I will set you up and smash, and you will not die well!" The female guards screamed, and the swordsman became more and more sloppy.


Xu lacked a sudden lightning, and exerted three thousand thunders, which easily escaped.

Moreover, he stabbed the skirt of the female Guardian with a sword, and accidentally pulled it too hard!


On time, the crisp and loud voice sounded, and the skirt of the female protector was completely torn off. The two smooth and round long legs were exposed to the crowd!

The female protector is stunned!

Other Guardians are also staying!

Some people are dumbfounded at the place!

Only Xu is missing, the well-informed old driver is still calm, looking at the two slender white legs of the female guards, swearing: "It’s really amazing for my sister, so cold, you actually Did not wear long pants!"



[Second more sent! Oops, I am so angry, I accidentally sent the two chapters together! OK, today I have to go anyway! Kang touch AV8D, let me see your tickets and rewards! 】

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