Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 304: I am going to make a big move!

"call out!"

The two swords slid down again from the air, and then Xu suddenly fell back and suddenly retreated.

The sword spirit was slightly stunned, and there was doubt in the eyelids. It seemed that I could not understand why it was playing well. This human being suddenly did not fight!

Did you admit defeat?

Everyone in the room was also wrong, and even a thought came out. Isn’t the Fujiwara brothers going to run again?

Brother Fujiwara, how are you doing so much?

It’s cool! We are looking at it!

Why didn’t you suddenly hit it?

Wouldn't it be true to run away?

It’s just three things! You just ran twice now!

Everyone’s eyes are fixed on Xu’s lack.

However, Xu did not disappoint everyone this time. He did not run.

"Sword spirit, this is not a way to fight down, this sword **** decided to make a trick, but this move is too powerful, I am afraid that after using it, you will die here!" Xu lacks a smile.

At the same time, he also thought of a move, called out the system mall interface, eyes locked a set of swordsmanship, did not hesitate to exchange it!

When everyone listened to him, it was a black eye and almost wanted to faint.

The trick?

Big Brother, if you have a trick, then the top is also the sword skill, even the sword is not as good, and can not use the real power, how could it kill the monk?

What's more, people's swordsmanship is so powerful, I am afraid that standing still will not cut you, you can't cut people?

It’s terrible to blow a cow that is so bad that it’s so mad!

Moreover, it was also said that you had just said against Ye Changfeng, you have to zoom in and put it on!

Before you zoom in, you can still play with your mouth. Do you know that in such a short period of time, the swordsman can also go in seven times and seven times in your body.

However, everyone has long been immune to the shamelessness of Xu.

The most powerful thing to know about Xu is not his sword, but his mouth.

This mouth - live, the world is invincible!


Sword Spirit is very cautious, although it is convinced that this human juvenile could not have killed it, but the swordsmanship just made it very interesting.

Those who can create such swordsmen must have profound and unique insights into the sword, even to the point of being crazy.

Therefore, when Xu lacks to say that he wants to use a more powerful sword, the sword spirit is more excited than the cautious.

For the first time in thousands of years, it has had such a touch of excitement and anticipation, and the icy look has become brighter.

The reason why Jianling is sword spirit.

Just because it has a strong obsession with the sword!

Feel the Kendo!

Comprehend the kendo!


When there is a new kendo insight in front of it, everything else is secondary to Sword Spirit.

Therefore, when he heard that Xu lacked to enlarge the move, the sword spirit was excited. It was also accumulating, ready to meet Xu Xiao, a big move full of martial arts.

"call out!"

It lifted the sword again and pointed to Xu.

The meaning is still very obvious, that is, let Xu continue to continue.

Xu Xiaozheng just exchanged the new swordsmanship from the system mall, very indifferent, and his mouth floated with a confident smile.

It’s not that he is really confident, but the sword, which needs enough confidence to brew.

He slowly lifted the sword in his hand, and his body exudes a fierce and dusty mood!

"My sword... I haven't used it for hundreds of years. Hey, I can't think of it, but you can force me to use this sword that screams and screams, and I will fulfill you!"

Xu's face appeared a deep deep.

Everyone in the room was suddenly picked up.

Although I don't believe what has been said in the gap in Xu, I have never used it, but the momentum on his body seems to be exactly like it.


At this time, Xu suddenly suddenly revealed the first word, and the sharp sword in his hand suddenly crossed the air, and there was a whistling sound!

"Outside!" His sword is getting faster and faster!

"Flying!" The blade has become a shadow!


The last word fell, Xu suddenly jumped up, the blade just disappeared, turned into a lightning-like sword, and suddenly went to the sword spirit.

The audience was instantly lost.

"The sky is flying fairy? Is there anyone in the world who dares to use the fairy word as the name of the sword?"

"This is just a sword, how can we call a ‘仙’?”

"No, you see, Fujiwara brothers have not used the slightest power, but this sword can be so fast. If a mortal is displayed, I am afraid that I can kill the refining monk!"

"Oh, let's say that this sword is really strong!"

Many people reacted and sucked up a few mouthfuls of air!

The martial arts skills use such a superb realm, the world is definitely a handful... No, it should be said that no one can do this!

After all, people who have such talents have already set foot on Xiuxian Road and focus on swords. It is impossible to focus on martial arts. But now, this Fujiwara brother has applied a martial arts sword to such a degree.

Under the whole world, I am afraid that this is the only one!


At this moment, Jian Ling also glanced at it, passing a trace of surprise and surprise.

Obviously, it did not expect that a martial arts sword and sword method can actually use these realms. This is the first time it has been seen since its birth!

What kind of person is this boy~www.readwn.com~ will be so crazy, so focused on a martial arts swordsmanship?

What is it? Is he really an attachment and madness to the sword?

Sword Spirit held countless doubts, and finally raised his hand in the sword, cast a solitary sword, trying to crack the lack of the sky outside the flying fairy!

Hold your breath!


Everyone present was watching this scene intently.

In front of the lack of Xu, the momentum of the whole person has risen to a pole and peak, the sword in his hand and his body seem to be merging into one.

This kind of momentum!

Such a kendo!

It’s just amazing, unheard of, unseen...

Can sword spirit catch up?

Everyone is looking forward to this peak matchup.

But at this time...


After a crisp sound, Xu deficiency has not touched the sword spirit, the sword method has just been applied half, and the sword in the hand suddenly fell and fell to the ground!

The whole moment is quiet!

Sword spirit is gone!

Many Tianjiao are also dumbfounded!

This... what is going on? Is the hand slipping?

Impossible, how can someone who can use this sword method not even hold the sword?

This situation is a bit strange!

But in fact, Xu deficiency is true - the hand slipped.

Originally, he wanted to rely on this sword to deceive the sword spirit, so that the sword spirit no longer focused on the solitary sword, but followed him to imitate the flying fairy.

Then, when the sword spirit casts the flying fairy, he suddenly changes his mind to use the broken sword style, and then finds out the killing sword superimposed power, killing the sword spirit is caught off guard!

This is indeed a good way, but I have never thought of it, but I have slipped it!

This is especially... it’s too embarrassing!


[Second more! 】

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